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Summer Plans

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  • #31
    oh NO

    ThuVan...Oh NOOOOOO! I'm so sorry to hear this...How did the bag get lost? I'd be crying on the beach right now...I hope that the trip to Disney will make up for it for you guys.

    I'm crossing my fingers for you that this is a stressfree visit with mil and that the kids have a great time (I'll cross my toes that you don't lose them at Disneyworld )

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #32
      That is terrible, ThuVan! I hope the rest of your trip is much more enjoyable!
      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
      With fingernails that shine like justice
      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


      • #33
        Thu Van,

        Girl, I could feel the stress way up here in MN. I hope that the rest of your trip goes without a hitch.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #34
          Thue Van,

          So sorry about your lost carry-on. Not the way to start a trip. Hope that the rest of the trip is AWESOME. Try to relax at the beach and have a ball at Disney World.



          • #35
            Peggy -

            I haven't been back to the Rogue Valley for about three years now but I am trying to get there in August for a high school reunion (which is getting very complicated!). I am still quietly trying to convince my husband that we want to eventually end up there in the Rogue Valley. It was a great place to grow up. Too bad the cost of living has gotten so high though! Anyway ... it is nice to hear someone else that loves Ashland. Too many people say, "WHERE?!" Thanks for the memory trip.



            • #36
              Robin- has your husband been to the Rogue Valley? I really can't imagine anyone not wanting to live in that part of the country (except for Jenn b/c it definitely is not big big city life, is it!)

              ThuVan- when we recently flew, I was so paranoid I checked on my id and my husbands about every 10 minutes. I checked on them more than on my son's toy cars, and in retrospect it probably would've been more traumatic for everyone had he lost all of those! I hope it turns out for you-- maybe you'll get your carryon returned to you! So stressful!!!! Good luck!

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


              • #37
                Thu Van - AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!

                That is so awful! I hope everything has been going okay since loosing those things. Definitely not one of my top ten ways to start a vacation!!

                Hey, Peggy -
                Just to get back with you - we are about 40 miles north of Toledo - you will probably pass right by our house if you are taking I-94 up to niagra falls. The offer still stands if you need a little 'pit-stop' or a stay for the night. Good luck with getting everything ready to move.

                Jen B.


                • #38
                  Hi guys! Just popping in again cause I've missed you all! You won't believe it - I've got my carry-on back! After 10 days in Tampa we headed to Dallas and at the airport I checked into airport security to assist me in paperwork for getting on board with no ID. I figured I'd be fingerprinted, photoed for mug shot, tagged for GPS placement, whatever the process would be for potential terrorists. All they did was tell me to go and tell the American Airlines people that they had to hand check my suitcases. I'm at the counter telling the lady how my purse/carry-on was stolen and she says "Frazer?" I'm like , "yeah?" And she says, "Your carry-on is sitting in baggage claim downstairs!" "No way!" "Yeah, we had no number to call so we didn't know what to do with it." Too bad she didn't think of taking it to airport police whom I called for 3 consecutive days to see if it had been turned in. But not one to be ungrateful I jumped on the counter and planted a big one on her cheek. Ok, just kidding, but I was pretty darn happy. Sure enough it was down there with cash, credit cards, keys, camera, everything intact. Amazing!

                  Just thought I'd share the good news. So I'm at my parents for another 2 weeks before heading home. Hope all is well with everyone! I just scanned some of the other posts. Good luck to everyone moving. Sorry about your kitty, Jenn.


                  • #39
                    Wow, that IS amazing. So glad you got your bag back and will all the contents!


                    • #40
                      Thu Van - What AWESOME news!! That is amazing and what a relief that must be. Have fun!!!

                      Peggy - My husband has been to the Rogue Valley. He does like it but he likes the idea of being closer to a big city because there is more to do. He grew up in Boulder, CO and the schools offered so much more as far as electives than I had growing up that he isn't sold yet on the idea. I am still working on him!!!



                      • #41
                        Thu Van that is great. Enjoy your time with your parents.
                        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

