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Elizabeth Smart has been found...

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  • Elizabeth Smart has been found...

    I wasn't sure if everyone knew or not, it's pretty much all over the news now. She was found about 15 miles from her home with a drifter and a woman. Matt and I are elated that they have finally found her. What a relief that she was found alive after these 9 long months.

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    I heard this tonight while I was at work. Our whole ER was excited. Finally some good news.
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      What a great blessing...I pray for her recovery. I can only imagine what she has been through.

      In related news, there was a little girl named Erica Baker who was kidnapped from the park behind my childhood home in Kettering, Ohio five years ago. Apparently a woman seeking criminal counsel informed her attorney that she had relevant information about Erika's disappearance but the attorney refused to disclose this information to the Baker family asserting confidentiality under the Attorney Client privilege. Now this client has died and her surviving spouse has acquiesced to the release of this information by the attorney. However, this horrible attorney still refuses telling the Bakers what happened to their little girl. Argh. For the record, atty/client privilege ends upon the clients death, according to the Rules of Ethics. Anyway, all of this is pending appeal to the Ohio Supreme Court soon. I ***hope*** that the Supremes give the Bakers the peace that they deserve. Isn't this horrible that the Baker family is hanging in limbo?

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        That is horrible Kelly. I hope they will soon find out what happened to their daughter. I just don't understand how some people can look at themselves in the mirror.
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          That is absolutely horrible. I hope that family finds out soon what happened to their daughter.

          Gas, and 4 kids


          • #6
            Elizabeth Smart

            Elizabeth Smart has a long, long road ahead of her..her life will never be "ok" again. Her family is in my thoughts and prayers. I am really disgusted with how the media has been handling it...since her family is keeping her with them, which is appropriate, they are doing talk shows to speculate about what might have happened and about what the consequences might be...why can't they just leave this poor girl alone...she's been through enough.

            Kelly, this is an awful story....Is anyone taking action against this attorney?

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

