Being a stay at home wife (with no kids at the moment) and not working due to visa restraints (i am a resident alien on J2 visa) and not having many socializing opportunities at home, i sometimes dread
going out with a bunch of highly educated MDs (namely DH's collegues) due to lack of conversation worthy topic.. most DH's collegues are single, working peds resident, there are some doctor's wife who are unfortunately doctors themselves as well.. so whenever they all meet up... the conversation is always about work, wards, rotations, sick patients, interesting cases, meds, other residents, attending attitutes, rounding etc etc... and so i will be sitting in a group of people, trying not to feel alone and trying to understand the medical terms and chip into their conversation whenever possible (very very few brief moments)...Can anyone suggest any good topics to start off in such meetings?.. i hate being a dumbo wife during meeting... just to be introduced as - this is my wife.. she stays at home... it sucks... I used to have a good circle of friends... now i don't...
because they are in a different country. So please, suggest something? thanks...
