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Glamorous Life of a Doctor's Wife

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  • Glamorous Life of a Doctor's Wife

    Okay so I am not yet a "doctor's wife" but I will be in a matter of months, and I will be driving around this glamorous car......

    I have to LAUGH because there is nothing else to do about it, but LAUGH.

    Doesn't it fit the sterotype of an attorney and a doctor wife? I think so!

    I hope someone else can at least laugh at the situation with me... because this is life!
    Loving wife of neurosurgeon

  • #2

    Well, I AM a doctor's wife, one that's even out of training, and the good doctor himself drives a 2000 Passat Wagon w/o a drivers side mirror. He (the good doctor) stupidly sent our 75 lb 8 year old boy up on the roof of it to brush off snow. He told Jacob to "slide down the windshield" (a dumb idea all on it's own), but Jacob slid off the side and ripped off the mirror on the way down.

    Truth be told he was letting the boys play on it. He hates that car and wants a new one, but I won't go along with it until he quits smoking. He TRASHES cars, and I'm not shelling out the money for him to trash another.

    I agree -- totally embarrassing to drive -- but in our case it's dh's car and he only drives it to work and to the airport, so I don't care!

    I'm glad you weren't hurt.


    • #3
      I am loving this. DH is driving a honda civic with no driver's side mirror. I'll get a picture of it this afternoon!!!!!!!!
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Shakti View Post

        Well, I AM a doctor's wife, one that's even out of training, and the good doctor himself drives a 2000 Passat Wagon w/o a drivers side mirror. He (the good doctor) stupidly sent our 75 lb 8 year old boy up on the roof of it to brush off snow. He told Jacob to "slide down the windshield" (a dumb idea all on it's own), but Jacob slid off the side and ripped off the mirror on the way down.

        Truth be told he was letting the boys play on it. He hates that car and wants a new one, but I won't go along with it until he quits smoking. He TRASHES cars, and I'm not shelling out the money for him to trash another.

        I agree -- totally embarrassing to drive -- but in our case it's dh's car and he only drives it to work and to the airport, so I don't care!

        I'm glad you weren't hurt.
        That is too funny! And I'm glad I am not the only one who drives around without a mirror!

        And I hope your doctor quits smoking... not for the new car... but for his health! Speaking of sterotypes - are people shocked that he is a doctor and smokes? Because people are appauled at how my DH eats they say "I cannot believe you are going to eat that! And you're going to be a doctor!" He does need to watch what he eats, but other than that he does take pretty good care of himself.
        Loving wife of neurosurgeon


        • #5
          Yeah, we get a lot of folks who are surprised, and then even more surprised when I remind them that he's a pathologist. But ... the statistics show that doctors are always have some of the highest rates of smokers and alcoholics. Stress, maybe? It's been a fight for us for years ... the kids are working on him too. He claims to be trying to quit ...


          • #6
            My dh finds it ironic that he asks his patients about their amount of exercise, yet he sits in front of the tv at night and eats an entire tube of Pringles.

            I think you can add eating to the list of things that help decompress.

            And we share one car: a Toyota Matrix.

            This is a fun thread.
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              There are cures for several as yet uncured diseases germinating in my husband's (used to be nice) Audi.

              I had it detailed before he came back from Iraq. What a waste of money. I told him he can't have another nice car until he learns that they're not cafeterias and coffee bars. If you wrangout the passenger side seat, you'd probably get a Vente Starbucks coffee.

              I refuse to go anywhere in it because I'm never sure what I'll be sitting in/on/next to.


              We're all so glamorous, aren't we?



              • #8
                Haha - I love this thread! So glad you were both okay, and the mirror won't be too expensive to fix.

                DH drove around with his mirror duct taped on for a couple months in medical school until we could afford to replace it. My car doesn't have a working cupholder, so if I want to get a drink, I have to put it in my console and pile napkins around it. I drove around for years with no hubcaps because they kept falling off and were $45 apiece to replace. My car turns 15 this year... It can almost legally drive itself!
                My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                • #9
                  I drive a '97 Honda CR-V with over 177K miles. That's the family car. Yes, I cram 3 kids (including a carseat) in the back seat. DH drives a '92 Honda Accord. Hand-me-down from his dad. It's a nice car considering it's age though.
                  Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                  • #10
                    I used duct tape to hold the bumpers on my corolla until I became a partner in my law firm -- and happened to bump into an important client in the grocery store parking lot. I tried to pretend I didn't notice him checking out my car. . . . still haven't repaired the bumper/trunk of my current car which got mangled when I closed the garage door on it, twice, the day I learned that I was pregnant.
                    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MrsK View Post
                      I used duct tape to hold the bumpers on my corolla until I became a partner in my law firm -- and happened to bump into an important client in the grocery store parking lot. I tried to pretend I didn't notice him checking out my car. . . . still haven't repaired the bumper/trunk of my current car which got mangled when I closed the garage door on it, twice, the day I learned that I was pregnant.
                      This made me laugh out loud

                      These are definitely putting a SMILE on my face
                      Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                      • #12
                        This thread is cracking me up too... Suffice it to say, the piece of crap ford focus we've been driving for years would fit right in. A doctor and a lawyer too... oh the irony.
                        Attorney, wife to EM attending, mom to two girls (ages 5 and 2)


                        • #13
                          Re: Glamorous Life of a Doctor's Wife

                          DH drove around in a 1992 Ford Explorer until it was stolen 2 years ago. He was forced to buy a new truck! 3 months later the cops found his old truck, and arrested the dudes who stole it. DH had it detailed and used it for a few weeks instead of his new truck, because he just loooooooved that old truck. One day he opened up the glove compartment and there was pot paraphernalia in it! Apparently the cops didn't search it well enough after they found it, LOL. Hubby immediately drove it to the police station and had them confiscate the pot crap. After that the old truck was ruined for him, so he donated it to a rancher out in eastern Oregon to be used as a farm truck.
                          Married to a peds surgeon attending


                          • #14
                            Re: Glamorous Life of a Doctor's Wife


                            If it makes you feel better, I drive a 2000 VW Eurovan that has dings, dents, and scrapes all over it. It is paid off though so I'll drive that baby until the wheels come off! My mom visited over Xmas and commented that it was time to trade it in. Naaah. The engine is in great shape, so why would I get rid of my trusty old vee dub?!


                            PS. I'm glad everyone was ok!

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                            • #15
                              Hahaha -

                              We've all been there! (Really!) You mentioned painting it to prevent rust. At one point, we sanded down the damaged parts and I applied multiple coats of fingernail polish that *pretty much* matched. Worked like a charm. Poor mans trick - totally. DH was pretty relieved that we didn't have to pay for a paint job on a car with 200,000+ miles (Honda Accord).

                              Also - sometimes, dealers or car manufacturers will send you a "sample" of the paint and you can do it yourself! (My friend did this and they charged her like $30 for a small bottle of touch-up paint.

                              Good luck, and again, you are so not alone.

                              Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.

