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Motivational Book Suggestions?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by madeintaiwan View Post
    Ugh... I read that book and I HATED IT!!! I think 90% of her concepts are absolutely ridiculous. Men are simple and as long as you take care of the home, don't nag them, and give them sex whenever they want it, they'll be putty in your hands. Oh and smile and act "as if" and you'll have a happy husband ready to please you. WHATEVER!!! I am a SAHM and I was ENRAGED the entire time I was reading the book. I am getting HOT just thinking about it. Sorry, I was apparently raised differently and I am pretty much everything that is wrong with today's women according to Dr. Laura. She can bite me. And I really don't like how she criticizes women who work outside of the home. My mother was of those women and I didn't turn out f'ed up like she describes our generation of women and mothers. Sorry, I am SAHM of 3, don't have any family around to distract me from my wifely duties, I'm not overbooked with outside activities, and I do practically everything for my PGY3 ortho surgery husband and he is definitely not "putty" in my hands like Dr. Laura claims he should be.
    LOL! I read the post before and immediately thought "PLEASE don't let Davita see this." Too late.

    I think Dr. Laura is an idiot. I'd heard some of her stuff before, and then I ... uh ... heard an earful when Davita was reading it (her dh's grandma sent it to her). I was about to drive to her house and burn the damn book.

    I'm not really capable of a "take it with a grain of salt" kind of read, so I don't think it would work for me. I'm glad you were able to find something redeeming from it LM. To each his/her own.


    • #17
      I think I have an Amazon credit. PM me your info and I'll order it for you.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #18
        Ii ordered Kris' book and it was great. I have the Medical Marriage book and haven't tackled it yet bc of the disclaimer in the front that says it is intense basically. Should I not read it? Ladymoreta, I also have some of Dr. Laura's books and while she can be abrasive, she is not always totally off base. Just my oppinion. I approach her with a take it or leave it mentality and certainly don't let her get under my skin if I disagree with her ideas. If you don't like it, don't read it.


        • #19
          Kris's book is definitely the place to start. I have read the Medical Marriage book - twice. Took it very differently both times, as we were at very different places in our journey, and I may actually read it again. For anyone who is worried about lawsuit or going through it (we haven't been there yet, but in EM figure it's not a matter of "if" but "when") "The Resilient Physician" is really good.
          Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


          • #20
            I also recommend Kris' book.

            I am pretty much everything that is wrong with today's women according to Dr. Laura. She can bite me. And I really don't like how she criticizes women who work outside of the home.
            I used to listen to Dr. Laura on my lunch hour while running errands. I would be hell-fired up by the time I returned to work. She was so caustic and judgmental when so many women are just doing what they have to do.

            I'm pretty sure that if I die and go to hell, Dr. Laura will be my roommate.

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

