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I hate evil people

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  • I hate evil people

    So if you read my other thread DH started his first away rotation today. While he was in surgery he left his white coat in a surgical room (with his wallet). He was told that it was a secure area but when he got out of surgery he noticed that all his cash and his subway card were stolen (roughly $140 value).

    I'm not sure I understand where he left his white coat because I only spoke with him briefly but he said that he was told it was a "safe area." No patients have access (unless they are on a gurney) which means another student/nurse/resident stole from him!

    Grrrr! I am sooo irritated! But I am trying not to let DH know because I don't want him to think I care about the money.... I want him to concentrate on his sub-I not losing money.

    Gosh I hate evil people.

    At least they didn't take his credit cards but I told him I want him to buy something to put around his neck or keep with him at all times.
    Loving wife of neurosurgeon

  • #2
    That's awful. So disappointing! Hope he's not too distracted. It's yucky to know someone has gone through your things and taken from you.


    • #3
      There isn't much worse than a thief!! Glad they didn't take his cr cards.
      Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
      "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


      • #4
        I'd file a police report with campus police. There probably isn't much they can do about this, but they should know about these incidents.

        That really sucks.
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #5
          That stinks. This is exactly why my DH doesn't carry a wallet when he goes to work. He just have $30 or so in the zipper pouch of his lunch box. Figure, what more does he need than that at work.


          • #6
            That leaves a bad taste. I can't believe they took the time to go through the wallet rather than just taking it, although is is good that they did that and didn't take cards.
            I make DH leave his wallet at home because there is no safe place for him to leave stuff at the hospital.


            • #7
              Alison's right...hopefully he filed a report w/campus police! Gosh that really stinks!


              • #8
                When I go into the hospital I leave my purse in the trunk of my car. I keep just a few dollars in my pocket.
                wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                • #9
                  That really sucks. I would definately file a report.


                  • #10
                    I'm sorry. That stinks! In a week or so, go to and run his credit report, just to make sure the thief didn't open any new accounts in his name, especially if he had anything in his wallet that had his social security number on it. (That's the government site, where you get one free report per year from each of the three major credit institutions.)

                    Also, watch his credit card statements closely. There's a (small) chance that they could have written down the numbers and information but not taken the cards, so he wouldn't close the accounts immediately. If you can check the statements online, watch them daily to see if any transactions show up that aren't his.
                    My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                    • #11
                      That's terrible. My mom is a NP and works at several different nursing homes. She carries a large black bag (office) on wheels with her where she keeps everything. It is also stored in the employee area. One day two weeks ago someone took her cash, otoscope and an expensive stethoscope. What bothered her the most was that it had to have been one of the people that she works with regularly AND they had to open up her bag and go through her things.

                      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                      • #12
                        As of last night he did not report it but I did text him to suggest it. Also he was going to say something to the chief this morning (otherwise I the chief might think its wierd that he wants to bring his wallet into the O.R.).

                        I'm watching our credit cards and trying to remember that it is only money - and reminding him to focus on learning and making a good impression.

                        Still I can't believe that someone in the surgical department went through his wallet!
                        Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                        • #13
                          That so sucks! How unnerving!


                          • #14
                            People can be evil! Last year Dh's $300 stethoscope was stolen in the ER when he was helping to stabilize a patient and it fell off. Chances are someone who worked there found it and kept it. I'll have to remind DH to leave his wallet in the car.


                            • #15
                              I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you guys
                              in med school, it was a well known fact that the fellow students were the worst thieves. Pretty pathetic considering they're all basically in the same boat.

                              Dh had a stethescope stollen right after he got it a couple years ago. I wanted him to engrave it, but he didn't think it was necessary. Yeah...buh-bye litmann cardio stethescope. It grew legs and walked away. We got him another...I took it in the same day it arrived, to walmart or things remembered...and had his name engraved on the bell. Just two months ago we replaced the cracked tubing...but still have the bell and ear piece . Hundreds of dollars vs $20.
                              Engraving at things remembered is $10 a line I Cute attitude (moi?)And lucky to have a nice person--free....check into it.
                              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

