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Happy friday!

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  • Happy friday!

    Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! We are headed to Louisiana tonight... custody hearing is on Monday. I talked to Garrett's mom last night and her and Maw Maw have been planning out a food menu for the weekend! I love going "home" for good cookin! Nothing like home cookin in the south! Iam excited to see everyone, I love his family and am excited to see Nick, hopefully he will be coming home with us! Anyone else have exciting plans for the weekend?
    Living the Life of Intern Year...

  • #2
    Originally posted by seaside*bliss View Post
    Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! We are headed to Louisiana tonight... custody hearing is on Monday. I talked to Garrett's mom last night and her and Maw Maw have been planning out a food menu for the weekend! I love going "home" for good cookin! Nothing like home cookin in the south! Iam excited to see everyone, I love his family and am excited to see Nick, hopefully he will be coming home with us! Anyone else have exciting plans for the weekend?
    Mmm southern food! Don't forget you'll be celebrating the engagement too! But hopefully come Monday that won't be the only thing you are celebrating!

    DH is done with his second away rotation today... and he has a whole week off before starting his third one... I am SO FREAKIN excited to have him under the same roof for seven days! We are also going to see both sets of our parents this weekend so I am looking forward to that too!
    Loving wife of neurosurgeon


    • #3
      It has been really cold here this week (by really cold, I mean around 50 degrees - I'm totally a wimp about cold), and summer weather is supposed to come back tomorrow. So I'm excited about that!

      Also, DH has weekends off this rotation, which hasn't happened in a while. We don't have a ton of plans - doing a home tour in a nice neighborhood on Sunday. And probably spending most of Saturday watching college football.
      Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


      • #4
        DH has the weekend off, too! Unfortunately, no all-pajama days for us, though. We're going to a baby shower for one of the residents on Saturday, and one of our friends is having her daughter's first birthday party on Sunday. DH has to work late tonight, but we're so excited because this will be his first full day off in over two weeks. (How do they handle that???)
        My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


        • #5
          Tomorrow we go to IL's. MIL wanted us to go down Sunday for a joint birthday celebration for BIL and I. Umm, NO I'm celebrating my birthday Sunday alone with DH, the way I want it. I have requested chocolate fondue.
          If she wants to move it to Saturday, she can.

          I'm looking forward to some quality time alone with DH and speaking to my entire family at once, which usually turns into a two hour phone call.
          Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
          Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


          • #6
            Originally posted by MrsC View Post
            Tomorrow we go to IL's. MIL wanted us to go down Sunday for a joint birthday celebration for BIL and I. Umm, NO I'm celebrating my birthday Sunday alone with DH, the way I want it. I have requested chocolate fondue.
            If she wants to move it to Saturday, she can.

            I'm looking forward to some quality time alone with DH and speaking to my entire family at once, which usually turns into a two hour phone call.

            Happy early birthday!!! I hope you have a great one! Chocolate fondue sounds fantastic! That's usually how my fam works as well! LOL
            Living the Life of Intern Year...


            • #7
              Originally posted by oceanchild View Post
              It has been really cold here this week (by really cold, I mean around 50 degrees - I'm totally a wimp about cold), and summer weather is supposed to come back tomorrow. So I'm excited about that!

              Also, DH has weekends off this rotation, which hasn't happened in a while. We don't have a ton of plans - doing a home tour in a nice neighborhood on Sunday. And probably spending most of Saturday watching college football.

              I absolutely hate COLD weather, but by that I mean anything under 40 degrees I am really looking forward to the cooler fall days, sweathers, boots, scarves, etc... I just switched out my wardrobe from spring/summer to fall/winter last night...I am really excited, just wish it would've been cool enough this morning to wear a cashmere sweater....
              Living the Life of Intern Year...


              • #8
                DF is on-call in the delivery room tonight. We found out on Monday that delivery room call is 30 hours, so he'll be home at 1 PM tomorrow. And we have half of our bridal party and their SO/spouses coming over at 3 PM. Oops on our part! We kind of just assumed that delivery room call was like regular call, that he would be home by 9 AM and could get 4-5 hours of sleep before everyone came. You know what they say about assuming...

                Anyway, we're super excited to have our friends over and host our first event (besides dinner for family) in our new place! Two of the couples are staying over and we'll be hanging out together on Sunday too.

                seaside*bliss, enjoy your weekend with all of its home cooking and celebrating your good news!

                MrsC - Happy Early Birthday!
                Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                • #9
                  DH just called and he is coming home late tonight. Ah well, this rotation is almost over and next month will be much better... I think! LOL!

                  My mom is flying in tomorrow!!!!!!! I'm really happy! She is coming out to help me organize all this baby stuff. DH put the baby's dresser together last Sunday and we’re all ready for her. She is also going to help me go through everything I have and do some last minute shopping for those baby items I don't yet have. My mom has been extremely upset about us living so far away and having this baby. I hope she can keep her emotions on the reasonable side while she is here. I never know how to react when she gets upset. I'm going to think positive and hope things will be great this go around!
                  Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                  "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                  • #10
                    DH is coming home this weekend...kind of a drive-by between aways. Long enough to get some laundry done. I am going to lunch with some friends tomorrow, then I have some stupid family party - which I am going to leave as soon as is kosher!

                    DH leaves on Sunday morn for his last away. Not much longer before he's back home for good!
                    Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


                    • #11
                      I just went to a really interesting talk on the Pharmacology of Addiction and then took myself out for lunch to the only full vegetarian restaurant in town and once again I got the same sandwich w/ the same side as I always get. (I"m not a vegetarian but I pretty easily could be)

                      My husband is still in Cleveland for a conference at Case Western. He's now in love with Cleveland, specifically Little Italy. Good thing the Army owns him for 8 more years. Cleveland is too cold for me!

                      He gets back tonight about midnight. In the meantime, my neighbor Tasha and I decided that we needed to celebrate her dog's birthday by having steaks on the grill. We hang out on Fridays a lot- sit on the porch swing on my front porch, drink some wine and solve the world's problems.

                      The rest of the weekend we're going to have to tackle the yard- since it's finally been raining, all of the weeds are now 2 feet tall.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by seaside*bliss View Post
                        I absolutely hate COLD weather, but by that I mean anything under 40 degrees I am really looking forward to the cooler fall days, sweathers, boots, scarves, etc... I just switched out my wardrobe from spring/summer to fall/winter last night...I am really excited, just wish it would've been cool enough this morning to wear a cashmere sweater....
                        The other day it was probably just over 40 degrees outside, and low 60s inside. I was absolutely freezing. I think I have really poor temperature regulation.
                        Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by seaside*bliss View Post
                          Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! We are headed to Louisiana tonight... custody hearing is on Monday. I talked to Garrett's mom last night and her and Maw Maw have been planning out a food menu for the weekend! I love going "home" for good cookin! Nothing like home cookin in the south! Iam excited to see everyone, I love his family and am excited to see Nick, hopefully he will be coming home with us! Anyone else have exciting plans for the weekend?
                          BTW - We're going to New Orleans (DH's conference) in less than three weeks and I can't wait for the food!! I keep pestering him to find out what restaurant the department is taking us to. It's usually somewhere really good.

                          Enjoy the celebrations!!

                          Thank you both for the birthday wishes!
                          Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
                          Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending

