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started 3rd yr rotations yesterday!

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  • started 3rd yr rotations yesterday!

    It was so nice to see him last night with his face all lit up while he told me all about his day It made every minute of stress during finals and boards worth it to see him genuinely happy like that!
    Living the Life of Intern Year...

  • #2
    Originally posted by seaside*bliss View Post
    It was so nice to see him last night with his face all lit up while he told me all about his day It made every minute of stress during finals and boards worth it to see him genuinely happy like that!
    This is exactly why I loved third year.... now when he is doing less exciting rotations make sure you remind him what it was like to be sitting at a desk ALL day.
    Loving wife of neurosurgeon


    • #3
      Originally posted by MarissaNicole3 View Post
      This is exactly why I loved third year.... now when he is doing less exciting rotations make sure you remind him what it was like to be sitting at a desk ALL day.

      No kidding! I will have to remember that!
      Living the Life of Intern Year...


      • #4
        He is starting out with IM which is located within a clinic. He is already saying "Patients really apperciate me here; maybe I should do this specialty instead of ER" (where he worked as a tech for 3 years). We had a BBQ at one of the Dr's houses last week, he had a dinner and lecture on prostate cancer last night, and a tumor board meeting this morning. I think he was expecting that he would just do his rotations and that's it lol. I think it's good for him though!
        Living the Life of Intern Year...


        • #5
          DH thinks that he will go to the clinic and be home. I have tired to tell him that everyone says that is not how it works. I guess he will find out soon. I think it will be great for him to see that all his hard work and studying is paying off. The school part was starting to get old for him.
          Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


          • #6
            My BF's first week of rotations went so great too! I didn't hear from him too much all week, but all weekend he was just glowing talking about his patients, and about compliments he got from the doctors he's working with. He was actually *excited* to come home and look up things that he learned in the clinic-- a big change from grudgingly studying last year. It's amazing how happy it makes me to see him happy.


            • #7
              Originally posted by army md girlfriend View Post
              It's amazing how happy it makes me to see him happy.

              I couldn't agree more!
              Living the Life of Intern Year...

