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  • Bicycles

    I'm in the market for a new bike (finally!). How much does the brand matter?

    I am not a Serious Cyclist. I am an occasional commuter, street meanderer, path lover. I currently have a Trek mountain bike, and my goal is not another mountain bike.

    I'm happy to entertain recommendations if you have them, but mostly I'd love to hear from the Serious Cyclist (Spouses) whether for this type of bicycle I should be looking for particular brands or avoiding any. One store I went to had basically only Treks. Then REI had their Novaras, plus a few others. I'm debating going to one more store.

    Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.

  • #2
    Unless you are planning on doling out thousands of $$$, I don't think the brand really matters at all.

    This is what I have:

    It's cheap (for a road bike) and tax-free in certain states, and shipping is included. I've had it for almost 2 years and I love it--if you aren't planning to be a serious racer, this is perfect. Mine is "tricked out" with a bike computer and clipless pedals.
    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


    • #3
      I don't think brand matters per se (mine have been no-name frames bought secondhand!) but if you're buying new, I'd shop with someone who can help you to get the right fit, choose the right sort of bike, help you with mechanical stuff down the line, etc.

      Do you have a Performance store? They tend to have some good deals and they're bike-centric.

      My commuter bike for about 5 years was a steel road frame, FWIW. Loved that bike.


      • #4
        Originally posted by oceanchild View Post
        I am an occasional commuter, street meanderer, path lover. I currently have a Trek mountain bike, and my goal is not another mountain bike.
        How about an Electra Townie? I luv mine. She is so pretty.
        Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


        • #5
          I have an Electra Townie, too. (and mine's a girl, too) Fabulous and amazingly comfy for commuting through town.



          • #6
            DH just ordered my this one. Can't wait to try it out.



            • #7
              So, I tried a Townie yesterday, and I just think it would be too much getting used to! I don't like where the handlebars sit at all.

              Originally posted by spotty_dog View Post
              I don't think brand matters per se (mine have been no-name frames bought secondhand!) but if you're buying new, I'd shop with someone who can help you to get the right fit, choose the right sort of bike, help you with mechanical stuff down the line, etc.
              This is why I don't want to go used right now... I don't know enough to know what I'm getting into. I'd rather have somebody to help me get the right size and everything.

              Goal is to actually make a decision next weekend, haha.
              Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


              • #8
                I really like Breezer bikes. They're a bit pricey, but include a lot of things you might buy later anyway, like lights and a luggage rack. I've had mine for almost two years now and have been very happy with it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bobk View Post
                  I really like Breezer bikes. They're a bit pricey, but include a lot of things you might buy later anyway, like lights and a luggage rack. I've had mine for almost two years now and have been very happy with it.
                  Yes! I had a Breezer when I commuted by bike. It was perfect for city streets and riding without breaking a sweat. I preferred a road bike for long rides and when cycling for exercise, but the Breezer was perfect for quick trips around town.


                  • #10
                    I've done very well buying used bikes. Haven't bought a new bike in decades, and the only reason I need to get other bikes is they keep getting stolen.
                    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                    Let's go Mets!


                    • #11
                      Good luck! Here's the thing, the riding position on a road bike takes some getting used to, but that position is really the most efficient for power transfer from your legs to the pedals to move the bike forward, and the bike tends to be lighter than a cruiser thus less mass to carry uphill, so if you are looking at any kind of distance riding or any kind of hills at all, then the road bike would be my choice to commute on. My second choice if I really didn't want to break a sweat or if there were really painful hills between me and my destination or if I wanted to haul a trailer to the market or whatever, would be an electric bike. I would personally consider a cruiser just for very flat paths and very short pleasure rides.

                      (Edit: my bad, I clicked on "townie" on the Electra Bike site and saw only photos of cruiser-style bikes, but I was looking in the wrong place. Looks like it's more of a hybrid style then? I've never ridden one of those, might be just the husband's commuter is a Cannondale Bad Boy hybrid.)
                      Last edited by spotty_dog; 11-02-2010, 08:37 AM.


                      • #12
                        I had to have them adjust my handlebars on the Townie somewhat because I'm short. Mine has three speeds which is enough for riding around town. I certainly wouldn't take her on anything longer than a ride to the Farmer's Market - maybe 10 miles or so at a time.



                        • #13
                          LOL - My handlebars also had to be adjusted....because I am vertically challenged. If you are commuting or going for longer rides I was told the townie was better than the cruiser....but you'd prob need to get the 21 speed one. DH says that Trek has one commuter that does not have a chain - hence, no grease stains if you are commuting to work.

                          A friend of ours has a cycling shop and is one of the best bike mechanics - he also officiates around the world...he really knows his bike stuff. I am sure would be glad to steer you in the right direction...if you are interested PM me and I will send you his email. He is also the most frugal person I know - so, he would totally understand budget constraints. Too bad HE did not understand MY budget constraints when he sold DH HIS bike.
                          Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                          • #14
                            See, I have the opposite problem - freakishly long arms. So the Townies put me REALLY far upright, and I felt like I couldn't get any speed. I'm leaning toward more of a traditional hybrid.
                            Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.

