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Someone kick me please! :D

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  • Someone kick me please! :D

    OK...I need a KICK in the pants BIG TIME! I am just so exhausted and lazy lately (and I'm only 24 weeks). My walking partner came back from a week long vacation in time for us to start walking again on Monday...I just can't get up at 6 am and keep this up. I get home, drink a cup of coffee and then crash on the sofa for hours...barely lucid of the fact that Thomas gets up and goes to work. My kids are even coming downstairs and tiptoeing around me... 8O The entire rest of the day, I feel exhausted. The July/Aug. newlsetter is still waiting to be mailed, my house is an absolute PIT, and I haven't actually cooked something in at least a week...Thomas brings home a roasted chicken or I heat up something for the kids (fish sticks) and he and I eat bread or something for dinner 8O

    Besides the fact that I'm feeling like a big huge loser and I can feel my behind spreading as I sit here and type....someone MUST kick me in the pants here and make me clean my house and get moving again. I feel like once I can get the momentum going that I'll be able to propel myself along again for awhile 8) I have tried going over to the flylady to motivate myself to clean...and just reading about it all makes me tired Seriously, my house is getting grungy.....

    Someone kick me please!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Make ONE goal for tomorrow and promise yourself a treat (not food ) after you get done. Give your kids some little jobs that they can do, as well. Tell them your one goal and ask them if they have any ideas how they could help you reach it. Do a 10 minute blitz-clean -- set the timer and have them pick up as much stuff as they can before the bell rings. Don't think about the whole house at once or you will get discouraged. You can do it, one thing at a time, and still sack out on the couch for a while!

    Also, make sure you are eating food that helps rather than hinders your energy level --- i.e. not a lot of carbs.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      Well, cut yourself a little slack. You are 24 weeks pregnant and a busy mom!

      Sally, I really like your ideas!
      I don't know if this would feel like a treat, Kris, but a treat could be buying a new cookbook. Maybe that would help with the dinner dilemmas. There are a bunch of fun ones with meals in 30 minutes or less. I think Rachel Ray has written a few good books on this and there are a few by Cooking Light, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc. Those might be worth looking at because in some of the fast meal books fast=high fat.


      • #4
        I seriously think you should give in to your fatigue. You are pregnant for goodness' sake!!! Maybe it is time to have the kids learn to vacuum and put away the dishes and laundry while Mommy RESTS. 8O
        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
        With fingernails that shine like justice
        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


        • #5

          I'm so tired it's just ridiculous...I feel like I've been hit by a mack truck! Today I got up at 5.45 to take Alex and around noon I just crashed on the sofa...I kind of dozed a little...but I was too worried about the kids and then Alex woke up and was busy, busy, busy....I tried to force myself to clean the online a couple of times...but for the most part, I just laid on the sofa in a long t-shirt. My son:"mom, are you ever going to get dressed again?" I have never, ever been this tired before at this stage in a pregnancy....and Sally, I agree about changing my diet..I have been eating like a carb-loading PIG lately!!! I kid you not! I must get this under control...starting....first thing tomorrow Someone here please remind me to stop pigging out whenever you see me online...remind me I will gain more weight and feel unhappy in the long run and that it isn't worth the 5 minute carb high

          grumpy, grumpy, grumpy,

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            Well, Kris, I only thought of telling you that because I am so guilty of it myself, especially when I am pregnant. I think you need to cut yourself some slack today because you had to get up extra early and you were stressed out about Alex. Just take it one day (and one snack! ) and one chore at a time.

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • #7

              Well, I didn't go back to bed after walking this morning and it actually...helped. I just made myself keep moving all day long..I cleaned the house, mowed the lawn, took the kids to the play area, sat outside while they played in our little splash pool...Anytime I sat down though for a few minutes I got sleepy......maybe as Nellie said, this will reset my clock and I'll be able to get to bed earlier again.

              In any case, I do feel better for having gotten so much done...though you wouldn't know how hard I cleaned now if you looked at my family room/kitchen . Of a reward for a job well done, I had not one..but two pieces of lemon cake starts Monday 8)

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8
                Well, I think you should skip the lawn. I mow the lawn, it is hard, but I am not pregnant.
                wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                • #9
                  It would probably be a good idea to get checked for anemia. I had a bad case of that during my last pregnancy and the main symptom is exhaustion. If you have it, you need to increase your iron intake. Please talk to your OB ASAP to get your blood checked.


                  • #10
                    My OB lectured me about eating too many carbs--she thinks I should eat eggs and bacon and just protein load all of the time. Apparently she thinks this will help the energy level.... I've been trying to be more disciplined with it, but I take the glucose tolerance test next week, so I feel like I should eat chocolate now, in case it's the last time for a while!!! I say succumb to the exhaustion as much as you can, but then again, I don't have any kids--I'm just pregnant with the first. Take it easy in any case!


                    • #11
                      I hear you on the exhaustion. I think I hit the wall after our move. I felt isolated and bored sometimes which leads to fatigue. Plus I am getting fatter and moving is more awkward. I find I have more energy when I exercise. I have been lying down almost everyday when my daughter naps. Sometimes you just need a break so listen to your body, Kris!


