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DH late for surgery!

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  • DH late for surgery!

    Please tell me DH is not the first to oversleep on a surgical rotation! I'm not lying when I say our alarm was set and decided not to go off as was his phone. He woke up at 5:50 when he is supposed to be there at 5:30. I heard every curse word in the book multiple times. Can we say pissed!!! I feel so bad for him, he's back to considering surgery , which brought on quite a heated discussion last night, so this is a serious rotation for him. What happens when they're late. He used to be late sometimes as an M3, but it wasn't really a big deal because there were others. Now, as an M4 he is the only medical student and has alot of responsibility, so clearly they know when he is late. Poor DH.

  • #2
    Ugh - I feel for him. I hate it when that also does not make the start of your day the best to make the lateness bearable. I hope he is not like me who gets flustered, forgets things at home in my rush to make it to where I need to be, etc, etc. Has happened to DH too.

    Here's hoping for a busy OR last night which would have made all the faculty late this morning and your DH right on time. OR a moment where he can impress his attendings with his knowledge and skill.
    Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


    • #3
      DH was never late as a med student but has been late twice as a resident. One of those times, he was woken up BY THE SUNLIGHT THROUGH OUR WINDOW (oh, my word, talk about complete obscenity-ladden freakout ensued) and once (still at night, though) by the page of a more junior resident, who realized he wasn't there yet and was trying to help.

      Somehow, both times worked out OK. But I understand--complete panic.


      • #4
        My DH has been late twice through the years...and he missed morning rounds by an hour or two. Last year he received a phone call from the OR inquiring if he was o.k. because it wasn't like him to just not show. Once in a great while a mistake like this isn't an issue if everything else is kosher.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Well he called once he got there and sounded a little less stressed. Hopefully they understood.


          • #6
            Oh no!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it wasn't that big of a deal and will be forgotten.


            • #7
              Ok, luckily they were all making jokes about it and everything is fine!!!


              • #8
                Oh good! I'm glad it all worked out in the end!
                Since when do they start on time?! Plus, they'll usually yell at Anesthesia, the real reason for the late start. Ha!
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #9
                  As I recall, there were a few late starts during residency- but as long as they're the rare event things usually do work out.

                  Even now though he freaks out if he's going to be late for morning report. He's the only one from his department who is there every day cup o' joe in hand. He takes his responsibility to model good behavior for the residents very seriously!


