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Let it snow!

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  • Let it snow!

    I know there are several of you who used to live in the Denver area.
    We are having one heck of a snowstorm!
    About 6" so far of wet, wet snow with a forecast of up to 3' for the foothills and at least 1'-2' for Denver by tomorrow.
    Woohoo! We are in drought conditions and desperately need the H2O.
    Schools are closed! Offices are closed! I love being snowed in!
    Must go shovel......

  • #2
    We learned about the Denver storm when my in-laws called telling us they were stuck on a plane at the Denver airport and that the airport had closed. They are on their way to see us but ... it won't be until tomorrow some time before they get out of there. It put a kink in our plans as the only day Russ has off while they are here was tomorrow. BUMMER!

    I forget that there are places getting snow in MARCH!! 8O It is spring break here! Glad that Denver is getting the moisture it needs though. SO enjoy .... my kids would love some snow!



    • #3
      Robin, I am sorry to hear your in-laws are stuck here.
      It is coming down hard. We shoveled at 10am, noon, 3pm, and will need to again before it is dark. We are at 14" now and it isn't expected to let up anytime soon.
      I hope your in-laws make it to Texas soon.


      • #4
        Thanks Nellie.

        We haven't heard from my in-laws again. They MUST invest in a cell phone soon for our sanity! I figure they are getting a hotel room and hopefully they will have a clue about when they will be able to leave tomorrow. I hope they get to leave tomorrow. According to the airlines (on the Internet) all United flights are cancelled until noon tomorrow.

        Thanks for the well wishes. They will get here eventually. They are from Boulder so they know the area well. Maybe they can get out and visit some friends if the weather isn't too bad. Then again .... I nice cozy hotel room may be just as good!



        • #5
          I talked to my mom this morning and she told me about the blizzard that is going on. They live in Highlands Ranch, and she was saying they already have snow drifts that are at least 2-3 feet high in the back yard as well on their front porch. I miss the snow! Matt told me the other night that we will not be staying in Seattle, and will probably move to back to Colorado or Utah. Matt feels bad that Emma is missing out on snow. We could drive 40 min to go and see snow, but that isn't the same as opening up your back door and going out and playing.

          Glad to hear you guys are getting some moisture. On the news a couple of days ago, the weather forecaster was saying that it was wonderful that we have been having all of this rain (and snow in the mtns.) over the past week and a half as if we didn't the area would have been in a state of drought come summer. 8O Seattle in a state of drought?! Matt was rolling on the floor laughing when he heard that.

          Gas, and 4 kids


          • #6
            My brother is still in Denver and he said that his office was closing down. I was there for the last really huge one, so I know exactly what you mean. Be careful out there!


            • #7
              Well, it is still snowing. Looks like preschool will be closed tomorrow. Maybe we will build a snowman. I really miss the snowy weather -- the past few winters have been so dry. It just hasn't seemed much like Colorado. Crystal -- we have been driving at least 40 min to the mountains to see much snow. Bryn had great fun playing in it today. Maybe you can take Emma into the hills next winter. Are you happy with plans to move to UT or CO?

              Robin, I hope your in-laws are at the airport or nearby. It is totally nutty out and the highways are treacherous. I hope you see them soon!!


              • #8
                My poor in-laws are NOT having a good time. They are still stuck in Denver until, at the earliest, tomorrow afternoon. They weren't able to get a hotel anywhere close and are at a Motel 6 15 miles from the airport. They figured that was better than sleeping at the airport for two days.

                They will hopefully get here tomorrow night but we will only have five days with them and Russ works all of them! Oh well ... not much we can do about it. I am glad they are safe though. It is amazing how much snow has fallen!!!! We really felt guilty when they called us today and we were at Seaworld without them!

                Keep safe!!!!



                • #9
                  Oh, Robin, I am sorry to hear that your in-laws are stuck here! I thought about them today, and with the airport being closed, figured they were still here. It is nice they made it to a hotel. I think there are at least one thousand stranded at the airport. And there is a hole in the roof of the main terminal everyone had to move out of there. Doesn't sound like a fun place to be. Apparently, the airport roof was designed to withstand everything up to a once-a-century storm. I guess this is it!

                  So far, 30" at our house. There is *too* much snow for our daughter to play in. We are stuck here -- I doubt we will be able to get the cars out until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest (station wagon clearance and no 4 wheel drive). So, we are strapping on the snowshoes and touring the neighborhood. Hoping to maintain power so that we can get match results tomorrow!


                  • #10
                    You have snow shoes! How cool!

                    Our area was affected by the Colorado snowstorm in a truly devastating way. There was supposed to be a Cher concert here on Thursday. But Cher and her trucks-of stuff (lighting, costumes, fireworks : ) are stuck in Denver! So no Cher!

                    Not that I planned on going... But I'm sure some people are very very devastated...

                    I don't have anything against Cher, but tix were starting at $60 8O and that's too much for me... Is that the going rate for a show? Big City people? Is that a lot of money???


                    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                    • #11
                      Nellie- I wouldn't mind living in either place. It would be closer to family, and we like the climate and environment of both places. If we move back to Colorado we probably wouldn't be in the Denver area, mainly because housing costs are outrageous.

                      My dad told me about the hole in the wonderful canvas roof of the multi-million dollar DIA. You would have thought when DIA was built they would have used a different material other than canvas.

                      Gas, and 4 kids


                      • #12

                        That's pretty good, actually! I paid $100 each for my Springsteen tickets, slightly less than that for Elton John/Billy Joel (and we had nosebleed seat for both shows!). I paid slightly more than that for Diana Krall but we had excellent floor seats. So, I'm not kidding when I say it's mac and cheese after we feed our addiction to live music!

                        I'm sure she'll reschedule.



                        • #13
                          OK Jenn- thanks for the heads up on concert tix! I knew a big city gal like you would know the going rate!


                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                          • #14
                            My in-laws called today and they are supposed to be on an afternoon flight today but it is delayed ... I discovered (my father-in-law slipped) that they never left the airport. They were going to go to the Motel 6 but there were no rental cars left so they have been stuck at the airport all this time. They are both in fairly poor health and they must have been absolutely miserable. I feel so bad. They did get first class tickets and they said they planned on sleeping the whole time! SIGH ... this is one trip they won't forget.

                            They said it was supposed to be the worst storm since 1918! WOW!!!

                            Jenn - Those nosebleed seats at the SBC are REALLY high up. We sat up there for the rodeo and my kids were scared silly trying to get up there. I even felt like I could fall backwards while climbing. I would have LOVED the Billy Joel and Elton John concert. My friend worked concessions there just so she could peep in. I have to wait until we are much richer before we hit any "real" concerts!


