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I'm Bored...

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  • I'm Bored...

    Now that I said that something wild and exciting is going to happen and I will be kicking myself for saying it!

    My kiddos went back to their dads today, I am home alone and did a good scrub of the house top to bottom.

    S doesn't have a day off this month so I don't even have him to harass... I mean I could text message but at a certain point you kinda feel like you are talking to yourself!!

    So here I sit, browsing the board.
    I should be thankful for boredom right?!

  • #2
    Haha, well, boards tend to be slow on holiday weekends... but if you haven't read it yet, I'm finding The Time Traveler's Wife to be a good read. It's taken me about 6 hours to get through half of it, so you won't race through it. At the same time, it doesn't require too much thinking if you just want to relax.
    Back in the Midwest with my PGY-2 ortho DH and putting my fashion degree to good use.


    • #3
      Oh I really want to read that book. I went to the movie when I went to visit S in Boston - I loved it
      I should go and have a look for it.

      I will have some dinner and relax for the evening That's a good way to beat boredom!


      • #4
        Really? I heard the movie was awful. My friends actually walked out and demanded their money back (which they've never done before). They're actors, though, so they tend to be highly critical. Regardless, I've heard across the board that the book is better.
        Back in the Midwest with my PGY-2 ortho DH and putting my fashion degree to good use.


        • #5
          AmberW: You are seriously bored! I just looked at the new posts board and your name is on at least 12 of the new posts as the last person who has posted. You hit your fifty posts fast!

          I too am bored, so I feel ya. J is on call and I'm still waiting for a few job positions to come through. Its just me and his cat tonight. Today's highlight was going to Office Depot and buying the land line phone so when the cable company comes tomorrow to set up our land line we will have a phone and answering machine to go with it.. Whoo hoo.. I'll finally have an instate phone number

          Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
          Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
          Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


          • #6
            Holy crap you did hit your first 50 posts fast! I'm still anxiously awaiting mine. I need to find some more stuff to talk about .

            I've actually been pretty bored all weekend, even though DH is home. He's on psych rotation so he's been home a lot the past few weeks. It's kinda funny, when you're used to DH not being around and then he is around a lot, after a while you find yourself missing your alone time a little bit. I'm sure that's impossible to believe when you're in a long distance relationship .

            I finished reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in Nighttime not long ago and found it very entertaining. It's fairly quick too, definitely a weekend read.

            Or you could do like me and have to write a 12 page report for work on what was supposed to be a long, free weekend
            Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


            • #7
              Originally posted by niener View Post
              Holy crap you did hit your first 50 posts fast! I'm still anxiously awaiting mine. I need to find some more stuff to talk about .

              I've actually been pretty bored all weekend, even though DH is home. He's on psych rotation so he's been home a lot the past few weeks. It's kinda funny, when you're used to DH not being around and then he is around a lot, after a while you find yourself missing your alone time a little bit. I'm sure that's impossible to believe when you're in a long distance relationship .

              I finished reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in Nighttime not long ago and found it very entertaining. It's fairly quick too, definitely a weekend read.

              Or you could do like me and have to write a 12 page report for work on what was supposed to be a long, free weekend
              Haha. I know that feeling. When J and I were in long distance he came in for a 9 days of his vacation. When he left and I walked in after a long day at work and was able to sit down, watch tv, and have ME time I hadnt realized how much I missed it. Now living together I get A TON of me time with him at work. Now I just have to keep busy occaisionally to give him his ME time.

              Oy, that report sounds aweful. I hope it goes quickly!

              Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
              Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
              Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by LilySayWhat
                I think I identified with the book too much as a medical spouse - like they're always disappearing and you're left holding the bag. I can't say I'll see the flick!
                haha, so true.

                I was actually thinking of recommending this to my IRL medspouse friend. During MS3 she noted that she would be a horrible psychiatrist because she'd always believe the patients...or at least believe in the possibility of them hearing voices, etc. This wouldn't help.
                Back in the Midwest with my PGY-2 ortho DH and putting my fashion degree to good use.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by LilySayWhat
                  I bought yarn yesterday at the 40% off sale at my local yarn shop and am knitting a red boucle skullcap/small cloche to wear with my autumn trench. That, facebooking, and watching Return of the King. Because that's how I party!
                  Knitting, LotR, and red wine made for my A-number-1 way to spend call nights when we were in Cleveland!


                  • #10
                    Yes - I was VERY bored this morning/afternoon!
                    I am downloading a movie to watch tonight... that's my big plans!

                    S and I went and watched the movie together - we liked it because we hadn't read the book. SO many people that have read the book hated the movie. S kept saying "Hey, you're the Time Travelers Wife" - I think many medical spouses could agree on this!!

                    On a side note - I hope I am not posting too much! Let me know if I get irritating!!!


                    • #11
                      Haha, I love to see what everyone does when they are bored/trying to keep busy. I'm taking a pottery class once a week now. Thinking about taking up golf too. I'll be a jack of all trades before these away rotations are over. My nights usually consist of:
                      -Trying to not text/call DF
                      -watching TV
                      -Trying still not to text/call DF
                      -watching a movie
                      -Trying to not sound let down/disappointed the next day when DF says he had a busy night and couldn't talk. I know it isn't his choice and he probably would want to talk to me if he could, it just makes me feel lame waiting up and then getting disappointed. I really wish I could mask my disappointment better! Or not get that way in the first place Maybe it will get better? We've been together 9 months now (he's in his 4th year)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mmart36 View Post
                        Haha, I love to see what everyone does when they are bored/trying to keep busy. I'm taking a pottery class once a week now. Thinking about taking up golf too. I'll be a jack of all trades before these away rotations are over. My nights usually consist of:
                        -Trying to not text/call DF
                        -watching TV
                        -Trying still not to text/call DF
                        -watching a movie
                        -Trying to not sound let down/disappointed the next day when DF says he had a busy night and couldn't talk. I know it isn't his choice and he probably would want to talk to me if he could, it just makes me feel lame waiting up and then getting disappointed. I really wish I could mask my disappointment better! Or not get that way in the first place Maybe it will get better? We've been together 9 months now (he's in his 4th year)
                        Aww, that sucks. Do you have a lot of friends in your town? I'm definitely an extrovert, so I would go so stir crazy if I wasn't around people constantly.

                        When DH was on away rotations this summer, I thought I was going to be really bored, especially after my summer classes ended. However, every weekend was a new adventure, and I also had lunches, dinners and drinks with friends regularly throughout the week. So maybe all my discretionary spending was spent on going out instead of shoes for a change, but it really helped the time fly. Well, I'm not sure how I feel about that wording because I had a lot of fun this summer; it wasn't just to make time fly until the next time I could see DH.
                        Always seek to enjoy your life. When DH can join in, awesome! But when he can't, don't let that drag you down.
                        Back in the Midwest with my PGY-2 ortho DH and putting my fashion degree to good use.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mmart36 View Post
                          Haha, I love to see what everyone does when they are bored/trying to keep busy. I'm taking a pottery class once a week now. Thinking about taking up golf too. I'll be a jack of all trades before these away rotations are over. My nights usually consist of:
                          -Trying to not text/call DF
                          -watching TV
                          -Trying still not to text/call DF
                          -watching a movie
                          -Trying to not sound let down/disappointed the next day when DF says he had a busy night and couldn't talk. I know it isn't his choice and he probably would want to talk to me if he could, it just makes me feel lame waiting up and then getting disappointed. I really wish I could mask my disappointment better! Or not get that way in the first place Maybe it will get better? We've been together 9 months now (he's in his 4th year)
                          Aw, I know the feeling! Although I have gotten much better over the past year. I used to be like this - but now I have taken the below advice - enjoy my life, and where S can fit in, that's good for me and for him!

                          I also have three kids, they keep me very busy when they are with me. When they are with their dad though I have to keep myself occupied.

                          I have had to learn to become busy and happy with what's right in front of me. Although I still have to tell myself not to text S... I tell him I am stalker via text... that's one thing I don't worry about though - but also don't expect a response because I know he is busy!

