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Fifteen Minute Fiasco

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  • Fifteen Minute Fiasco

    Have you ever had periods of time that everything falls apart? With a toddler they occur frequently when we are trying to get out of the house or get something done on a schedule.

    This takes the cake and I had to share why I have surrendered my sanity. Tonight is dh's last night of call as a fellow is it is appropriate to go out with a bang. At dinner Avery started crying. I am trying to decide what to do because we only have 2 diapers left and had planned on running out to the store following dinner. Avery felt warm and turned out to have a 102 temp so I got ready to give her a bath. Then the fun really begins.

    We're in the bathroom while I am having a potty emergency myself, she starts pulling out all the stuff from under the vanity and handing them to me. Then she pulls out her diaper and promptly urinates on the floor. I am trying to clean up the mess on the floor, clean out the bathtub and keep her from stepping in the pee or touch the cleaning stuff in the bathtub. Meanwhile, the phone rings. It turns out to be my neighbor who had a glass window fall on her head. I run outside with my whining runny-nosed, naked child to look at my neighbor's bleeding head. It didn't look like she needed stiches so she felt better.

    We get through the bath even though she cried the entire time. We got some advice from daddy about her symptoms and finally got her to sleep. Things are never dull! On nights like this I wish my husband had a 9 to 5 job!


  • #2
    8O Good grief, Jennifer!!! I hope you found a way to unwind after that crazy night!!!
    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


    • #3
      You are right Jennifer....sounds pretty normal to me!

      Sorry to hear that it was a "memorable" last call night in the sense that it will be remembered for all the reasons you want it to be over!!


      • #4
        AAUUGGHH!! What a night!! I could just picture the whole scenerio happenging, and had to laugh at the sight of you running out with a naked toddler (that scene has happened a few times around here!). Of course, it would have to happen while dh is gone for the last time on call, making you insanely jealous of those who are flipping burgers at McDonalds and get to be off by a set time each day .

        Thanks for sharing - it helped me to know that I am not alone in my 'things-going-wild' times . Good luck with the recovery!

        Jen B


        • #5
          I found solace in the internet and HGTV last night and readied myself to another battle today. Avery was much better this morning. I have learned to have a sense of humor about things going haywire. It is probably karma getting me back for hitting that guy in the butt with my golf ball.



          • #6
            You have such a great sense of humor, Jennifer!
            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #7

              Wow....things sure went out with a bang! I'm glad that you recovered and that things are getting back to normal...whatever that is

              We've had a few of those crazy nights ourselves!

              Good luck with your move!!!!!!!!!!!!

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

