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  • Cheating...

    Does anyone else do this? I feel like the biggest cheater, but it is SO awesome...

    I park my kids in the shower...for hours, sometimes. They just love it. We have this big, walk-in all-tiled shower and the water drains immediately (doesn't pool). Even DD, who's only 10 months, seems to have a terrific time. She splashes, babbles, and snorts. I can get tons of work done on the laptop, because I can sit on my bed and see right into the bathroom.

    I am basically allowing the condo association to pay for my babysitting (the association pays the water bill).

  • #2
    Hell - what ever works. I've been know to plunk the kids in the bath tub so they stop whining.


    • #3
      Netlfix- currently it's Chitty-chitty Bang Bang.



      • #4
        We're all about the bath tub and "drops" aka food coloring. If the kids are really good, I let them "paint" with shaving cream in there, but I reserve it for days that I need it so that it stays special. I can also get a good hour out of setting up the water table and 30 minutes from letting them do bubbles inside in the basement. Anything that seems against the rules, they're all about. I'm probably totally setting myself up for future failure. Oh well.
        Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


        • #5
          All the time. Not sure why it's cheating, to me it's a win/win situation. Down side, maybe the water that ends up on the floor? Otherwise, it's all good to me!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Color_Me_Sulky View Post
            All the time. Not sure why it's cheating, to me it's a win/win situation.
            Oh, I guess I just thought that it wasn't real "parenting" in the I was using a short-cut or something, instead of meaningfully "bonding." Sounds like others have helpful "short-cuts," too. Good! I just feel kind of guilty when the evening is going smoothly and the kids are enjoying themselves and...I'm not miserably exhausted. It's like I'm not doing my job. hahahaha!


            • #7
              Sounds good to me

              I put both dd's in the tub together sometimes...I can get two or three loads of laundry folded and put away.
              Ds gets plugged into the wii or computer...
              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


              • #8
                Bathtub, computer, movies, Wii (my older one is an electronically obsessed), playing outside while I move the lawn. I cheat anyway I can steal a free moment!


                • #9
                  "Oh, I guess I just thought that it wasn't real "parenting" in the I was using a short-cut or something, instead of meaningfully "bonding."

                  Ahhh, but remember water play is part of tactile stimulation, very educational in early childhood ed. They learn to manipulate, pour, scoop, ect. Every good preschool has a water table for fun, or something similar. The school district I use to live in, had a preschool room that was called "open times" (In Clayton btw I forget you're over there). You pay to use this HUGE room that is set up like a preschool. They had a water table that they would put water in, or noodles, or rice for tactile play. The kids loved it, clean up is better than sand IMO.


                  • #10
                    The joys of a master bath. I do this all the time!

                    Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore

