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An Epiphany from Another Post

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  • An Epiphany from Another Post

    What's the weirdest thing your cat has done/caught/gotten stuck in?
    This was prompted by Sam_'s cat, catching a vole, and Crystal's cat chasing flies.

    Cats crack me up --
    I have a ton of these stories, but will wait to respond
    Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
    Professional Relocation Specialist &
    "The Official IMSN Enabler"

  • #2
    Trust me, it's not a happy ending. No one wants to relive MY cat story.



    • #3
      Our old cat, Dizzy, was a snake-catcher. Not that he actually brought us any snakes that I know of, but he wouldn't chase "mouse" type objects, just long and skinny ones; and he would dive at the point just behind the "head", grab it, give it a quick shake, and then jump back.

      We adopted him as a feral kitten (5-6 mo old) in a desert-y part of California (San Bernardino valley), so it seemed plausible enough.


      • #4
        At one time, I had three "hunters" in the house I grew up in. Each cat had a different "specialty" - R would go for "big game" (rats, even moles!), S brought us reptiles and amphibians on a regular basis (toads, salamanders, frogs, random small lizards), and K brought bugs. Oh the bugs! Her favorite prey of choice was and still is june bugs. (So gross!)

        Best story: in one day, we had brought to us -- a dead field rat, a legless frog, and 5 june bugs. It was like a pile of Xmas presents at the front door.
        Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
        Professional Relocation Specialist &
        "The Official IMSN Enabler"


        • #5
          I had a cat growing up that ate some Christmas tree tinsel and then had a string of tinsel hanging out of his butt. He looked very festive! We were afraid to pull it all the way out, so we had the vet deal with it. (Tinsel should be a no-no if you have cats, btw).

          During med school, we had a cat that would bring in crickets (alive) that she caught in the garage and she would bring them onto our bed and put them on us. One morning, DH got up and looked in the mirror....had a cricket leg hanging off his face. The cat had put a cricket on him in the night, he was asleep and felt something and inadvertently smashed the cricket onto his face. GROSS!
          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


          • #6
            I love cats too. Our family cat is still going strong at 15. She has caught numerous rabbits, rats and mice. She's a farm cat. She's also the most affectionate and intelligent pet I've ever had. If you tell her she's useless, hasn't caught a mouse in weeks, guaranteed the same day or next day she'll bring you one. And she'll climb up the gutter to the second story of the house to find an open window so she can show us her gift.
            Her daughter caught nothing but voles.

            My and DH's cat on the other hand, is the most useless cat I've ever seen. Let me put it this way...she's afraid of the outdoors.
            Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
            Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


            • #7
              My cat story... well we don't have a cat.

              At our very first apartment the door wouldn't catch unless you slammed it shut. Came home one night after grad school and the door was ajar. no big deal, checked the house, nothing missing, everything ok. Few hours later we are heading into the bedroom and this thing, a cat pokes its head out from under the bedskirt. I freak out and start yelling to DH, "IT'S A CAT IT'S A CAT, GET IT OUT!!" He runs through the house gets the broom chases it to the bottom of the stairs, where the door is. He then runs down to open the door and the cat scrambles back upstairs and we contiue to play this game until it finds it's way back to the door.

              I was very freaked out at the time but now it is a funny story.
              Wife to PGY5 ortho resident
              SAHM to 3


              • #8
                Oh my heart just fluttered...A post on iMSN about cats!!! I have two cats...Zeus (male) and Jimmy Page (female). They're insane. Probably the funniest thing I've seen them do is go haywire (sp?) over fishbait. Anyone with cats should try it: tie a fishbait to a fishing line and let her rip...spin it in circles, bob it up and down, or just let it hang and see how high they'll jump. Ahhh, I'm going to come back to this later, I'm interested to hear what others' cats are doing!


                • #9
                  I posted several months ago in the pet area that my girl cat (in the picture you can see) became very attached to me soon after I got pregnant. She liked to sit on my chest and upper stomach area constantly. I was convinced she new I was expecting. Her new thing is to jump on the bed, rub her head on my belly where the baby is, and then curl up with my tummy. It’s too cute.

                  Now that we have relocated to NC for residency I was able to get my second cat (a boy) from my mom’s home. He doesn’t travel well, and lived at Mom’s house for about a year and a half. Now that we are all together again I think he has now figured out that baby is in there… or that something is up.

                  Last week he started to jump on my tummy (while I’m sitting in the recliner or where ever) and knead on my belly! He hasn’t kneaded on anything since he was a kitten. Well, a few days ago he is going at it, I’m laughing, yell for DH to come see what he is doing, and all of a sudden he starts smelling my boob! Before I know it he opens his mouth and tries to go for it! I don’t know if he was really going to try something, bite me, lick my t-shirt, or what but I just screamed!!! It scarred the crap out of him and he ran. Thankfully he hasn’t tried it again. And that by far has been the strangest thing my cat has ever tried to do!
                  Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                  "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                  • #10
                    So my cat fancies himself a bit of an explorer... So when DH and I were moving to spend a month with my family before making the big move halfway across the country, we drove up one week before our scheduled move with the Uhaul and most of our stuff. We left our beast with my family (who adore him) and went home for one week to finish the cleanup and painting, etc. Well, my family left him in the large guest room primarily because it is the most secure room they have and he is an indoor cat.

                    Well, they went downstairs one night to spend some time with him and couldn't find him...anywhere! (Not unusual for a cat of course) He was ultimately located...he had wedged himself in the wall and my parents could hear his little "meows". (I was hours away and really upset of course) parents arranged with their contractor to come over the following morning and carefully rip the wall out to get the cat out. That night however, my mother located the hole (the cat had enlarged a hole that holds the TV cable cord) and she put a lamp and bowls of tuna and water.

                    The next morning, they awoke and ran down to check on him...found the tuna eaten, water drank from, litter box used, and cat back in the wall. Everyone's mind was eased (sort of) because now they at least knew he wasn't dehydrated and scared, no, just being a PITA!

                    They were able to catch him the following night when he came out for his tuna and he spent his remaining time living in the bathroom. When DH and I fixed the hole, we discovered that he could go into the wall, under the house and even up toward the second floor. *sigh* Our cat the explorer, at least he always came home for the litter box!!
                    Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                    • #11
                      On weird things they indoor cat is just hilarious.

                      Her latest thing is an attraction to the extension cords beside our computer. I think it's the warmth. She will purr off the plugs/extension cord and then curl up beside them. She has never played with or tried to bite them.

                      She doesn't kinow how to purr off things properly. Most cats will rub the side of their face off things right. This one likes to continuously headbutt. Particularly hard wooden objects. I think that she thinks it's purring.

                      She loves to sleep on plastic bags, so much so that we have a plastic bag in our living room for her to lie on. Despite the fact that she has nice confortable bed, she sleeps on a bag. I think this goes back to her days as a stray.

                      She will eat anything you're eating, including spicy foods, chips, vegetables and will just sit at the table and beg. Though we don't give her leftovers. She won't eat raw meat though.

                      I could go on.... She really is the weirdest animal I've ever seen and is a constant source of amusement. It does make up for the fact that she doesn't like being petted.
                      Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
                      Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


                      • #12
                        My current cat, S (who I saved/adopted as a feral kitten in East LA) needs attention the most when someone uses the restroom. I'll never understand it. It's unnerving for people to have the bathroom door opened by a dark claw and a little black cat to start crying like a human child, while sitting in your dropped drawers.
                        She's crazy.

                        I love these cat stories -- keep sending, if you choose to
                        Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                        Professional Relocation Specialist &
                        "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                        • #13
                          Jack plays fetch. He wont play with any store bought toys. He expects you to wad up a piece of paper and throw it. The he brings it back to you and cries until you throw it again. When he is done, he walks to his water bowl and drops it in.

                          Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                          Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                          Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by wildfin View Post
                            My current cat, S (who I saved/adopted as a feral kitten in East LA) needs attention the most when someone uses the restroom. I'll never understand it. It's unnerving for people to have the bathroom door opened by a dark claw and a little black cat to start crying like a human child, while sitting in your dropped drawers.
                            She's crazy.

                            I love these cat stories -- keep sending, if you choose to
                            Mine does this too, to DH and I but only if the other one isn't at home. We're unfortunate to have a little gap in the bathroom door, which means that she sits there staring in and scratches at the door.

                            I can only imagine what guests think! Can she actually open the door or is it ajar?

                            I wonder of it's a thing with strays. Ours has serious abandonment issues.
                            Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
                            Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MrsC View Post
                              It does make up for the fact that she doesn't like being petted.
                              My cat is also very particular about petting. She loves having her head petted, but if you try to pet her anywhere else, she attacks your hand.
                              My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

