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  • Thanks

    I don't know why my thread was closed, but thanks to Gray Matter and Marissa for the advice. I didn't lose custody, we agreed that the kids could stay with him until the divorce is final which was supposed to be go final back in May. But then he decided to drag it out and then his COT was pushed back. We are going to try to work it out privately prayers and good vibes. He's kind of strange things are cool for a minute and then he gets into this defense mode. He has a girlfriend now, so I think he she is feeding him all this crap and trying to keep me away from his new house because he thinks I actually care about him having a girlfriend.

  • #2
    I think it was closed because soliciting funds from us to help pay for your divorce was probably inappropriate and against iMSN rules. I could be wrong here, just a guess.
    Married to a peds surgeon attending


    • #3
      Yes, that is why it was closed. You should have received a PM about it, I apologize if that didn't go through.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        Sorry, I don't understand why it would be inappropriate ? In fact Kris PM'ed me early in the process that if I needed help to ask. I am not some outsider who just randomly came to the forum. If I didn't get kicked out of the private forums for some reason, I would have asked privately.

        And it had nothing to do with simply my divorce it had to do with the CUSTODY OF MY KIDS. If any woman on this forum had her kids taken away from her, I would gladly help or provide some information on how to attain them back. Don't be a snob.


        • #5
          Soliciting funds of any sort is inappropriate. Luanne is not being a snob. It's a matter of protecting the members from an inundation of funding requests.
          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
          With fingernails that shine like justice
          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


          • #6
            Originally posted by cnokuri View Post
            Sorry, I don't understand why it would be inappropriate ? In fact Kris PM'ed me early in the process that if I needed help to ask. I am not some outsider who just randomly came to the forum. If I didn't get kicked out of the private forums for some reason, I would have asked privately.

            And it had nothing to do with simply my divorce it had to do with the CUSTODY OF MY KIDS. If any woman on this forum had her kids taken away from her, I would gladly help or provide some information on how to attain them back. Don't be a snob.

            I'm sorry, I've held my opinion for a very long time, but you will NOT be rude to any of these spouses here who've shown you far more kindness, patience, and tact than I could even dream of mustering. No one is being a snob to you, they're simply explaining that asking for funds is a giant no-no. Which, honestly, you should already know. Asking for advice or informational help is always fine. That's kind of what we exist for. I would imagine (and Kris, please correct me if I'm wrong) when Kris wrote "to just ask" for help, it in no way occurred to her that you might ask for help with your legal bills because that is just so far out of what is considered acceptable. She evidently (and kindly) gave you far more credit than she should.

            No one "kicked" you out of the private rooms. You did so when you created a new ID. Your post count went back to zero so you would have had to either email and ask to be allowed in or wait until you hit the 50 posts. Which is exactly what would happen if any of the rest of us created a new ID for ourselves.

            Look, this adventure we're all on is tough. Adding a divorce to the mix and it's torturous. We all want to be there for each other through this crap fest, but this isn't the appropriate venue to beg for money. Asking for information on resources? Cool, we can help find some. There's a wealth of knowledge here. Asking for money? Um, not so much. Not by a long shot.
            Last edited by diggitydot; 08-20-2009, 10:29 AM. Reason: Because syntax counts...

