OK...I need a KICK in the pants BIG TIME! I am just so exhausted and lazy lately (and I'm only 24 weeks). My walking partner came back from a week long vacation in time for us to start walking again on Monday...I just can't get up at 6 am and keep this up. I get home, drink a cup of coffee and then crash on the sofa for hours...barely lucid of the fact that Thomas gets up and goes to work. My kids are even coming downstairs and tiptoeing around me... 8O The entire rest of the day, I feel exhausted. The July/Aug. newlsetter is still waiting to be mailed, my house is an absolute PIT, and I haven't actually cooked something in at least a week...Thomas brings home a roasted chicken or I heat up something for the kids (fish sticks) and he and I eat bread or something for dinner 8O
Besides the fact that I'm feeling like a big huge loser and I can feel my behind spreading as I sit here and type....someone MUST kick me in the pants here and make me clean my house and get moving again. I feel like once I can get the momentum going that I'll be able to propel myself along again for awhile 8) I have tried going over to the flylady to motivate myself to clean...and just reading about it all makes me tired
Seriously, my house is getting grungy.....
Someone kick me please!
Besides the fact that I'm feeling like a big huge loser and I can feel my behind spreading as I sit here and type....someone MUST kick me in the pants here and make me clean my house and get moving again. I feel like once I can get the momentum going that I'll be able to propel myself along again for awhile 8) I have tried going over to the flylady to motivate myself to clean...and just reading about it all makes me tired

Someone kick me please!