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Who's ready for snow/ice/general destruction?

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  • #16
    I went to the grocery store today where the deli man was about to do a TV interview about how busy they are today. I had no idea why they were so packed in Target until the Deli man told me of the impending storm. I think I need to take more time for the news these days. I wouldn't mind a snow day after just getting back from the store.

    ETA: We are supposed to get up to 6 inches tomorrow with up to 1/2 inch of ice and 2 to 8 inches on Wednesday. I suspect a snow day somewhere in there.
    Last edited by Phoebe; 01-31-2011, 01:13 PM.


    • #17
      I should probably run to the store, but Kenny gets out of school in 30 minutes and we have to be at my friend's house to get her son off the bus by 3:30 and then I have to have him at church at 4:30 (it's takes 15 min just to get him and Kenny into my car), and Maggie has ballet at 5 (she prefers to get there by 4:50). I guess Ella, Kenny and I can go grocery shopping after we drop Maggie off at ballet.
      Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


      • #18
        I keep looking at the weather, which is predicting 1-3 inches of snow (at least down here in the Metro area, the mtns are a different story) and butt cold temps and then I keep looking outside, where it is currently 50 and sunny. It makes no difference either way, I work at home and we live 2 minutes from the hospital so I don't really worry about him getting to and from work. I just wish it would actually happen for once. I haven't seen any snow out here yet....


        • #19
          Grrr as much as I want to stay home tomorrow, I have two deadlines (that I gave out) tomorrow and work from home galore is sure to wreak havoc. DH told me that the school said classes are never cancelled--because their teachers would be there no matter what. He can always listen to the lectures from home anyway.
          Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


          • #20
            Originally posted by SoonerTexan View Post
            DH told me that the school said classes are never cancelled--because their teachers would be there no matter what.
            Really? When we lived in Texas the mere hint of snow created a snow day for the entire university. It was ridiculous and awesome all at the same time.


            • #21
              They NEVER close the schools here. Seriously. A couple years ago we had 2 FEET of snow on the ground and a blizzard warning from the NWS. Yep, still had school. It wasn't until a bus slid off the road with kids that they decided this wasn't their wisest choice. Duh.


              • #22
                I've stocked up on EVERYTHING, and am fully prepared to be housebound for at least the next two days. Kansas City does NOT do well with your regular snow removal -- it's just too spread out for them to really have a fighting chance. If we lose power (I'm hoping we don't, as we live in newer construction w/underground wires), my neighbors have a generator (they're like that). I told Jacob's tutor to head home after school tonight -- I don't want her getting stuck in a disaster.


                • #23
                  My mom is soooo stoked because next Mon. I'm flying her out here for a 3 month stay(she lives just NE of Indy). She turns 80 in March and is not doing so well with the winter weather this year. I promise if I ever buy a home w/a casita I'll happily loan it out for "warm up weekend" getaways for any iMSN peeps! I won't torture you w/ a description of my weather!
                  Last edited by Momo; 01-31-2011, 02:34 PM.


                  • #24
                    Sooner- it was the same when DH was a student there.
                    Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                    • #25
                      I went to Meijer for ice melt. You would think the world is coming to an end! We are predicted anywhere from 12-20 inches of snow, but there is almost nothing on the ground right now, so removal shouldn't be too much of a problem. Seriously - this is Illinois. It snows here every year. Several times a year, in fact. After living in MN, the over-reaction before the storm even hits seems a bit ridiculous. Dh has meetings tomorrow that he'll have to go in for. Other than that, he just happens to be off until Thursday, which means I don't have to plow. Yay!
                      Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                      • #26
                        We are getting 20 inches. Luckily the hospital is 2 miles away on a main road. And DH will be working nights so he can plow the driveway with his new toy before he goes in. I'm mostly annoyed that I won't be able to workout. Childwatch is closed if the schools are. And there is no way I am going into Kroger. I'm sure we can manage with our current food stock.


                        • #27
                          I never go shopping the night before a storm. Too crazy/filled with annoying people who think we're all going to die. I live across the street from a target and a grocery store. If the roads are really horrible tomorrow, I'll just slide to the store. Or walk if the sidewalks are clear. Shopping on a snow day is amazing. I have the whole place to myself!
                          I'm just trying to make it out alive!


                          • #28
                            I would run our bank account to $0.00 if I lived that close to a Target.

                            Sun and upper 40s for the first part of the week where I am. . I've paid my Midwest snow dues!
                            married to an anesthesia attending


                            • #29
                              Yeah, my proximity to Target is both a blessing and a curse.
                              I'm just trying to make it out alive!


                              • #30
                                We are only supposed to get 1-2 inches here, but what is going to be killer is the ice. Supposed to get at least a 1/4 inch here, maybe a little more? Hard to tell - we live far enough south on this one that it might not be too bad, but I'm not holding my breath. The storm last week was only supposed to be 4-6 inches and yet we wound up with 11 inches.

                                This storm will make the morning commutes tomorrow and Wednesday suck. DH will have to go in tomorrow morning and then on Wednesday morning for call. I have to be on campus tomorrow morning for seminar and Wednesday afternoon for a meeting. As a student, I enjoy snow days, but I'm getting pretty sick of this. The timing of it keeps screwing with my class schedule and work I need to get done for my thesis.

                                corn poffi, I live 5 minutes up the road from Target and you hit the nail on the head! It is so awesome that it is so close, but so, so bad at the same time. Luckily, we did our grocery shopping yesterday, so we are all set. And power outages shouldn't be an issue, as we have underground wires here.
                                Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending

