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Going to the dentist...

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  • Going to the dentist...

    Does anyone else hate it? I had to go and have a crown 'seated' at 8am today. (What a way to start the day ). For some reason, whenever they give me the novacaine the only thing that really gets deadened is my tongue/lips My teeth feel every little scrape, puff of air and blast of ice cold water. I was practically sobbing by the end The melodrama of it all. The dental assistant suggested that maybe it was just my anxiety that made the novacaine not work...I suggested that I had the anxiety BECAUSE the novacaine never seems to work right.

    In any case...I just hate it. The dentist actually gave me a huge hug when I left and told me it would all be ok I'm such a BABY!!!!!..I'm so embarassed....Thank goodness it is over!!!!

    Am I alone in my dental phobia?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Kris, I was just at the dentist yesterday to get my crown impression, too. I hate it, too. I think the only reason I make myself is because my dentist is really cute so I don't mind having him hovering over me with his hands and tools in my orifice.

    I hate the sound of drills and the smell of whatever the heck it is they use to get the old filling out. It smells like burning flesh - mine. But what I hate even more is having to wait for between steps - waiting for novocaine to work, getting the injection to deaden everything from the neck up, waiting for the impression to set, and to wait for the temporary filling to set too. I was in the dentist chair for an hour and a half for what seems like a half hour procedure because he was running back and forth between patients.

    It's a good thing he's cute.


    • #3
      Actually, I don't mind going to the dentist, but it is because I get a nice little break! I love it when they run a little late so I can sit in the waiting room and read, and those dentist chairs are so comfortable! I hate the drill sound and the pain, but other than that I don't mind. Last year I had to get 2 MRI's and it was pure heaven laying in that enclosed tube for over 45 minutes with no distractions at all!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        I am a HUGE wimp when it comes to going to the dentist. Unfortunately, I have spent a lot of time there over the past two years since I didn't want to spend money to have a check-up when DH was in med school. I have gotten so worked up that I have actually passed out in the chair. I had to get two fillings this past Valentine's Day and I had to spend 45 minutes in the waiting room AFTERWARDS because I was so shaky. Next time I am either going to get them to give me some gas, or I am going to shake my husband down for some Valium beforehand, and make him take the day off of work to go with me.

        The Novocaine doesn't work well on me either, Kris, or on my Mom. I have felt (literally!) your pain....

        Sally (resolving once more to start flossing more regularly )
        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."

