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  • Haircuts

    I have had TWO today. I had let me hair grow out so I could pull it back during labor ( something I will never do again). A good friend of mine is a hair stylist and has cut my hair several times so I called her to see when she had an open appt. Today was her first open appt, so I went today @ for a haircut. I have been thinking about this haircut as a way of putting myself back together. I feel better when my hair is short and cute, not long and unmanageable (it is curly and thick). Not sure where things went wrong, but I got home with THE WORST haircut I have ever had!! The haircut was supposed to make me feel better, NOT WORSE. I couldn't stop crying!! I called a very good friend of mine, whose brother is a stylist, and asked if she had "any magical strings she could pull" with her brother because it was an emergency! She called back and said that he was booked, but his Girlfriend (also a stylist) could fit me in a 3:30. Yay for the second haircut! My hair looks SO MUCH BETTER! It is alot shorter than I had planned, it is several inches above my chin, but anything was better than what it looked like the first time.

    Anyone else want to share a hair horror story??
    Last edited by medwife517; 09-25-2009, 07:14 PM.

  • #2
    OMG, I am sorry you went throught that!

    Ok, I know this is a LONG time ago, but it scarred me for life. It was the summer after second grade. My mom took me to get my hair cut. I too have thick curly hair. The guy chopped my hair off and gave me millions of uneven layers. There was NO way to fix it. I looked like Orphan Annie with a butchered hair cut. THEN as it grew out, it grew out into a mullet becuase of the way it was "layered" My hair took forever before I could wear it normal and shoulder length again. I didn't let anyone cut my hair again until I was a freshman in highschool! Now every time I go to get my haircut (which I put off constantly) I am so scared. I actually have needed to go for a month now, but have been making excuses as to why I can't go.

    Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
    Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
    Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


    • #3
      My best friend "trimmed" my hair and let's just say, she "trimmed" about 8 inches off. However, after the shock wore off, I've had short hair ever since.

      The other worst one was when I was 8. My grandmother took me and basically had my head shaved into a pixie (from long red hair) and my friend's grandmother called me by my brother's name.

      I'm still mad at my grandmother for that.



      • #4
        I'm really glad you were able to get another hair cut and take care of it right away! Having a bad haircut is totally miserable!
        Loving wife of neurosurgeon


        • #5
          This is why I wanted to be a stylist. I had a horrible haircut one time and I swore that I would become a stylist to make sure no one else ever got bad hair cuts!! My specialty is haircolor, and cuts. But I love me job. I am so glad that you got it fixed.
          Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


          • #6
            Originally posted by bokelley View Post
            This is why I wanted to be a stylist. I had a horrible haircut one time and I swore that I would become a stylist to make sure no one else ever got bad hair cuts!! My specialty is haircolor, and cuts. But I love me job. I am so glad that you got it fixed.
            Want to move to DC so you can be my stylist and give me a color and cut?

            Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
            Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
            Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


            • #7
              Ooooh, L. Jane- I have a person for you to see. Sheri is THE BEST colorist ever. She should be in NYC except that her husband is a Professional golfer so she needs to be near a lot of golf courses!

              I'll PM you her information. She's not in the city so it will entail a road trip but she built her own salon in the basement of her house so there's no waiting, there's fresh coffee/tea/juices, it's clean and her staff are great.



              • #8
                I can't say much, as I'm still coming down from my "going to a humid place on the honeymoon so might as well cut it short" brilliant idea 3 months ago. Just trying to grow it out with dignity it proving difficult. My "style" could easily be described by the following:

                Phase 1: Johnathan Taylor Thomas, circa 1994
                Phase 2: Kurt Cobain, circa 1992

                What will happen next? Who knows!
                Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                Professional Relocation Specialist &
                "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                • #9
                  I had gone to this stylist for about 8 months and the first visit my hair was mid way down my back and I liked it long. She convinced me to go for a layered look and it was FABULOUS. 2 months before my 10 year high school reunion I said I wanted to grow it out a bit so I had some more choice for the styling. I went in 2 days before the reunion and she cut off a ton of hair. Some of it was near my chin and the rest barely brushing my shoulders. I was less than happy and decided that our relationship was officially over. I am now far more vocal about what I want with my current stylist.
                  Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tenacious_D View Post
                    I had gone to this stylist for about 8 months and the first visit my hair was mid way down my back and I liked it long. She convinced me to go for a layered look and it was FABULOUS. 2 months before my 10 year high school reunion I said I wanted to grow it out a bit so I had some more choice for the styling. I went in 2 days before the reunion and she cut off a ton of hair. Some of it was near my chin and the rest barely brushing my shoulders. I was less than happy and decided that our relationship was officially over. I am now far more vocal about what I want with my current stylist.

                    It drives me crazy when stylist cut hair off. I am always in the mindset that we can always cut more off if you like, but I can't not glue it back on.
                    Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                    • #11
                      Ugh, sorry you had hair drama!! But I'm glad you got it fixed! I once knew a girl who got a bad haircut and flew all the way to NYC for an emergency fix that same day (sometimes you've gotta go to extremes for great hair! ).

                      OK, this is going to sound odd, but I actually have the opposite problem. Hairstylists will not take ANY creative liberties with my hair, even when I make it abundantly clear I want them to! I have had basically the same hair cut my entire life -- long with layers. Every time I go to the hairstylist (and I've been to about a trillion), I tell them "My only requirement is that I be able to pull it back when I need to, other than that, go wild!" and what do they always come up with?? LONG WITH LAYERS! Gosh that's brilliant!

                      So the last time I needed a haircut, I asked the women at work for recommendations and more than one of them mentioned this woman who is a "genius" and always gives them the best haircut of their life, and they even know people who when visiting from out of town make it a point to go see this woman because she's so good. So I go to her. I give her free range to do whatever she wants. And guess what she comes up with.... :-p. Yeah. AND to top it off, when she styled it she gave me these huge soft curls -- I end up looking like a larger version of those kids on Toddlers and Tiaras. It was disgusting.
                      Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


                      • #12
                        I don't have a story too horrible. I have been keeping my hair long recently to it's easy to fix if I get a bad cut. Well in college my hair was long and even and I went to get a trim. The lady who cut my hair was kind of rude and made me stand up because my hair was too long. All she had to do was cut my hair straight across but she missed a chunk of my hair. It was two inches longer than the rest! I went home to my roommates and I was like "does my hair look uneven to you?!" and I cut the rest off myself! I usually just go to cheap places to get a cut but I would be scared to get a short cut from someone new.
                        Wife to Anesthesia PGY4


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
                          My best friend "trimmed" my hair and let's just say, she "trimmed" about 8 inches off. However, after the shock wore off, I've had short hair ever since.
                          OMG I did this to a friend once. He had gorgeous nearly waist-length hair and wanted a slight trim to take off the split ends. I did the classic "even it up...oops still crooked...even it up" and it wound up almost up to his shoulders! Aah! On the other hand he pretty much kept it short after that, and hey, maybe I helped kick him on his path from long-haired hippy to clean-cut MD/PhD student. >.< (And no, not DH, he was never a long-haired hippy, LOL, this friend is still in the PhD portion of his schooling...)

                          I got my hair cut this week, took about 6 inches off. Not a disaster but very blah. I'm thinking of going back for something more dramatic.


                          • #14
                            My mom is a barber, so I've always just had her cut my hair. One summer in college, I was working at JC Penney, and I decided to use my employee discount to visit the salon. I brought in a picture of a very specific style I wanted. I'd never really colored my hair before, but I decided to do some highlights. The poor stylist was very pregnant, and I was her last client of the day. She started with the highlights before cutting my hair. Big mistake, since I had really long hair and was getting a LOT cut off, and it took forever.

                            The color turned out great, but I kind of think she was exhausted by the time it came to cut my hair. I was not impressed, but I felt terrible asking her to fix it, as tired as she looked. So I went home that weekend and had my mom fix it. She had to cut it quite a bit shorter than the picture, but it turned out alright in the end. Never have gone back to a salon, though. I let the highlights grow out a bit, then had my mom put a color over them that was close to my natural color. Maybe someday when I can afford to keep up with highlights, I'll try it again.
                            My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                            • #15
                              My stories:

                              When I was 14 my mom took me to SuperCuts to get a perm & cut before heading off to Thanksgiving with family across the state. Well, the girl burnt my hair. It smelt was frizzy and looked awful. My mom took me back and they sort of fixed it but it was pretty horrific still.

                              When I was about 21 my roommate and then friend cut my hair all choppy/shagg style. Well she forgot to mention that she cut a huge chunk out of the back that I couldn't see and it looked like a two year old got a hold of the scissors. I didn't even know until I visited another friend a few days later and she got out her scissors and fixed it for me. Still not even sure it was an accident if you know what I mean. biatch. some people are evil.
                              Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.

