I know that I’m not the brightest around here when it comes to this website, but can someone please help me upload pics??? I was able to attach pics all year but this summer something changed and I can’t seem to upload. It could be my computer, but I’d really appreciate if someone could be patient with me and help. Here is what I’m doing. Please tell me what I’m doing wrong.
I scroll down and click ‘Manage Attachments’ When the ‘File Upload Manager’ opens I click ‘Add Files’ That little window opens and I click ‘Select Files’ I select my file off my computer and hit ‘Upload Files’ The blue bar goes from left to right and my file seems to be uploaded. BUT what do I click on next????? I’ve tried clicking on ‘Inserting Attachment’ ‘Insert Inline’ and ‘Home’ (on the left). Nothing seems to put the pic in the Home window or the Attachment window. Help….
I scroll down and click ‘Manage Attachments’ When the ‘File Upload Manager’ opens I click ‘Add Files’ That little window opens and I click ‘Select Files’ I select my file off my computer and hit ‘Upload Files’ The blue bar goes from left to right and my file seems to be uploaded. BUT what do I click on next????? I’ve tried clicking on ‘Inserting Attachment’ ‘Insert Inline’ and ‘Home’ (on the left). Nothing seems to put the pic in the Home window or the Attachment window. Help….