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Changing Travel Plans

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  • Changing Travel Plans

    Any of you out there worried about traveling in the next few months? Thomas and I were planning on going on our first vacation as a couple in....9 years 8O to celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary. My mom is set to come up in March and stay with the kids....but we're having second thoughts.

    Really, we are afraid of traveling. With the threat of another 'war' looming in the not-so-distant future, we're afraid that it might not be safe....We were going to try the Dominican Republic or the Virgin Islands..and now..we're talking about doing something in our own a nice room in Minneapolis and just spending time going to the theater, etc...

    Are we totally wimping out or are other people out there concerned as well?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2

    There is a great article in this month's Conde Nast Traveler about perceived versus real risk in regards to travel. I'm going to mail it to you tonight.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      Nope- The thought hasn't entered my mind, really. There are places that I wouldn't go with my husband because he just screams "American Military". I don't think Indonesia would be a great place to go right now- but our budget won't allow us to go anyplace too fun this year, anyway.

      I say go- have fun and relax!



      • #4
        I'm afraid to travel no matter what the political climate (I hate to fly) but at this point, I would be a little leery to leave the country. Maybe you could go to someplace domestic that would be cool. My sister is going to Amsterdam next week and going to Asia for 5 months next year and I'm terrified for her! She obviously got all of the adventurous genes in our family. I say, definitely do something fun with just the two of you, even if it isn't as far away as you had planned to go!
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          I haven't honestly thought about it, probably because we have no money and can't go anywhere. I don't think I would be flying overseas anywhere. I would probably go someplace warm either in the U.S. or close to it. I am usually quite adventuresome but there are some scary things going on now and I have kids at home to worry about too. I think you should leave Minnesota though. GO SOME PLACE WARM!!!!!



          • #6
            I'll be vacationing with Robin (nowhere). Go have a good time. If you will worry too much, go somewhere in the US, but do go away.
            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7
              Come on down to AZ! It's nice and warm here right now. We'd love to have ya!



              • #8
                Umm...vacation?? What is that? Wait...I think I am recalling something...
                somehting people do when they have $ and free time....yeah, won't be doing that anytime soon!
                Good to know that someone could get out and enjoy themselves!!!
                Ok, now the question. Did our President say something along the lines that if we changed our daily activities, or plans that the terrorists had won? Now, I am not hootin' for the man...or going against him at this point. I am an American and have a right to my opinion, be it right or wrong in anyone elses eyes. But IF we (doc & me) had the time, and IF we had the money to do something I wouldn't think twice about changing any plans to travel, or roam the country, or skydive, or...Ok, I am daydreaming now.
                On the oither hand, I agree with the points made, I wouldn't head over to Jakarta, or check out any pyramids in Egypt this year. I don't think I would visit Columbia either, just read an article on some things going on there, doesn't sound fun right now.
                Anyhow, that is what I would do.

                "Terrorist be damned, we are going to the beach!"


                • #9
                  Here's quote from an article I was reading:

                  Attorney General John Ashcroft announced today that the Office of Homeland Security was raising the nationwide state of alert from "yellow" to "orange" due to an abundance of credible intelligence about potential terrorist attacks both in the United States and abroad. Orange is defined as a high risk of terrorist attacks.

                  At today's press conference, the Attorney General stressed that the government is not urging Americans to change their travel plans or cancel planned events, but rather have "a heightened awareness of their surroundings."

                  For what it's worth...


                  • #10
                    code change

                    RIGHT...then why ARE they announcing all of these alerts? If there is nothing that we can do to make ourselves safer, then why bother upsetting us? Really...I"m so annoyed with this (and yes, I've had a pot of coffee and am feeling a bit...irritable ). Why on earth are they giving us these new alert levels and then telling us not to change what we're doing? You least when you get warnings about say....salmonella in milk they recall the milk and tell you not to drink it if you got it at store A...but this is like "HI...there is a serious threat of terror attacks and this is only the second time since 9-11 that we've had an alert at this level. We can't tell you what the danger is...because its too vague...we feel it is a serious threat...but whatever you do..dont' change anything about your life..we just wanted to scare you a little..there is really nothing that you can do to prevent something horrible from happening to you or your family. 8O

                    I TOLD you I'm feeling irritable!

                    Anyway..we're not going. We decided to put our tax return into recarpeting our playroom and fixing the floor in the family room...we are going to take a minivacation this weekend with the kids..we're going to a local hotel that has some neat kids stuff (we have a stay one night get one night free coupon 8) ) When my mom comes for our anniversary we're going to spend 3 days in the cities doing some fun things w/o kid...not really the caribbean vacation that I've always dreamed of...but you know...if it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...I'm just afraid to fly now.

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      At least you will be able to get out of town. May not be fun in the sun, but hey fun in the snow could be enjoyable!!

