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Poll: Christmas Decorations

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  • #16
    Our tradition is to put them up Thanksgiving evening. That is as long as I can wait, I am always so excited to do it.


    • #17
      Not before December, however we have already gotten started on the Christmas music.


      • #18
        Usually just after Thanksgiving. I've also started playing the Christmas music. It gives me happy feelings.


        • #19
          We are usually in the "right after Thanksgiving" camp, but with all this snow in Colorado, it sure it feeling like winter -- and I've been starting decorations early.
          Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


          • #20
            We're going home for Thanksgiving, but I'm planning to get out the decorations as soon as we get back.


            • #21
              About two weeks before Christmas, never before December 8th, Feast of the Immaculate Conception. They come down on the Epiphany.
              Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
              Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


              • #22
                Day after Thanksgiving- but it's taken a lot of restraint this year! I'm actually really excited for the holiday season right now - don't know why...

                I need to look into this DVD fireplace
                Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


                • #23
                  As has been the tradition in our house for the last few years, the decorations and tree will go up after my finals are over for the semester. DF isn't much help with decorating, other than the tree, so I need to have the time to do most of it myself. It all comes down right after the Epiphany, I've pretty much stuck to that in our house. Hopefully once I'm done grad school, I will have a set time about putting it up (probably once Advent starts/Feast of the Immaculate Conception).

                  My loving-all-things-Christmas mother puts her decorations up in early November and they will stay up through almost all of January. My birthday is at the end of January and I used to have to beg her to take them down by then. I once came home on Spring Break from college to find the tree still up in the living room.
                  Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                  • #24
                    We just put up Christmas tree number 1. It is a tree that I've moved twice now and have just gotten to use for the first time. Got it from one of my mom's friends who spent $$$$ on it, but never had the right space. We now have a room with 20 foot + ceiling and windows to match , and it looks fabulous in here! Next week, after Thanksgiving, the living room tree will go up. No lights will be plugged in until after Thanksgiving.
                    Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                    • #25
                      We don't put our stuff up until mid-December... I like to enjoy it and I feel like it becomes a cluttery mess by the time Christmas rolls around. I like it to look fresh and pretty so I it goes up later rather than sooner. And with three kids and two cats... you can imagine the kind of damage that can happen to a Christmas tree and decorations!


                      • #26
                        A couple weeks before Christmas. We get a real tree and garland to decorate the mantle so it gets pretty dried out if we do it any sooner. We get the advent calendar and a couple other things out earlier.


                        • #27
                          I would love to have them up shortly after thanksgiving, but often feel lucky to get anything up, tree, decorations, ANYTHING up before the 20th or so. I put a snowman towel and holiday kleenes box in the girls' bathroom today to remind me to get started sometime soon- because they love decorations more than because I feel like putzing with it.


                          • #28
                            Got mine up on Sunday. I love Christmas decorations, but, MAN, do I hate doing the decorating.


                            • #29
                              Yes, that.

                              I had a serious conversation w/ the dude today about not putting up a tree because we're going to my parents and I promised that we'd do the tree first thing the day after we get there. I have NO DOUBT that he'll be in my parents room at 0'dark:30 asking when we get to do the tree.



                              • #30
                                I finally caved to neighborhood peer pressure (some of these folks have had lights up for more than a week, others have them professionally done) and went to Wal*Mart last night to get some simple outdoor decorations. We did lights of snowflakes on stakes up both sides of the driveway, along the front walk, and in front of the landscaping. Then I bought this red, tube light JOY that I hung in the window of the boys room. It's borderline tacky (okay - it might plainly be tacky), but I bought it for two reasons:

                                1. I would have loved to have had it in MY window when I was a kid.
                                2. The red glow in their window kept reminding me of the "warm glow of electric sex" line from A Christmas Story, and makes me giggle.

                                Indoor stuff we don't do before dh's birthday (12/10). When I was a kid, the Christmas stuff always stayed up until at least my birthday (1/10), but I'm pretty much over it by NYE, so it will be gone.

                                I'm not looking forward to dealing with Christmas with a toddler again ...

