We had such a busy weekend and it ended with what is called a Blue and Gold ceremony for the cub scouts/boy scouts at our local church. We arrived a few minutes late and everyone was already inside...we noticed a large gathering in the lobby of the church and so we all ran in..salad in hand...and...we walked into the middle of a funeral 8O We didn't realize it until we'd walked into the center of it...and...it was..an open casket affair...Isn't this morbid..it was so AWFUL, you guys...I quickly whisked us all out but we had to walk through the whole gathering again..I felt so awful...and I'm still a bit..traumatized by it
I know that sounds weird..but..I just was so shocked. It sort of..put a damper on the cub scout banquet
Fortunately, the kids didn't see anything.
