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Sun Shmunday

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  • Sun Shmunday

    Anyone else dread Sundays during football season? It makes me almost crazy that my husband wants to sit inside ALLLLL day on Sundays during the time of year when the weather is the nicest. ugh. I know hate is a really strong word, which is why I'm going to use it right now. I HATE football.
    -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier

  • #2
    Listen to this: On the one day DH had off a few weeks ago he drove from Detroit to Chicago as soon as he got off of call at 6 am to get to the Bears game by noon. Beat that.
    Our Saturdays always revolve around the U of M football schedule and are usually always shot to hell. But it's been like this since med. school. He went to every single home game all four years.
    Poor guy is obsessed with football and to this day believes he would have gone pro had he not broken his ankle.

    ETA: He is not on OB/GYN right now so did get to rest up on his call BTW before the drive.
    Last edited by Chrisada; 09-26-2010, 08:47 AM.


    • #3
      LOVE football. It probably stems from watching my awesome running back brother play in high school. I love the game itself, and I love sitting with DH & the kids, all snuggled together on the sofa.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Deb7456 View Post
        LOVE football. It probably stems from watching my awesome running back brother play in high school. I love the game itself, and I love sitting with DH & the kids, all snuggled together on the sofa.
        You're lucky. I really wish I could enjoy the sport. DH dragged me to one Bears games. He has third row season tickets, and I snuggled into my down coat and fell asleep. No lie.


        • #5
          I wish I could enjoy it too! I've tried to learn it, but my mind just doesn't work that way. And when it's his only day off, I just want to go out and DO things. Sitting on the couch with the family sounds so great and cozy, but for some reason I just can't sit still. I physically can NOT even watch a movie all the way through unless it's after 8 pm. My husband probably wishes he had married a football lover.

          Chrisada, my husband TRULY believes that he would be a major league pitcher if he hadn't broken his ankle in high school. Sweet husbands.
          -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chrisada View Post
            You're lucky. I really wish I could enjoy the sport. DH dragged me to one Bears games. He has third row season tickets, and I snuggled into my down coat and fell asleep. No lie.
            I am a non-athlete and non-sports fan in all other ways. DH can thank my brother for this one exception.


            • #7
              Nope - we're huge football fans here. I am trying to teach my 7 yo about the game so he will sit down and watch them with me instead of begging me to play with him.


              • #8
                I agree...I am not a huge football fan at all. The only thing that makes it ok is that E takes his nap around football time and I leave baby S with dad while I go and workout. 4 hours is way to long for any sport I will add that I enjoy watching games live...seen two Jets games in person when we lived in NYC but that's the only way that I will do it without the laptop or phone in front of me For my husbands sake...Go Pats!
                Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


                • #9
                  Zoe - DH is like you - can't sit still. We usually record the games and watch them when it starts getting dark. Any chance your DH would do that?


                  • #10
                    Love football, especially college. My dh loves that I am often the one asking him when the game is on.
                    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                    • #11
                      Well, there isn't really much room for compromise when it comes to football and my husband. If we have important plans, like a wedding or funeral, then he will DVR the game. Otherwise, he's too afraid that someone will say something about it while we're out and it will be ruined.
                      Lily, I used to knit! Until I had a baby. She doesn't really allow it. When the games are at night after her bedtime, I am happy to sit and read or do homework. But during the day, I just get so antsy! And I want to go out and do things as a family!
                      I shouldn't really complain, we did get to go to the apple orchard yesterday together so that was good.
                      I guess my main problem is that all week I plan what we can do on his day off, which is a huge mistake I know. And then I remember that OH his day off is on Sunday, which means Ayla and I will probably be sitting inside trying to stay entertained JUST so we can spend time with him. Even if I did like football, I'm sure the 16 month old wouldn't enjoy it. Ohhhhhh well.
                      -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier


                      • #12
                        Opposite here. I am the one making plans around OU or Arkansas football. Poor DH knows now to bug me during gametime.
                        Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                        • #13
                          Here's the lesson that I have learned over time- the GREATEST time to go to the grocery store or to the gym is when the local professional sports team is on TV. Conversely, the worst times to go to the gym or the grocery store are immediately before of after the game. Guess who was mid-way through the grocery store when the Texans-Dallas game ended. SCARY.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DCJenn View Post
                            Here's the lesson that I have learned over time- the GREATEST time to go to the grocery store or to the gym is when the local professional sports team is on TV. Conversely, the worst times to go to the gym or the grocery store are immediately before of after the game. Guess who was mid-way through the grocery store when the Texans-Dallas game ended. SCARY.

                            Ahaha, Colorado being Colorado, I have been told that the best time to hit the bike trails is during Broncos games - no traffic.

                            My DH is also a big football fan. I like it some but not nearly as much. I have found that if I want him to do stuff generally, it's best to give him lots of warning. Spontaneity is not his thing on busy rotations. So if he knows I want to do something, he'll DVR the games.
                            Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


                            • #15
                              I'm not a big baseball or football fan, but I LOVE when the games are on because DH will actually sit for an extended period of time which means I can snuggle up to him and/or take a nap on his lap.
                              Loving wife of neurosurgeon

