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An Epiphany from Another Post

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  • #16
    Originally posted by wildfin View Post
    What's the weirdest thing your cat has done/caught/gotten stuck in?

    Does being sat on by the dog count?

    Our 130 lb. malamute is scared shitless of our three cats who combined weigh maybe 10 lbs. He's been trained to sit as soon as he sees other animals (when we first got him he had a tendency to want to run up to and investigate/jump/hump anything that moved, kid or animal) so his instinct now is to immediately sit. Sometimes on the cats if they're anywhere near his ginormous butt. And malamutes are sloppy sitters so his idea of "sit" is open to a very loose interpretation.

    Here's a pic of a mal (not ours) who's actually a pretty good sitter. Notice the sprawled legs? Yeah, our dog is far worse.


    • #17
      Originally posted by L.Jane View Post
      Jack plays fetch. He wont play with any store bought toys. He expects you to wad up a piece of paper and throw it. The he brings it back to you and cries until you throw it again. When he is done, he walks to his water bowl and drops it in.
      Oscar used to fetch, before he got old & lazy. His favorite toys were those beaded chains that are on lamps, keychains etc. He would hide them under the edge of the carpet and dig them out again.

      And if he wanted to play with us, and we were ignoring him... well. He would as-if-casually walk up to where I was sitting carrying a beaded chain in his mouth, drop it on my ankle, and then attack it viciously with his needle-sharp claws and teeth.

      My stepmother came to visit once during this period and we warned her about this habit. She spent the entire visit sitting with her feet tucked up on the armchair.. wouldn't let them touch the floor.


      • #18
        When our cat isn't getting enough attention he will walk up casually to you...then jump back suddenly, puff up, hiss and walk away sideways glaring at you. Minutes later - come up and nuzzle you. WTH? It is funny because usually it is to DH, and poor DH get so hurt "what did I do??" Truly a spaz cat.

        He also has issue with the dishwasher - doesn't even have to be running...same thing...puff up, hiss, walk away sideways. Although, unlike up, he NEVER nuzzles the dishwasher.
        Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


        • #19
          Our older cat, Dizzy (the snake-hunter, he died in 2007), would sometimes turn completely demonic for no obvious reason. Yellow glowing eyes, teeth bared, all claws out while he ran around in circles on the carpet. You could hear the carpet fibers ripping as he did it.


          • #20
            Rascal, aka The Fat Bastard (or Fawt Bawstawd to quote Austin Powers) was 25 pounds of kitty love and to wake me up, first he would knock my glasses from the bedside table to the floor. I learned to not even crack an eyeball when he did it. Then he'd wait until I turned onto my back and then crawl up my body (and you can imagine what 25 pounds feels like on the bladder first thing in the morning) purring as loudly as he could and then he'd sit on my chest (again 25 pounds!) and then if all of that still didn't work, he'd take his claw from his first 'finger' and gently extend it and put it right on the part where your upper lip and face join together. right on the exact line. and he'd leave it there, all the while purring as loud and he could.

            God, he was a jerk. and I still miss him.



            • #21
              Originally posted by L.Jane View Post
              Jack plays fetch. He wont play with any store bought toys. He expects you to wad up a piece of paper and throw it. The he brings it back to you and cries until you throw it again. When he is done, he walks to his water bowl and drops it in.
              My cat plays fetch too!!! With an old dish sponge. It stinks and is ugly looking but it is too cute watching him play I'm afraid if I replace it, he'll stop. It is so cute!


              • #22
                Probably the funniest story about my cat - Jimmy Page - is the fact that we didn't find out she was a girl until she was 3 months old (long after we named her). Poor baby, I still call her "him" sometimes!


                • #23
                  Lord I have about a million cat stories. There are a few on my post in the Pet Therapy section and some pictures of them as well.

                  My little one loooooooves plastic. Anytime you bring anything home in a plastic bag she'll lick it continuously until you take it away from her. I keep thinking surely it's bad to lick a plastic bag, but she LOVES it! My little one also likes to get in the fridge. Every time we open the door she hops in as fast as she can and sits right at the base of lowest shelf. I've definitely closed the door on her accidentally once or twice .

                  My big one is just a freak of nature. I've never seen a cat like him. He has so much personality. One of his favorite things to do is play chase. He'll purposefully do things he knows he's not supposed to do (like jump on the dining room table, pull books off the bookshelf, open the cabinets in the bathroom and pull everything out onto the floor (we now have child locks on all our cabinet doors because of this)) just so we will get up and run around trying to catch him to punish him. We've since resorted to spraying him with a water gun which helps a little bit, but he still thinks it's fun to get in trouble.
                  Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by mmart36 View Post
                    Probably the funniest story about my cat - Jimmy Page - is the fact that we didn't find out she was a girl until she was 3 months old (long after we named her). Poor baby, I still call her "him" sometimes!
                    When I was in middle school, I had a darling white kitty named Princess. We took her to the vet, and the vet said, "I don't think this is your cat. This is a boy!" Oops! So then I had a darling white kitty named Prince...
                    My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                    • #25
                      My (old) cat jumped into the back of a filing cabinet drawer which subsequently closed with the momentum of his jump. We thought he had gotten out of the house and were surprised to hear him from inside of the cabinet a few hours later...

