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I need a hobby

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  • I need a hobby

    With everything going on, DH and I have decided that I need a hobby. ( usually I knit.. but I was in the middle of a baby blanket for Sara Kay... so I think I am done with knitting for a while). So... here goes... I need you wonderful people to give me some suggestions for hobbies. Cheap or expensive... at this point we don't care, I just need SOMETHING to occupy my time, and since DH has vetoed the new dog and moving... a hobby it is!

    Thanks in advance for all of your suggestions!!

  • #2
    I enjoy making thank-you and birthday cards. Mostly I make generic ones to use in the future, but I like to make people/event specific ones too. It seems to mean a lot to get a hand-made card.

    Mine are very simple, although I love to stamp and emboss.

    Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


    • #3
      Um, World of Warcraft is mine... Definitely absorbing and time-consuming, and lets you completely forget about reality for a little while.
      My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


      • #4
        Gardening? Either in the ground or in containers. I saw you posted about your peace lily, I know that I am kicking off one of my cyclic obsessions by poring over sites on gardening and potting soils and fertilizers, etc. etc. Miniature roses can be a blast to grow and tend and collect, or African violets. Of course, moving tends to be hard on my containerized plants, so it's not such a mobile hobby. But you could go nuts at looking for ideas and inspiration.

        Or sewing, like home decor and such.

        Or cross stitch. Check out this site: and some of my favorite designers: for fairies and queens; for birds and butterflies and other bugs; for incredible flowers.

        Dog agility? You and your pup could get out and have some fun together.

        I am a serial hobbyist, LOL.


        • #5
          Just throwing out a few ideas of things I enjoy:

          Do you workout or belong to a gym? I often get bored working out so I like to take classes to keep myself motivated/entertained. I am a big fan of body pump it is a group fitness class that uses weights to music - I find lifting weights really boring so this class is a good way for me to develop/maintain some muscle.

          I also tried ashtunga yoga which is a little more execise/movement than traditional yoga but it still involves the key elements like breathing, focus, and balance. I loved it - but the local yoga studio is expensive so I can't go regularly.

          Do you enjoy baking/cooking? I know Michael's stores offer different classes like cake decorating.

          Painting/crafting/making flower arrangements? If you like making things try just walking around your local craft store to see if there are any projects you would like to try.

          Scrapbooking or even photography?

          Have you thought about learning a new language or instrument? Or perhaps picking up an old one? Can you take classes anywhere? Look at your local community college - see if they have any classes... even if you don't take them they may give you some ideas for new hobbies.

          If you have a church do they have a womans club?

          Have you thought about volunteering at a local animal shelter?

          Those are just a few ideas... hope you find something new that you enjoy!
          Loving wife of neurosurgeon


          • #6
            I've been escaping into Sims for hours at a time. Although I often feel that I need to find a more productive hobby. What about cooking/baking? Every time I see another picture of Nellie's pies I wish I could do that.


            • #7
              It's not so much on the inexpensive side (it's crazy how much they charge for colored paper), but I enjoy scrapbooking. I wish I had more time to do it.

              I'm a terrible cook, but like to try out new recipes. I'll see something on the Food Network and want to test it out. DH has been a great guinea pig, plus he enjoys having a meal on the table when he gets home!


              • #8
                I also love cross-stitch, they make nice wall art or gifts.

                I took some cake decorating classes this last year, that was a lot of fun - just make sure you have somewhere to take the cakes like work or sending them to work with your husband.

                Community education classes are great, I've taken several in lots of different topics during our time here.

                Agility would be tons of fun. Molly & I took lots of classes before Adele was born and it gave us both a good work out.
                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                • #9
                  I second the yoga thing- it's both mentally and physically relaxing (and oddly stimulating, too)

                  I am way too ADD for most crafts but can do cross-stitch. I was also knitting for a while but was working on a rug when Rick told me he was being deployed and the entire aura about it has changed and it give me the willies to think about working on it again. (weird how that happens, huh?)

                  I love to cook and find it relaxing because you have to pay attention to what you're doing which means you really can't think about much else.

                  I love crossword puzzles for the same reason. I do the ones in the paper whenever I can. It makes the newspaper subscription well-worth it!



                  • #10
                    I love hiking, exploring, and running in new places. Do you have any nature preserves around that you haven't yet seen? The best part is that it is free, healthy, and good for the head. I just feel more right with myself when I'm outside.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      If you like horses, what about riding lessons? It's fantastic exercise and, bonus, you get to purchase fun, elegant clothes and boots. It's not a cheap hobby ... but I find it therapeutic (and horribly addictive).

                      Everyone else has had great suggestions! I hope you find something you love.


                      • #12
                        When I needed a hobby, I went and took a cooking class at the local culinary school. It was so much fun. Hobby Lobby does things like that as well. I think you can take Cake decorating. They are really fun!
                        Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                        • #13
                          I recommend taking a class in something that interests you. It really motivates you to go and get out of the house because you have already paid for it. You can take a class in anything, cooking, dance, fitness, art.

                          Right now I'm taking a wheel thrown pottery class. It's so much fun! I'm on my 3rd class. You don't need any art experience you just follow the instructors steps and you can do it. It does take a lot of practice though. Pottery classes are expensive I think, because you do need to use their materials and equipment, you can't do it at home. My classes are 8 sessions, one session is 3 hours for about $30. You also get open studio time with this so you can practice as much as you want.

                          I also took a watercolor painting class which was great. This is an inexpensive hobby and watercolors are portable so you can paint anywhere! You should be comfortable with drawing though. If not you can take a drawing class.
                          Wife to Anesthesia PGY4


                          • #14
                            I also second (or third or fourth) the yoga suggestion. Such a great way to calm the mind and enjoy spending time with yourself. Classes can be expensive, but once you learn a series of poses, you can practice on your own at home for free.

                            Do you have any possible events to plan? Maybe invite a couple friends over for dinner? I can spend hours and hours plotting menus, arranging flowers, selecting music.... etc.


                            • #15
                              So.....have you tried out anything?

                              I hesitate to offer suggestions because so many of the hobbies I attempt are designed to give me more peace and contemplative time. (Hiking, yoga, etc.) I'm thinking that "time to think" may not be what you need. Also, I wonder about the physical activity itself. Good thing, bad thing? This is a hard hobby question! Scrapbooking would depress me. As would geneology. You must remember that we are in "Grand Rounds" here with open access to all - so not every respondent will know the particulars of your situation. (Please PM me if you'd like me to move this.)

                              I'd actually avoid the yoga if I were in your shoes. It always makes me MORE emotional --- being the repressed person that I am. There is something to all that meditative time and "opening the heart". Of course, that may be just what you are looking for.....

                              We are starting agility with our puppy. It is lively and fun. If you have a dog training center near you, check in to what classes they offer. It could redirect your thinking entirely. Maybe the language classes? That also sounds like it could keep your mind occupied. How about planning a vacation for the future? That is escapist fun - and takes loads of time.

                              I hope you are having a better day.
                              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

