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What other new shows are you looking forward to?

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  • What other new shows are you looking forward to?

    I caught ABC's 'Modern Family' last week and really enjoyed it. It's filmed in the same style as 'The Office'.

    Also, tonight is the NBC premiere of Trauma:|trauma+tv+show|Brand|G_Trauma&sky=gg l|trauma+tv+show|Brand|G_Trauma

  • #2
    I was thinking about trying to catch the new ABC show "the Middle". The janitor from Scrubs is on it. I think it's wednesdays at 7:30 cst. So just before glee. Can't miss glee!!!
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


    • #3
      I liked the first episode of The Good Wife enough to give that a try. We'll see if it keeps up.
      Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


      • #4
        Yes! I did DVR this and thought it was very good. Also, I'm hooked on the current season of survivor with evil Russell.


        • #5
          We watched the first episode of Flash Forward last night, and it looks really good. I think we'll give that a try. I'm such a sucker for serial dramas - Lost and Heroes are up there in my favorite shows list.

          I'm also loving Community, about a community college. It's hilarious!
          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


          • #6
            Originally posted by oceanchild View Post
            I liked the first episode of The Good Wife enough to give that a try. We'll see if it keeps up.
            Ditto. I love Julianna Margulies ever since ER.

            I also watched The Forgotten only because I have a major crush on Christian Slater. I'm not sure this one will stick though.

            DH and I watch Survivor most seasons, this one included.
            Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


            • #7
              We watched Fast Forward too and it looks pretty good.
              I can't wait for the new series of Southland. I just finished with the first season. It's from the makers of ER.
              Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
              Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


              • #8
                My lineup: survivor, amazing race, biggest loser, the office, and of course, glee!! I think I even got DH to like glee!
                Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos


                • #9
                  I watch: House, The Office, SYTYCD, and Glee
                  DH watches (records): Ted Nugent (don't ask...), America's Test Kitchen, Good Eats, American Dad, The Boondocks

                  We watch: (hah! yeah right) Man vs. Wild, Anthony Bourdain, Dog Whisperer, Man v. Wild, Family Guy, and Jamie at Home

                  "We" really means things he records that I sometimes watch with him.
                  What did I do before DVR anyway?
                  Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
                  Professional Relocation Specialist &
                  "The Official IMSN Enabler"


                  • #10
                    Did anyone catch Trauma last night? I thought it was good, but quite dramatic. I think I may have to record it and watch it earlier at night. Not sure I can sleep soundly after some of those scenarios are stuck in my head.


                    • #11
                      We watched it - I'm still not sold on it and a review I read said that they'd actually be surprised if it survives because its to gory for that time slot and really should be at the later slot but nothing is in that slot because of Leno. Guess we'll see.
                      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                      • #12
                        I am still enjoying the fluff of my yester-years. I like to think I am still 18 and t/f I enjoy Gossip Girl, 90210 and Melrose Place. Both 90210 and Melrose Place were huge when I was in high school


                        • #13
                          Oh, I forgot one more - Real Housewives! I am fascinated with that show plus it is the quickest way to get my DH to do a quick drive by in the living room and not ask me to turn the tv to baseball or football. Hee Hee!


                          • #14
                            Speaking of Real Housewives (which I've never seen)...I wonder why there is no "Real Dawkter's Wives". I'll be on it! They can follow me around while I lunch, play tennis and get my hair blown out.

                            That said, about new shows...I don't watch tv. Maybe someday!


                            • #15
                              They can follow me around while I lunch, play tennis and get my hair blown out.
                              This cracked me up! My day was so far from this that this would play out as rich irony. Love it. Who will propose it to the execs?

                              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

