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New Doctor's Wife Book

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  • New Doctor's Wife Book

    I haven't read this yet and I will make sure to point out that it has a strong religious aspect but my bible study group recommended this.


    I've ordered mine and will report back once I've had time to read it.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

  • #2
    I don't know why but the sentence "Are you tired of hurt and disappointment" just rubs me the wrong way....

    Let us know what you think!
    Loving wife of neurosurgeon


    • #3
      Yes, please report back!

      If it is a "coming from a happy place" type of book, I would be interested in reading it. If it's a downer, one of those "medical life is so tough and you really do deserve to feel sorry for yourself" type of thing, I probably will skip. I am so burned out on hearing, "How do you do it?! It's so hard! He's never there!" etc etc etc. That's all it's been chief year--people feeling sorry for me. Without me even offering any details of my life! They just ASSUME I am unhappy. Yes, it's been tough here and there, but chief year has taught me how LUCKY we have been through all this. I know people who've really had it bad--including people here on this site--I have no reason to feel sorry for myself. I have learned to say that I am really happy and not feel like I need to be ashamed of that or to say it almost apologetically. I need to avoid people and attitudes that send the message that I should not be happy. They make me feel stupid and depressed--not about my circumstances with his job, but because I am apparently too dense to realize my own plight!

      I guess I've decided that I would rather be happy and unenlightened than unhappy and well-informed...if that makes any sense.


      • #4
        I hear you GrayMatterWife, I am sick to death of hearing the downers as well, can you believe that I even got it from some people on our wedding day, the old "oh i could never marry a doctor, they are never at home, married to the job etc" like HELLO, this is my freaken wedding day here and I am marrying a doctor but guess what I LOVE THAT DOCTOR, he is the best thing that has happend in my life and I am happy, sure I have my bad days, but as I point out to all these people, im sure you have your bad days been married to a banker, vet, accountant etc. Like you I am happy and am sick to death of getting down and depressed over these comments from people, i hardly know (or know to well).....if I want to get to get down or depressed I am quite capable of doing it myself!!


        • #5
          Both my family and DH's family (and his dad is a doctor!) are very down on doctors. They constantly criticize him and his "failure" to be around as much as THEY want (despite the fact that I don't complain!) and they criticize me for--apparently--being a human rug that gets walked over. (To those of you who know me as a long-time poster here, isn't that a funny notion??). I just have gotten to the point where I am just burned out on hearing about how awful my life is. I feel like I am either stupid or deluded.


          • #6
            Im sure you are neither stupid or deluded!!! you love your husband, and I dont think any of us can say that what we have is stupid or deluded!!! other people just dont understand!! unless you are married to a doctor, gone through the training, the night shifts, the on-call etc then you will never understand, I hate it sometimes, the constant interuptions, change in plans etc but then I wouldnt have my life any other way, and I am sure a lot of us are in the same boat.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mrs PM View Post
              Im sure you are neither stupid or deluded!!! you love your husband, and I dont think any of us can say that what we have is stupid or deluded!!! other people just dont understand!! unless you are married to a doctor, gone through the training, the night shifts, the on-call etc then you will never understand, I hate it sometimes, the constant interuptions, change in plans etc but then I wouldnt have my life any other way, and I am sure a lot of us are in the same boat.
              I'm not trying to be difficult or pick a fight, but why wouldn't you want to eliminate the constant interruptions or changes in plans, so long as you could still be married to your husband? Is there something about those things that you like?


              • #8
                Originally posted by pistachio View Post
                I'm not trying to be difficult or pick a fight, but why wouldn't you want to eliminate the constant interruptions or changes in plans, so long as you could still be married to your husband? Is there something about those things that you like?
                Perhaps you'd like to introduce yourself to us over in Grand Rounds? We'd love to learn more about you.
                Married to a peds surgeon attending


                • #9
                  Originally posted by pistachio View Post
                  I'm not trying to be difficult or pick a fight, but why wouldn't you want to eliminate the constant interruptions or changes in plans, so long as you could still be married to your husband? Is there something about those things that you like?
                  For me, I don't think about wanting to eliminate the interruptions or changes in plans because, if those things weren't a part of my life, I wouldn't be married to my husband. Or, my husband wouldn't be a physician that he is. Neither of which I want at all.

                  At the end of the day, all jobs--whatever they may be--have their drawbacks. Being married to a physician can be challenging in many respects, but there are a lot of rewards. And a lot to be proud of, too. If DH can't be around on a holiday, or if we have to move birthday celebrations around to accommodate call least those sacrifices are being made for a good cause. He's a great doctor. He makes other lives better. The inconveniences it causes to me and the kids are at least for a worthy cause. And, in the end, he always manages to make the most out of our time together--a result I credit to the fact that his job FORCES him to really appreciate us and our time together.

                  Would I like to see him more? Yep. But I'm ok with things. I just get really tired of OTHER PEOPLE, outside the Medical Life, telling me I should be resentful. It is a real downer.


                  • #10
                    ITA, GMW. Preach it, sister.


                    • #11
                      Just to let you all know I received the book and now that the house craziness is over I hope to be able to read it - I'll give you an update when I'm done.
                      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

