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October Check in!

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  • October Check in!

    I figure we have quite a few newbies who are not at 50 posts, so you don't know this, but in our private forums we often do monthly check-ins.

    I thought we could do this in grand rounds to give those who haven't reached 50 posts an opportunity to tell us more about themselves.

    What is going on right now for you and your SO? What will this month bring - a better or worse schedule? How are the kids? Are you surviving school/residency/attendinghood?

    Let us know!
    Loving wife of neurosurgeon

  • #2
    I am desperately working to get 50 decent posts!

    This month is the month I'm on edge. Last month was HORRIBLE - DH flew/drove to 10 interviews and worked every day he wasn't interviewing. He hasn't been around with us in what seems like forever. Now that he is 'just working' and not interviewing it seems better even though he is still on a very tough service. At this moment I am not doing so well because my parents are vacationing down south, DH is working crazy hours, and both kids are sick. We suspect the little one has rotavirus and this morning my older one had tummy issues. I am taking it with a grain of salt and thinking this is just preparing me for next year when we move and have no one else around.

    At the end of the month we will find out where he matched and I cannot wait. I am a 'need to know' kind of planning person. In the meantime, I set match day as my deadline to get things posted on ebay and sold through craiglist or at a local consignment store. We will be selling our house and renting for at least two years so there is alot that needs to be done.

    However, NEXT month he not only has a whole weekend off, but an entire week around Thanksgiving! That will be nice and I'm hoping we can go to the zoo and do some family things and enjoy some local favorite places before the craziness of moving/graduation kick in next spring.

    So.... that ended up being quite a vent. Glad you asked, huh?


    • #3
      Originally posted by mrsmcms View Post
      I am desperately working to get 50 decent posts!

      However, NEXT month he not only has a whole weekend off, but an entire week around Thanksgiving! That will be nice and I'm hoping we can go to the zoo and do some family things and enjoy some local favorite places before the craziness of moving/graduation kick in next spring.

      So.... that ended up being quite a vent. Glad you asked, huh?
      Can I tell you HOW jealous of you I am at this moment? We wont be getting his November schedule until maybe the day before November. I'm just hoping he isn't on call Thanksgiving Day with out trying to get my hopes up.

      Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
      Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
      Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


      • #4
        Hang in there! I only know because he is doing the schedule. He is one of three chiefs and he did the Jul-Oct schedule. The guy that was supposed to do the next four months hasn't done it so DH is doing it himself. I have definitely been where you are. In fact, even though he is the only parent in his program, he has been the one working every mother's day and father's day since we had our first child, along with Thanksgivings, Easters. Never Christmas though - they have enough people that don't celebrate the holiday to enable him to be home.

        I hope your hubby is home for Thanksgiving!


        • #5
          Thanks, yeah we are one of those who are very happy to work Xmas since we don't celebrate. Last year he wasn't on and traded with someone who was so they could be with their family. The Dr gave him a gift card to Mortons. It was very nice, but unnecessary. I just wish J would call in favors for those he trades for. He does it for others all the time, but never asks for it himself when he needs it.

          Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
          Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
          Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


          • #6
            October is exactly like September and November. My husband goes back on cal on Wednesday 7th through Wednesday the 21. He's planning on taking our son to the Armpit of California to see his mother and then it's Halloween.

            November is my birthday and he's covering Thanksgiving so it'll be creative cooking for three once again. I'm definitely going to make the soup (posted in the food/recipes thread about fall) again. Time to start obsessing over meal-planing. Last year I made lamb shanks because the thought of turkey after the Sarah Palin interview... eeewwww.



            • #7
              October... I can't believe it is already here!
              We're long distance so not much really changes from day to day - except that it brings us closer to Match Day.
              I am going for a visit at the end of this month, S will be flying home for Thanksgiving next month, and is trying HARD to get home for Christmas. We will see... but will I ever be SO happy if he can!

              I am busy this month with kids. We are going out of town for Canadian Thanksgiving, and I am going to see another friend out of town the weekend after so I am trying to keep myself busy to get these months out of the way

              Same ol', same ol'!


              • #8
                DH is leaving today for a conference in Boston. I'm not very happy to be here, almost 35 weeks pregnant, with him across the country. My OB is not thrilled, but I'm going up to Chicago (about two hours away) to be with my family so that I'm not alone with the kids. I can't fathom being here for a week by myself and think I need a change of scenery (plus, if something does happen, I have an OB up there and someone to be with the kids - her I know no one to help with kids).

                DH will have a fairly heavy schedule through the middle of the month because he is also going to be off a couple of days at the end of the month for baby #3's arrival. I'm a little freaked out about the baby coming so soon - I'm definitely not ready! DH is settling into his job here, and really likes it, so that does make everything a bit easier.
                Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                • #9
                  DH is doing his final month of his OB/Gyn rotation, thank goodness!!! I hate the schedule, and this is definitely his least favorite rotation workwise.

                  Kids are doing well in school, but the evenings have become overwhelmingly busy with schoolwork, soccer practice, and night time routine.

                  I'm still in my ladies bowling league and enjoying it. I'm continuing to learn how to cook and sew. Again, I really feel like I'm reinventing myself now that both girls are in school full time!
                  Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                  • #10
                    Hi -- new kid on the block here! This month, DH has call 3 times a week. It's not overnight yet, but it's so late it oughtta be so he would get paid overtime.

                    The baby is cutting eye teeth, and I'm tired of my job (real estate agent/office manager of family firm). So, I'm stressed.

                    I'm also wrestling with the fact that we had to do IVF to have our BG, and every time my cycle comes around i wish that I would just have a surprise. IVF and the other stuff we did was so stressful on both of us, and we don't have time or money to do it again anytime soon. But our clocks are ticking (we were a bit older when he finally got into med school). Long story short, I'm waiting for my period over the next several days, but I don't know why I'm even holding my breath....


                    • #11
                      I have known several people who did IVF and then surprise, the second one came along with no IVF!!!
                      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Luanne123 View Post
                        I have known several people who did IVF and then surprise, the second one came along with no IVF!!!
                        I was just talking to a friend the other day - she has 5 kids. The first 3 (one set of twins) were all IVF, the last two were total surprises.

                        I've been there, we didn't have to do IVF but we did have to have help on #1 and #2 was a complete surprise.

                        BIG BIG hugs - we get it!
                        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                        • #13
                          Two weeks into a month of nights. (not that I am counting or anything) Looking forward to getting out of this 3rd year abyss. DH said November should be "much better". Oh well - we had a wonderful date on Saturday night so all is good right now. I become a mean needy wife during night rotations. Eager for the weekend though b/c DH is off on Friday/Sat. Baby is fighting a cold. 3 year old is into calling everyone "pee pee head" (no - I did not teach him that one - another little boy did) Our house is full of hustle and bustle . Happy to be home after 2 days on the road!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SuzySunshine View Post
                            I was just talking to a friend the other day - she has 5 kids. The first 3 (one set of twins) were all IVF, the last two were total surprises.

                            I've been there, we didn't have to do IVF but we did have to have help on #1 and #2 was a complete surprise.

                            BIG BIG hugs - we get it!
                            My almost 3 y/o is a Clomid baby and my younger daughter was pretty much a shocking surprise! My friend had the exact same thing happen with her second one month after I announced my pregnancy. I wish you your own little surprise!


                            • #15
                              Thanks, ladies, for the support. I'm staying up with DH tonight to try to smooth things over between us: so much bickering over not enough time together, unmet expectations, et al. He's nursing a cold and pretty needy, so I'm hanging here on the computer while he studies. Maybe this will earn me some points when I get my period in a few days, and maybe he'll take care of me.

