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Wilson ball

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  • Wilson ball

    I'm considering making a Wilson ball to talk to. I'm getting used to this new life during residency. I wait all day(or night) for my husband to come home so I can finally have an adult to talk to, and he waits all day to come home so he can come home and have some peace and quiet. Me and Ayla are working this out by spending a LOT of time at the Children's Museum and finding playgroups and joining a MOPS group.
    Either way...I miss my husband darn it!
    -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier

  • #2
    During his intern year, my husband used to joke that it was like he had a dog waiting at the door. I knew no one and was home all alone. He'd be post call and I was like "Let's talk...Let's go do.....". Clearly this contributed to our disconnect that year.
    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      The kids & I know every inch of the Botanical Gardens & Aquarium here. I tried to find a good MOPS group - no luck. It's hard to make the effort in a place that you know is temporary, but definitely better for everyone's sanity of mind!


      • #4
        Someone asked me today how I was doing as a 'single mom' since my husband is back East doing a fellowship and I just said, "honestly, it's not that different."

        It's a crazy life we lead. As I say at least once a year, you don't find the International Plumber's Spouses Network.



        • #5
          I talk to my puppy Tinsley all the time. It's only weird when people catch me doing it. (Like when my neighbors were having a party on their balcony and me--not realizing it--walked outside onto our balcony with Tinsley singing lullabies. They most definitely think I am crazy now.) Anyways, last year when DH was working long hours at his away rotations I was going crazy with the silence, so at least now I have someone to talk to. (Even if she doesn't necessarily talk back.)


          • #6
            So...what's a Wilson ball and ... Where can I get one? LOL I'm sorry you're struggling through this. Intern year really can be lonely. We are always here to listen!

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #7
              Originally posted by PrincessFiona View Post
              So...what's a Wilson ball and ... Where can I get one?
              I haven't actually seen the movie, but it's a reference to the movie Castaway. Tom Hanks' character has a Wilson brand Volleyball on the island that he puts a face on and talks to as if it's a person...named Wilson, of course.

              Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


              • #8
                My wilson ball, has 4 legs and a tail. They are great listeners and they watch chick flicks!! Hang in there!
                Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                • #9
                  You sound like me in that you've joined everything kid friendly including MOPS. We plan on going to the zoo weekly, have a standing play date with a friend, and will probably be joining the Children's Museum too. All three of us rush DH when he gets home. BTW MOPS groups usually have a ton of stuff going on to keep you busy. Mine pretty much has something going on about every other day.

