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  • iPad

    Who has one?

    The hospital just provided an iPad to all docs here. We have had it for a week. It's ok. We each have a kindle, so we only use it for surfing right now. The novelty wore off quickly since we have iPhones. Is here any app that would be good for the iPad that isn't something one might have on an iPhone?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Fruit Ninja--much better on the iPad My husband got my mother addicted.
    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


    • #3
      Since you have kindles, maybe not but my parents love getting various newspapers and magazines on their iPad.



      • #4
        I have one and am in love with it. How does T like using it for work? K has a small laptop that's dying a slow, painful death and he's not sure about the iPad yet.

        I'm wishing mine had more a camera, and the ability to plug in a headset and use it as a phone. (I very rarely use my phone to actually talk, so this would work for me ) Texting would be great too. Basically I want the iPad to be everything for me. Do you have netflix? I use their app to stream tv shows and movies to the ipad, as well as books. Our library has tons of ebooks that can be downloaded on everything BUT a kindle, so there's that too.

        I refuse to get sucked in by Fruit Ninja!! Angry Birds was bad enough. I had to just get rid of it, lol.


        • #5
          Good Reader is my pdf viewer of choice - J uses it to read and store papers too, much nicer than the pdf support on the kindle (and full color, natch)

          I think on the newest version you can annotate as well
          - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


          • #6
            DH bought his with his book money and talked his residency program into providing one for all residents. He takes it to work everyday and uses it instead of his Kindle. Still not quite sure what he does on it besides Facetiming us every once in a while.


            • #7
              My parents got us one for Christmas, I still don't really get it, I mainly use it to play Pocket Frogs and WWFs. DH loves it but I'm not sure what he does on it either. We do stream NetFlix on it but that's mainly because our PS3 got stolen so we can't stream to our real tv. We have a PBS app I like and the Times. It's definitely easier to read/maneuver through than an iPhone. I use it to check our bank and credit card balances. It's cool but not life changing for me. I think DH wanted it to look at scans at work but he's really not allowed to bring anything valuable to work due to his overriding tendency to lose things....


              • #8
                I'm kind of obsessed with the PBS app, and use it all the time. I don't have an iPad yet, so it's just my tiny phone screen, but I'l highly considering buying one as a graduation present (for myself...hey, if I have to put up with med school, I deserve a reward).
                I'm just trying to make it out alive!


                • #9
                  I've got one and use it ALL THE TIME. It's my primary tool for surfing the net, I play scrabble, WWF, Angry-freaking-Birds, etc. I have a lot of apps for Mattie that are great for times we're waiting places, we stream Netflix, I get some magazines on it.

                  Love it.


                  • #10
                    I have the iPad and DH has the iPad2. We absolutely love them. DH travels all the time and uses his extensively. He is providing all of his residents with them this year loaded with all the articles and books they need. The battery life is insane compared to a laptop and the 3G makes it a go anywhere do anything tool.


                    • #11
                      Your dh is going to be very loved Trisha!!! How cool!

                      Dh is getting an iPad. He can have all his textbooks on it, theyare Alteady all available to him in PDF form at work. That alone makes it worth it since he carries about 45 lbs worth if books with him to work every day.

                      I would like an iPad for the kids learning games and the really nice encyclopedia brittanica entries. And the battery life is really impressive. But I'm going to wait for my iPad until after dh finishes residency. I'm sure I'll play around on his, but we don't share very nicely!!

                      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                      • #12
                        DH has one....uses it for surfing, email, videos, and books. I subscribe to a few magazines on it. I like it fine, but not enough to want one of my own.
                        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                        • #13
                          We have one and DH uses it mostly for surfing and work email. He loves the email interface and the calendar interface. He sits on the couch at night and finishes up the days work there with the iPad. The Major League Baseball app is awesome. Expensive but awesome if you are a fan. I just started putting a presentation together in Keynote. I'm imagining that it will be the preferred tool for presenting something to a small group for me. It's not at formal as a Powerpoint and a screen but it is much more professional than a pad of notebook paper or handouts.
                          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                          • #14
                            We don't have one. I am sure we would enjoy it. DHs job would never provide them. Instead they do things like provide sushi at noon lectures for med students and residents like the one DH gave yesterday.


                            • #15
                              I like pulse news.., you can set it up for all the news sites/blogs/websites you frequently visit and it downloads all the recent articles into one app...

