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Help with legal fees

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  • Help with legal fees

    Hi all,
    this is the old Dr Wahoo...I am not sure where to put this thread, but my divorce has gotten really nasty and because the man has a wallet I am really taking a beating. I was a long time member of this forum during my marriage and have always found it a source of strength. Through Secret santa's, cookie exchanges and long debates about Dumbledore's sexuality I have loved being apart of IMSN. Sadly my involvment ended last year when my doc husband filed for divorce. But I am hoping somebody out there can help me out. He has taken custody of my kids even though I was a stay at home mom and highly supportive wife during our entire marriage. And he did not even go to just any medical school but on a godforsaken island called Dominica

    Currently I have found a great lawyer named Ted Levine in Pikesville, MD who is helping me at a VERY low cost. My legal fees total about $500, but I am unable to pay and I am fighting for custody of my kids.

    I know this sounds like a scam but its not. Just PM me for more info. I would be glad to simply give you my lawyers address and number so you can check my story.

    Thanks in advance

    aka Dr Wahoo

  • #2
    Are you asking for money to help pay your attorney fees?

    I know in IL if one spouse made all the income and the other managed the home (and therefore didn't or doesn't make any income) the non-paid spouse can usually petition for the attorney's fees to be paid by the working spouse. Therefore I would think you should be able to get your fees paid for by your husband. You should also be able to get maintanence AND child support (if you get your kids back).

    If you've already lost your kids you may need a new attorney.

    A good attorney is more than worth the cost (and it may be to their benefit to take your case even if you can't pay up front if they can get your husband to pay your fees).

    Good luck to you!
    Loving wife of neurosurgeon


    • #3
      Charmaine: I'd talk with your lawyer and work out a payment-by-installments plan. That could help to get things under control. Have you lost custody of your kids using this attorney? If so, I agree with MarissaNicole--you should consider switching counsel.

