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annoying new neighbor habit

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  • #16
    I would talk to her directly too. Does new neighbor know you were good friends with the old neighbor? Maybe she thinks you will pass these things along to your friend. You could always use that as an excuse and tell her you appreciate her thinking you would pass them on, but NO.
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #17
      Isn't it illegal to open someone else's mailbox?
      Other than that, this wouldn't bother me, and I'd just toss them in recycling.


      • #18
        We have the trash issue that Peggy has. We have three cans here that all need to be sorted, and the garbage men won't take them if you haven't sorted them properly. Really! Recycle recycle recycle!

        Our neighbor would put her unsorted garbage in our regular can on garbage day. One week, we didn't get our garbage collected because of this, and I have simply started putting her garbage in her own cans. Each little scrap.

        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #19
          Hey, at the very least, thing of all the great catalog discounts you'll be getting with holiday season rolling around.
          Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Deb7456 View Post
            Isn't it illegal to open someone else's mailbox?
            Other than that, this wouldn't bother me, and I'd just toss them in recycling.
            I think it is illegal to open their mail.
            Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


            • #21
              I have simply started putting her garbage in her own cans. Each little scrap.
              Alison, are you kidding? Please tell me you don't sort it into the different cans for her. Have you said anything?
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #22
                Sorry to hijack--I can't really prove that it has been her garbage each time, since we live in a townhouse situation. The one time I was able to put a name to the garbage was when there were Domino pizza boxes (they print names and addresses on labels) in our garbage can. I can only assume it is she at this point, you know? And of course when I asked her about it, she denied that it's been she the entire time....
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #23
                  Originally posted by alison View Post
                  We have the trash issue that Peggy has. We have three cans here that all need to be sorted, and the garbage men won't take them if you haven't sorted them properly. Really! Recycle recycle recycle!

                  Our neighbor would put her unsorted garbage in our regular can on garbage day. One week, we didn't get our garbage collected because of this, and I have simply started putting her garbage in her own cans. Each little scrap.

                  WTH, you mean it is a FORCED recycling program? How can they tell if all the trash is in big black glad bags? When we lived in CA it was annoying that they wouldn't pick up the trash if it went over the lid of the can.
                  Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


                  • #24
                    Yes--recylables are not supposed to be bagged.
                    Everything else goes into yard waste (compostables) or garbage. Styrafoam (sp) is no longer allowed within city limits!
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by alison View Post
                      We have the trash issue that Peggy has. We have three cans here that all need to be sorted, and the garbage men won't take them if you haven't sorted them properly. Really! Recycle recycle recycle!

                      Our neighbor would put her unsorted garbage in our regular can on garbage day. One week, we didn't get our garbage collected because of this, and I have simply started putting her garbage in her own cans. Each little scrap.

                      Alison is this the same neighbor with the tree?


                      So they actually have trash police there!??? Yikes. We do a pretty good job of sorting, but man...

                      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                      • #26
                        No, it's a different neighbor. We've got two neighbors that we really really like though. Not all of them are troublemakers.

                        Honestly, it's not a big deal to sort garbage. It's only our environment! At first I thought it was crazy that they've got rules for everything, but it's really IF the garbage men spot something in the wrong bin and it's a BIG violation--like baby diapers in the recycle bin, they'll put a sign on your can with the word "contaminated," and you've got to re-sort and try again.
                        married to an anesthesia attending


                        • #27
                          I love having curb-side recycling. It's so much easier. But my kids will often mess up, and of course DH doesn't get it.

                          And they change the rules on what's trash and what's not- for a while they didn't let pizza boxes in the recycling bc of the grease, but now I guess it's OK.

                          Still... Trash police. Yikes. Do they have red light cameras at every intersection? And speed cameras too??

                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                          • #28
                            The local newspaper did a thing about what happens to the recycling after it gets to the recycling center and how when it's messed up it can REALLY mess up the equipment and the process. For example, they don't take plastic bags here (but all other plastics are fine) because the bags get sucked in to the sorter and they have to shut it down to fix it. They told us that pizza boxes without the grease (like the top part) are fine but the greasy stuff has to go in the trash.

                            Oh well, at least most communities are recycling. My MIL refuses (she even has curbside pick-up) and that just annoys me.



                            • #29
                              Pizza boxes go into yard waste! Crazy, huh!

                              They are big on ticketing jaywalkers, which I LOVE! I hate driving and worrying about people jumping out into the street, like in Chicago. And as a pedestrian, I know that drivers will actually stop for me, versus give me the finger.
                              married to an anesthesia attending


                              • #30
                                I'd be annoyed, too. I think I'd probably play innocent and collect them fir a week or so, then take the stack over to her house and say I've gotten these by mistake. But I'm non-confrontational passive aggressive...
                                My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)

