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Ouch and yuck

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  • Ouch and yuck

    After having a very injured toenail for about 8 years (I cut it wheni tripped on a hot wheels car, splitting it down the middle), I finally saw a podiatrist today for the first time... And he pulled the whole thing off. Yuck!!!! Major yuck!!!! But he said this is the only way to grow a healthy nail back, and I should have a new uninjured toenail in 6-8 months.

    I have a new appreciation for the mob threat of pulling off your fingernails... But I didn't feel it (mostly- felt it at first so he gave me more lidocaine!!). Yuck though.

    At least next summer I may be able to get a pedicure!!!! That would be fun!

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

  • #2
    Happy healing pedi vibes!
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #3
      Ouch! That gives me shivers! Glad you've got it on the mend now, though.
      My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


      • #4
        Ahhhhh. Jeez.
        Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


        • #5
          Yuck! All I could think when I first started reading the post was - did he numb it? lol - cause at first it didn't sound like he did haha
          High school sweetheart and wife to an MS4 cutie, and mom to pretty baby J, silly Siamese kitty, crazy Weim, and funny ferret.


          • #6
            And all I could think was that you waited 8 YEARS? you are much more self-sacrificing than I am....


            • #7
              You can just paint the skin this summer. That's what I did when I lost the top half of my toenail (no idea how -- there was a very strong margarita first, followed by missing toenail). . LOL
              Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


              • #8
                Ouch!!!!... Oh Peggy ... the very idea of this curls my toes! LOL I hope your new nail starts growing in soon!

                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  It sucks that I can't really put pressure on it-- I haven't been to the gym since the procedure. I think its getting less sensitive... Slowly.

                  I hate that a toenail should impact my day!!! But it does. It will heal eventually I suppose!! I am covering it with bandaids during the day. That feels better to me-- Maybe I'll try socks and my tennis shoes this weekend lol. It's still oozing and gross. TMI I know.

                  Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                  • #10
                    Ouch Peggy! Has it been painful/sore for eight years? Or is it only painful now that it's been removed?

                    My big toenail came off after I wore an ill fitting pair of closed toe heels a couple years ago. Actually, the nail bed was just bruised when I took off the heels. Since it was October, I just painted my toenails dark colors over the winter to hide the bruise that never really went away. Then as spring started approaching, I noticed the nail beginning to seperate from the nail bed. As my sucky luck would have it, just when flip flop and pedicure season is in full swing, the damn thing comes off! Being the vain creature I am, the lady who did my nails at the time offered to put an artificial toenail there since we were about to leave on a cruise. While on the cruise, some jackass steps on my toe and the freaking fake nail pops off! I ended up painting the skin like V-Girl suggested, but I remember being really ticked off that the toenail trauma from October waiting until the height of my cherished flip flop season to escalate. For me though, the pain was limited to the first week or two after wearing the shoes. Even when the entire nail came off it wasn't painful, just more of an icky feeling. The good news is your podiatrist is right, you should have a normal looking nail in 6-8 months. Pathetic how much pain and grief a lousy toenail can cause huh?
                    Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


                    • #11
                      I had a split down the middle for almost 8 years-- but it was always about halfway down, and that was it. I kept it painted, no big deal. I thought it would always grow back, but it didn't! it didn't hurt then at all. This past spring we went to disney and we went to Typhoon Lagoon which is super fun, but there is a Huge Wave there, and I mean HUGE, and I lost half the toenail there--- so... it became clear that the other half had to go too! Plus the nail bed was all damaged, etc., etc.

                      I think what hurt was the procedure-- it's just tender now. And of course the kids keep stepping on it!!!! It will be better soon and I'll be able to put my running shoes on, but hell, I don't know if I have time to go running with the kids being home all the time and my teen being across the country for a couple of weeks! I hate running, but I'd just worked up to 3 miles and I don't want to go back to where 1.5 miles kills me again...

                      Anyway, toenails suck. I'm just glad that it will grow back eventually!!

                      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

