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Our Update

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  • Our Update

    We are still in limbo. I'm new around here, but I've been lurking when I get a chance. My husband is finishing his nuclear medicine fellowship this week. Since my last post, a lot has happened. He passed his Step 3. Yay!!! He published 6 journal abstracts. Yesterday, he returned home from a New Orleans conference where he did 4 presentations.

    Next he has to get a medical license and take the nuclear medicine board exam. What a pain the whole license deal is!!!! That's my project---to basically complete all aspects of the licensing process and give it to him to sign. Since we still don't know where we are going, we pulled up several different State medical board websites to compare regulations and fees. We found out that PA (where we are now) has only a $35.00 fee and most states charge a few to several hundred dollars. I even called to double check the fee. Some states have monthly board meetings and deadlines for applications and some just process each application when it arrives, saving precious time. Some states have reciprocity with other states and some do not. Each application is slightly different. We decided to get a PA license first and then transfer to wherever we end up. I contacted his medical school and initial residency program to find out exactly where to send the verification forms that are required for the license. I compiled all of the information he needs to send in and filled out most of the forms. It's quite a process---getting everything together for this precious piece of paper!!!! And then we will wait. We don't expect there to be any problems once all the forms are completed....but who knows.

    I actually came to this website to see if there were any words of wisdom or information about this process of applying for a license, but I couldn't find anything. In my research, I found a great website that lists links to every state's medical board. Some applications are online and some require you to phone them for a copy to be mailed. I thought that website would be very useful for this group. Here it is:
    Let me know if that works.....or maybe one of our group leaders could make a link somewhere.

    In other news, we have pending interviews for attending positions in Ann Arbor(2nd interview), Denver, Stanford Univ, an industry job in Princeton, NJ, and the newest possibility is Wake Forest in NC. So he and we have alot of traveling and decision making in the coming weeks. I have surrendered to the unpredictable process and my husband's need to move very slowly to make major decisions.

    So, there ya have it. I wish everyone who is going through transitions here---good luck and be 'ain't' easy!!!!!

  • #2

    Wow, guys HAVE had a lot going on. The PA licensing fee is $35???? I'm trying to remember what we paid....I didn't remember it being that low....we paid about $1000 for Florida though 8O

    Thanks for the link...we'll definately add it....(and perhaps we can talk you into writing an article about the process )

    Good luck with the interviews and keep everyone posted on how it goes....this is a really exciting time!!!!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      A lot has been happening. Good luck with all your decisions. The whole licensing processing thing is new to me. I haven't even thought about it yet with three years of residency to go. The website should be really helpful. THANKS!



      • #4
        When you know where you will be moving, I have found the following site helpful in looking at schools:
        For most states it only shows test scores but it gives you an idea of where the better performing schools are and where you might want to live (if you will be using public schools).
        If you're deciding between cities,, can give you a general idea of what a city is like.
        Good luck!


        • #5
          Laurel, my DW just got her license from the state of MO. And you are right, it is get it all together and wait. We started it all in May and just got the official license today in the mail.
          Can't help you with the cost, for comparison sake, the residency program/hospital pay for hers so we are kept out of that loop.


          • #6
            I don't know anything about licensing, my husband and I aren't anywhere near that far - but we live in Stanford, so if your husband comes out for an interview or need any suggestions for the area, I'm happy to help!
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #7

              Great to hear the update! Congrats on Step 3 and the interviews---tres exciting. Good luck muddling through the licensing process. It teaches us all to cope with the fun bureacracy of the government. Here's hoping it goes smoothly for you.

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

