Where do u guys normally get your flu shot? DH is doing his ped rotation around Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I am going to make sure I get one this year!!
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DH=at the hospital
Me=at work (fed gov employees get them free at courthouse)
Is anyone planning on getting the H1N1 vaccination (if it ever gets approved and is available)? Really curious...the pediatrician is supposed to talk to me about it when DD goes in for her next visit on 9/30...and DH asked me not to get her one until he had spoken with the pediatrician about it, personally.
Which is TOTALLY weird for DH. He is usually "get'em vaccinated, come heck or high water" gung-ho about vaccinations (I swear, I wouldn't be surprised if he got DS the Guardasil vaccination, just to be on the safe side...). So that took me aback.
Originally posted by cupcake View PostI need to make peds appts for the kids to get Flu-Mist. I will ask about H1N1 then. When does it come out? Mid to late October? I can't recall.
Just put "call peds office" on my to-do list for tomorrow. I know the flu shot is out but I'm not sure about the Flu Mist. I wonder if there is a certain amount of time that would need to elapse between regular flu and H1N1 immunizations...I'll ask about that as well. I vaguely recall not being able to get the flu shot years ago because I had just done some travel immunizations a week or two prior to the flu shot clinic.
I've always done the shot (usually at the hospital, but now that I'm SAHM, the local pharmacy is a good option), but because of the higher efficacy in kids, did the mist for them last year. Both tolerated it fine, but I do agree - I would prefer a shot for myself.-Deb
Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!
My employer offers them for employees and family, so we are going to get ours there next week. I've never had a flu shot before. I HATE needles. I'm nervous but I'm going to be a big girl this year. Figure if I get it at work I can't cry because of my No Crying at Work Rule.
We get ours through DH's hospital - we have our appointments (me & A) for 9/21 for the seasonal.
As for the H1N1, I will get it if it becomes available while I'm still pg, that is what my OB has recommended. We haven't talked about whether or not A will get it - she'll go in for her 2 year check up at the end of December so we'll ask the ped if a decision hasn't been made by then.Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
They offer it at work for people that have their health insurance. I had the flu in January and it SUCKED. I'll probably go to whichever pharmacy is closest on my lunch hour (I work exactly not anywhere near either military hospital.
My beloved will get his at work and I'll have him take the dude to the shot clinic at the Army hospital.
Originally posted by CassyWho has gotten the nasal flu vax before? I think that's what I'll get at the hospital b/c of my age. What's it like? The idea of crap misting up my nose icks me out, I think I would rather have a needley shot.Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!
I never get the flu shot, but they offer it for free at work. I'm only around kids 1 hour/week (Church Youth Group - ages 11-17), and I get herd immunity from everyone at the med school because anyone who works in the hospital has to get them. Plus, there's a limited supply of flu shots and I'm in the lowest risk group as a healthy 20-something who barely interacts with children.
So, for now, I don't get the shot.
I'm considering getting the H1N1 vaccine... I don't know if the strain is any worse than the regular flu, but supposedly young adults (18-24) are a high-risk group for it. I'm 25, but I'm around college kids a lot, so I figure I'm at least higher risk for H1N1 than I am for the regular flu. Once it's released, I'll look more closely.Back in the Midwest with my PGY-2 ortho DH and putting my fashion degree to good use.
I used to get the seasonal flu shot for free from the university that I worked for. But since I don't work there anymore, I'm waiting to see if my grad school will offer me one or I will keep an eye out for clinics offering them. DF got his seasonal flu shot at the hospital this week. They were instructed to get their flu shot from the hospital or else they would need to wear a mask this winter. He will also be getting the H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available in mid-October. I heard something to the effect of they believe that they might be able to vaccinate for H1N1 in one dose versus two doses like they originally thought.
I won't get the H1N1 vaccine, but I firmly believe in getting the flu shot. At first it was because I worked on a college campus and was constantly exposed to sick kids. The 2007-2008 flu season was awful, all of my students were sick and missing at least a week of classes. I was really lucky that I didn't get sick, as they loved to stop by and visit my office with fevers, sneezing all over the place... But now it is because I share living space with a pediatrician. Who will be on the floors from January through March. I don't think he gives me any immunity whatsoever, he probably will bring something home at some point. It might not be medically possible, but that's what I believe. Just my 2 cents.
Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending