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Fun Poll: What is your favorite City/Region and Why?

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  • Fun Poll: What is your favorite City/Region and Why?

    Mine would have to be the Gulf in Florida. I hope someday we will move there; always been a dream of mine! I love the food, late nights walks on the beach walking in the water with my jeans rolled up, the smell of the salty air, the seabirds, the laid back atmosphere, the outdoor resturants and bars, the fun little shops and obviously laying out on the beach with a fruity cocktail in my hand!
    Living the Life of Intern Year...

  • #2
    Santa Fe, NM. If I could afford to live there with no job.
    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
    Let's go Mets!


    • #3
      Favorite city: (hands down!) New York City.

      Favorite region: Texas. Favorite city in Texas: Austin.

      Place I've never been but I've heard is fantastic: the San Juan islands in Puget Sound. I'd love to go!


      • #4
        After all this time in the midwest, I'm really missing the Pacific Northwest. Although, I'm glad we've recently relocated to MN because the 10,000 lakes has been good for my soul.


        • #5
          Ooo, I have a couple--
          Santa Cruz, CA: beautiful, laid back, warm, beaches, intelligent people
          Vermont: idyllic and quiet and gorgeous
          Montreal: Bustling city with lots to do, lots of history, but is cleaner than many cities I've been too, people are nicer. Quebec City is like this too.


          • #6
            Southern California is probably my favorite. I love the warm, dry climate and the proximity to beaches, deserts, and mountains.

            I think if Washington, DC were in southern California it would be my most favorite place. DC is a great size, has great public transportation, and is full of amazing cultural opportunities (most of them free). But I do not care for the mid-Atlantic region at all.

            And I would love to live in New York City for like a year. I think I would get fed up with the crowds and the expense before long, but it would be a lot of fun to be in the center of all that action.
            Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


            • #7
              I have to say the midwest. After eight years of living in TX, when we moved back here, I saw beauty where I never had growing up. Seeing the corn ripple in the wind on a summer day.....beautiful. Seeing the color variations in the trees in the fall.....beautiful. Seeing the different trees bloom in the spring and all of the different shades of green in the spring.....beautiful. Seeing the fields glisten with frost in the mornings before the sun burns it off....beautiful. Seeing the icicles hanging from tree branches......beautiful.

              You get my drift. This is home and those things resonate with me. I love the beach and need to be on one at least once a year, but the midwest is "right" for me.
              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #8
                I love the climate (cool summers, mild winters), the liberal politics and laid-back attitudes of the Pacific Northwest. I adore the Pacific Ocean and the wind-whipped rocky Northwest beaches. A small town with independent businesses is great, but I also have gotten accustomed to being close to the amenities of a big city. Within a couple of hours is probably close enough though.

                So I guess I'd have to say an island in the Puget Sound would be my ideal place to live...


                • #9
                  We haven't done the PNW yet (will in 2011) but we're definitely midwest people. We always miss it when we're not here and we're always comfortable when we're here. We could end up anywhere after June 2012 but the midwest is by far our 1st choice.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #10
                    We're West Coast people for the climate that Alison speaks of - mild weather all year round. I absolutely love where we're living in CA (even though I'd prefer to be in an actual city). I'm so happy to have fresh produce and fish at arm's reach!

                    I miss things about the Midwest. In my experience, people are nicer.
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #11
                      I love the mountain west. Bozeman, MT and Jackson, WY are my ideal towns. But, I’m easy to please, I just need a place with four distinct seasons and mountains that I can ski in the winter and hike in the summer. We’d be thrilled if we ended up in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming or even back home in the Black Hills of SD.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SuzySunshine View Post
                        We haven't done the PNW yet (will in 2011) but we're definitely midwest people. We always miss it when we're not here and we're always comfortable when we're here. We could end up anywhere after June 2012 but the midwest is by far our 1st choice.
                        I'd love it if you stayed on the West Coast. Spreading your Jayhawk love.
                        married to an anesthesia attending


                        • #13
                          To visit: Jackson Hole, WY
                          To live someday: Charleston, SC
                          That I've lived: Hanover, NH or Annapolis, MD

                          Notice that Boston and Cleveland aren't on this list!!
                          Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                          Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                          • #14
                            I want to live anywhere in the south!! I want to get good sweet tea. I love hot and humid weather and HATE snow. I could care less if I ever see snow again, let alone ever drive through it again. SCARY!!!
                            Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                            • #15
                              I am right there with ya! I grew up in central Missouri and I cannot wait until I can live somewhere that I can wear flip flops and short sleeves everyday of the year!!!
                              Living the Life of Intern Year...

