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ACGME Probation

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  • ACGME Probation

    I was wondering if there is a way to find out what a program did to be on ACGME Probation without directly asking? Does it last until improvements are made or for a specific period of time?

    One of the fellowship programs dh applied to has offered him an interview and also mentioned that their program was currently on ACGME Probation. We are not sure if he should interview but I don't think it can hurt. We could always not rank it when the time comes. Would you interview?
    Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.

  • #2
    I would think medpedspouse would be the authority on this, but as far as I know, programs can end up on probation for something as simple as not filing paperwork promptly / at all, to hours violations, to standard of care issues.

    I'd ask. Anyone in their right mind would want to know, and if the programs was upfront enough to fess up, they may be "recovering" from a bad PD or something. When my dh was in training, his university lost their plastics program b/c the PD was such a doofus about filing the required paperwork. In that scenario, if that PD was gone, I'd say it's an okay risk to take.


    • #3
      DH applied to two programs that were both on probation - one was the NSG department and the probation seemed to be more serious as the length was longer, the other was the whole residency program something with not providing adequate notices or paperwork for residents and the probation was going to be lifted in a matter of months (it wasn't something that needed on going supervision).

      I would guess if he does interview there the reason will come out if it is something MINOR, if it is all hush hush then they have something to hide....
      Loving wife of neurosurgeon


      • #4
        I agree with Jen, just ask. If they're willing to tell you they're on it they should be willing to say why. If the reason is bogus or serious I wouldn't interview with them because of the cost but you're right you could always not rank them after.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          DH's med school was put on probation last year, and they fought tooth and nail to keep students and the media from seeing the official letter, offering a vague statement instead.

          Bad sign.

          If they're serious about fixing the problems, they'll tell you what they were.
          Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


          • #6
            Ides - I sent you a PM.

            Probation could have been a result of something terrible the program has been ignoring or could be something that may just be bad luck/poor planning/lack of funding that the program has been working hard to overcome.

            I know that one of our programs was freaking out because they lost the PD and no one (qualified) wanted to take that extra responsibility on - it was stressful until someone was found. The APD liked their level of responsibility but due to family issues was not willing to take on the PD position.
            Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


            • #7
              One of the places DH interviewed at for residency got on probation right before DH's interview. They sent him a letter notifying him of it (they are required to) and were very open and honest as to why they were on probation once he brought it up at the dinner. I would be worried about any program not forthcoming as to why they are on probation and how they plan on getting off. That lets you know they have serious problems going on.

