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Apparently, the dentist inhaled

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  • Apparently, the dentist inhaled

    So, you know how on the list of medical personnel likely to abuse drugs dentists are usually first (followed by anesthesiologists, FYI) and by a huge percentage? My officemate called her dentists office a few days ago to double check her dental appointment for Thursday. She's a complete dental phobe so she always asks for the gas. Well, as she was reminding them about the gas thing the receptionist said, "oh, let me let you talk to Dr.___" Kind of odd she thoughtbut waited to speak to the dentist. He got on the phone and said, "yeah, well I did it to myself- I can't prescribe gas anymore. I can't even have it in the office. She asked if he could prescribe her a valium or something and he said no to that as well.

    Long story short apparently he'd been abusing the anesthetics, got caught and has now lost his ability to prescribe ANY medication. My colleague double checked the online license thing and it's right there- charges filed and everything. He is allowed to practice but that's it.

    I guess the list really is true.


  • #2
    Wow! Is she still going to her appointment?!?
    IM PGY-2


    • #3
      Sad. I used to work for a doctor who had trouble with alcoholism but turned it around and started working with addicted patients (smoking/drugs/alcohol). I helped him with a med school class that he taught as a side job, but it was still interesting to hear his perspectives sometimes. Hopefully that dentist doesn't consider his life irreparably ruined.


      • #4
        Nope- he's still practicing and apparently went to treatment. He said it (the censure) was the kick in the head that he needed to stop. and yes she went but is likely going to have to shop around for a new dentist because he can't prescribe or obtain the gas for five years.



        • #5
          Wow! Yeah, DH mentioned once that they'd gone over warning signs with them (he's an anesthesiology resident). One of the signs was working past when you were told you could leave and/or requesting extra shifts. That amused me because 1) why would any sane resident want to work more? and 2) in other specialties, residents do seem to want to work more...
          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


          • #6
            When dh was in residency, the program had a dinner seminar on drug abuse, and they encouraged all significant others to attend. It was very eye opening.

            In dh residency class, there was a resident who was asked to leave the program and go into a different specialty, b/c this resident had abused anesthetics twice.
            Gas, and 4 kids

