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Handling Night Rotation

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  • #16
    Best advice = Find some way to enjoy your time alone. Like others have said, use it to catch up with girlfriends or otherwise just do things that you can't do when he's around. And try your best to use the precious few hours you have together productively - which unfortunately is easier said than done. DH and I have had many rough months where I swear we only spend the scarce amount of time we have together fighting because we're both so strung out by the whole process. We inevitably then end up having the 1 billionth time repeat conversation about how we both have to be patient with each other, that this is a finite period of time, that we'll both try to be better and not take out the stess on each other, yadda yadda yadda. Then rinse and repeat the next time he has a shitty rotation.

    Regarding the other issue... can't help you there. I happened to be married to the opposite type who finds nookie to be only stress reliever available to mankind. Thus, he will find a way to make time for that. There's no time for helping around the house, listening to me talk about my day, giving me a backrub, or anything else. But there's time for that. I guess be careful what you wish for sometimes.

    End result though, I can assure you that some of this stuff gets easier with time, and at least for me, dealing with the alone time definitely was one of the things that got easier with time. Now I kind of enjoy the times he's working nights because I can make whatever I want for dinner, watch what I want on TV, spend quality alone time with the baby, go out with a girlfriend without feeling guilty that I'm missing time with him. It really does get better.
    Last edited by JC76; 07-21-2010, 02:21 PM.
    Attorney, wife to EM attending, mom to two girls (ages 5 and 2)


    • #17
      I don't know if it's too soon, but I'm dropping the L bomb on you ladies!! Thank you so much for your words of encouragment, hugs, advice, everything! It really means the world to a struggling girl. I really appreciate it. You are the best.

      Investing in batteries. Check!


      • #18
        Originally posted by MelissaMac View Post
        Any tips to making the five minutes you do see each other meaningful?

        Tara already offered that advice. And I think it was seconded by Luanne.

        I third it, then.
        Last edited by GrayMatterWife; 07-21-2010, 05:20 PM.


        • #19
          I think you guys have covered all the "bases" (sorry, couldn't resist, hee hee!).

          Love this, btw--->
          Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
, I love having my bed to myself. If I could only convince him that we would be better off with separate bedrooms like the Victorians did. Or twin beds like my grandparents...

