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What are you thankful for?

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  • What are you thankful for?

    After hearing that we may be getting up to a foot of snow on Wednesday, I decided that this thread might be overdue!

    I am thankful for the friends that I have in my life and for my family....I'm especially thankful that this has turned out to be such a good year for my kids. I'm also thankful for ... my bedroom set, which I love! lol Sorry, I just am! I'm thankful for getting such a good deal on an antique corner set for the living room which, it turns out, still has the original old glass. Do I sound like I'm thankful for things?

    I'm thankful for my husband and for the fact that I'm approaching 17 years with the man that I consider to be my soul mate. We have survived some really bad and really good times together, and at the end of the day, we have come out with a stronger, gentler marriage. We are in it for the long haul. I am thankful for the emotional security that this gives me.

    I'm thankful that Andrew is happy this year ... and that he is becoming easy-going and smiling again. He actually friended me on facebook on his own last week without me sneaking into his account and friending myself just to be unfriended when he discovered it. Holy buckets.

    I'm super thankful for the time that I have with Amanda now. We might not be having the most academic month, but we are going out to lunch together, talking about life and friends and are reconnecting in a very different way. She needs this and this is important too. In December she starts her new school program and I think she will be ready.

    I'm thankful that I get to go to the band/choir/orchestra concerts this year and hear Alex play violin for the first time! I can't wait for this. The biggest surprise has been that he loves playing violin and practices at home several evenings during the week. I lam thankful that everytime Alex leaves the house, he hugs me and says "I love you mom".

    I'm also thankful that Aidan is in Elizabeth's class and that he is having such a good year. He's still a little monkey, but ... she can handle him. I love that even though he has his special fort bed that he falls asleep in, that he still wakes up sometimes in the middle of the night to come and snuggle up next to me. He's not old enough to hug and kiss me.

    I'm thankful for Zoe's health...I'm thankful that even though she drives me crazy talking absolutely non-stop all. of. the. time to the point that I sometimes have to walk away from her ... that she is perfectly normal. I'm thankful that she thinks I'm a princess too.

    Now is Thanksgiving, after all......
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    My beautiful healthy baby girl and my wonderful loving husband!


    • #3
      I'm thankful for my three healthy kids. Seriously, I think about how grateful I am for that daily. I'm thankful my wonderful Dh. He really makes me happy. I'm thankful for my house which is slowly turning into the home I envisioned. I'm thankful for our standard of living. I feel so fortunate to not have to worry about paying bills and being able to afford some of the luxuries in life. I'm thankful for the texting technology - it makes communicating with my MIL bearable.
      Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


      • #4
        Ok. This is very specific. I am thankful for the first 20 minutes of every day.

        BabyK wakes up at 6AM every morning and calls to us. DrK (assuming he's home and not at the hospital), gets up from our bed, changes the baby's diaper, and then brings him back to our bed. We tuck the baby in the bed between us and snuggle and nurse. When the baby finishes nursing, he crawls all over us, giggling and playing with Moxie. It's a wonderful way to start the day.
        Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


        • #5
          I'm thankful for my where I am in life. Although I may be mostly unemployed, life is good. I'm thankful for my fiance J and the future we are going to build together. I am thankful for a supportive family, who stays with me through thick and thin. I'm thankful because I realize even though I may gripe about this or that, right now, I don't have anything in my life that is really horrible or upsetting. I am thankful that life is good.

          Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
          Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
          Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


          • #6
            I'm thankful most for my family. And that part of said family (MIL) lives in Alaska.


            • #7
              I am thankful for my amazing boy. I read such complicated stories coming from people who adopted from Russia and we're so lucky that he doesn't have those issues. He's an awesome loving, funny, STUBBORN little boy and I'm forever grateful to Galena at the Perm' Ministry of Education who decided he was to be ours.

              I'm thankful that after 10 years there's no one who drives me crazy like my husband (in all possible contexts of the words.) Internet stalking has it's place.

              I'm thankful that I work everyday in a field that matters doing work that matters with people that I enjoy. I'm especially thankful this year as people are already being laid off that my department seems to be safe. (of course, the fact that only we know how to do what we do might help!)

              I'm thankful that my family is healthy, that my grandmothers are both in safe places being care for by genuinely nice people and that my parents can relax about it. My parents are both healthy and about to celebrate 47 years of marriage. (not bad for a blind date at the Pitt Homecoming game of 1962) My brother and SIL just celebrated their 15th anniversary and both of my nephews are wonderful little guys. Jack doesn't shut up and James doesn't speak but really, in the big scheme of things, no biggie.

              I'm thankful for my wonderful neighbors in my amazing neighborhood. and my funky cool falling apart in places 103 year old house. (with new storm doors! Hallelujah!)

              and finally I'm thankful for my health, that I've finally managed to lose those last 15 pounds (7 more to go to hit goal of 22!), that I have my geezer pets for one more year and my new baby kitty.

              and- I'm most thankful that it appears, knocking wood all over the place, that the DC house will actually be unloaded this year. and as my buddy at work says, "then Jennifer's income can actually go to Jennifer, and not the bank."



              • #8
                I'm thankful for my husband. It is wonderful to be living out what we dreamed about back in high school. I cant believe I met the love of my love on the first try...and he's smokin'!

                I'm thankful for our families--it is such a blessing that both of our families adore each other and get along amazingly well. How many newlyweds get to have both families together for Christmas their first year of marriage! I'm thankful I have a dad close by who takes my husband out to lunch and fixes my car "just because," a mom I call every other day just to chat, a MIL who has been nothing but wonderful and does things like send me her old (almost new) Kindle because she knew I would like it, and a FIL who writes on my Facebook wall to say hi. I'm thankful I have 4 siblings whom I am extremely close to and I just "inherited" 5 more that I adore.

                I'm thankful for my job. Though it was a struggle at first and is still hard and uncomfortable at times, I'm surrounded by wonderful coworkers and good friends who make the day enjoyable. I have a good salary, benefits, and opportunities for advancement in a time when many people my age are struggling to find anything.

                I'm thankful for our little cozy duplex that is a better starter home than I could have ever dreamed of. And I'm thankful for the fact that it comes with a landlord we like so much that we chat on a regular basis and we will truly be sad if he moves out of the other side and rents it out like he plans. I love that DH has a (relatively) safe place to bike a few miles away and we can enjoy living in the city while still being part of a beautiful neighborhood.

                I'm thankful for IMSN and all of the lovely friends I have made and met through it. The information I've learned has been invaluable and helped give me a piece of mind. Most of all, I'm thankful I haven't been kicked off given I prattle on and on and often show my young age

                Oh...and I'm thankful for Southern Living Magazine, fuzzy socks, and fabric shavers.
                Last edited by SoonerTexan; 11-22-2010, 10:14 PM.
                Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                • #9
                  I'm so thankful to be so close to home; a year ago I was terrified of where we would be going, there's no doubt this would be so much harder everywhere else.

                  I'm also thankful for the good health of my family and for my nieces and nephews that bring me so much joy.
                  Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                  • #10
                    I'm thankful for the little everyday things DH does to make this process bearable for us. I'm thankful we've made it through some hard times and have learned so much along the way.

                    I'm thankful for the golden handful of friends who have stuck by our sides through constant changes, the ones who see through the fluff and value our best feelings, remembering where we've come from, through the highest highs and the lowest lows.

                    I'm thankful for my camera, which provides so much perspective.

                    I'm thankful for my children, for their uniqueness and what they have to offer. I'm thankful they still need more sleep than I do.

                    I'm thankful that all of our parents are alive and mentally with us.

                    I'm thankful that medical training does have an end, and for the hope that one or two springs from now I may be able to plant those raspberry bushes finally, and still be in the same house when they start bearing fruit.


                    • #11
                      I'm really thankful for Denver. This was where my husband wanted to go all along, and I was skeptical, but it's better than I ever could have imagined. I'm thankful that I get to live in a big city surrounded by endless natural beauty. I'm thankful that my sister moved here, as well as one of my best friends from high school, with whom I've been able to reconnect flawlessly. I'm thankful to have found a church we love. I'm thankful for all I learned in my first job here and for the job I've just started, where I have a chance to really do something that matters. I'm thankful that I can fly nonstop cheaply from here to see my parents and ILs, my brother, and pretty much anywhere in the country. I'm thankful for our awesome first house (even if I wish it was in Denver proper) and for the awesome husband I share it with.
                      Last edited by oceanchild; 11-23-2010, 08:41 AM.
                      Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


                      • #12
                        The past year (let's stretch it to 14 months) has been full of high high ups (birth of my daughter) and big lows (sudden and tragic loss of my brother) yet I am happy and at peace with my life. I have rediscovered faith and spirituality and it has really changed my life. Truly. I have opened up spiritually in a way I never have before, and my life is full of love for myself and others. I am so thankful for this.

                        I am thankful for the health of my family and myself. I am thankful that DH really loves his job (happy husband= happy me) even though he works long days. I am thankful for moonlighting - enough said. I am thankful DS loves his school and is doing really well...and I am also thankful for 3 full days per week of relative "quiet" with my daughter. lol.

                        I am thankful for my expanding family (a new niece, a new sister-in-law, and a new soon-to-be-sister in law). I am also thankful that my Dad seems to be coming out of a deep depresssion...I can finally see glimpses of the "old Dad" coming back. We missed him.

                        Life is good.
                        Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


                        • #13
                          I'm beyond thankful for the health of my family -- the far-too-soon loss of my mother has taught me that health is really the only thing that matters.

                          I'm thankful for my kids and their shining, intricate, trying, loving personalities. I'm thankful for my husband and his commitment to me and our family.


                          • #14
                            That I'm not my sister right now...who's pushing 40+ hours of labor as I write this...


                            • #15
                              I'm thankful for my awesome child & dedicated dh. Eventhough we are broke I'm thankful dh is employed & that we can pay our bills for the most part & feed ourselves. I'm also thankful that this is the last year of residency & that dh has a fellowship that will cement his exit from general surgery.
                              Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.

