So I'm standing in line at Qdoba, picking up some chicken soft tacos for lunch and two people ahead of me in line is this 20-21 year old girl wearing spike heeled black evening sandals with two tiny little straps running between her toes (which were painted lavender), a sparkly ankle bracelet and a little short skirt. And about halfway up her bare calf was a big gray smudge of dirt/slush that she must have gotten getting out of a car because it's winter in Wisconsin and it snowed last night so the parking lots are icy and full of black slush. Very classy.
I was wearing hiking boots and wool socks with my dress--not very fashionable, I know, but at least I won't fall on my a** in the parking lot.
And last night driving home in the snow (which conveniently hit at rush hour) I was making a left hand turn and just kept going, spinning a 180 onto the median. I was sure I was going to plow into two of the cars waiting to make a left hand turn, but I didn't--I slid neatly with my front bumper between them and was able to back off the median and creep home. I think this means I've used up my karmic good luck for the rest of the year--I felt like a cat with nine lives that just spent them all.
Then, at 11:36 PM, the power went out. Not just for me, but for the entire grid as far as I could see. When it's 7 degrees outside with a wind chill below zero, that's not just an inconvenience. I started worrying about pipes freezing and whether I should put my two cockatiels in bed with me (they'd have loved that) and how cold the house would get before I started to panic. Fortunately the power came back on 3 hours later. Now at 1:49 it's snowing again and we're supposed to have 6 inches on the ground by morning. 8O And my DH is doing his last week of overnights this week, so I'll be the shoveler.
The good news is that Residency ends at the end of the month and we found a GREAT house in Arkansas last week and are set to close on April 17th. If I can just survive this last Wisconsin winter!!!

And last night driving home in the snow (which conveniently hit at rush hour) I was making a left hand turn and just kept going, spinning a 180 onto the median. I was sure I was going to plow into two of the cars waiting to make a left hand turn, but I didn't--I slid neatly with my front bumper between them and was able to back off the median and creep home. I think this means I've used up my karmic good luck for the rest of the year--I felt like a cat with nine lives that just spent them all.
Then, at 11:36 PM, the power went out. Not just for me, but for the entire grid as far as I could see. When it's 7 degrees outside with a wind chill below zero, that's not just an inconvenience. I started worrying about pipes freezing and whether I should put my two cockatiels in bed with me (they'd have loved that) and how cold the house would get before I started to panic. Fortunately the power came back on 3 hours later. Now at 1:49 it's snowing again and we're supposed to have 6 inches on the ground by morning. 8O And my DH is doing his last week of overnights this week, so I'll be the shoveler.
The good news is that Residency ends at the end of the month and we found a GREAT house in Arkansas last week and are set to close on April 17th. If I can just survive this last Wisconsin winter!!!