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  • Boards

    Who else has a SO getting ready for boards? My husband has studied all summer, but has really been cramming all weekend--I can't wait till this is over!
    Awake is the new sleep!

  • #2
    My husband takes his (ORAL boards, which sound horrible to me) in early November. He is nervous because since all of the HIPAA regulations went into effect, the examiners will be questioning him about patients that he saw, but they won't be able to use their names. He took a review course at the beginning of June and is going to take another one at the end of October, just prior to his boards.

    We have a friend here who is med/peds, and she is taking her boards tomorrow and Wednesday. She is 8 months pregnant and asked my husband (her OB) if he could write her a note so she would be allowed to take bottled water into the test room to drink so she doesn't get dehydrated. 8O

    Good luck to everyone and their spouses/families!

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      My husband is taking boards in October, a month after the due date of our baby. I am worried for him and can't wait until they are over. He has been studying some, but enough? Time will be even more precious after our baby arrives. I hate the waiting period to find out the scores even more than the time leading up to the test itself. I am nervous just thinking about it!



      • #4
        My husband's taking them tomorrow and Wednesday (medicine)! We both can't wait 'til Wednesday night. The results don't come for 3 months, though. He's always been a good test taker so I'm not worried but I will be happy when we cross yet another hurdle. The bad news is that apparently you have to take the medicine boards every 10 years to stay's all so neverending. Good luck to everyone!


        • #5
          There's always more boards! My husband took the Family Practice National Specialty Boards in July, but we won't hear the results until September, which is driving him crazy. He said they were really hard, and is making contingency plans if he didn't pass. (He's a worrier.)


          • #6
            Yikes! I'm glad we don't have the BIG boards going on in our house. We're just trying to scrape together the $$$ for Step III -- you have to pay with a check. Which wouldn't be as big a deal if the University wasn't so late reimbursing him for travel expenses. Guess we won't be too affected by the studying and worrying until he's actually signed up!
            Not sure if this is just related to our state, but he has to sign up (and pay) by Sept 1 in order to take Step III this year. Otherwise it would be next year. 8O


            • #7
              We've got Peds Boards in October. Luckily, we get reimbursed for them. Just in time for those bills from the trip to Italy to start rolling in...

              As for oral versus written, if my husband had totake oral boards, he'd drop dead. On the spot. (me on the other hand...I could BS anyone, anytime and live to tell about it.) He's going to be absolutley unbearable for the entire month of October, probably most of September and for however long it takes to hear from the Boards people.

              I think I'll signup for some REALLY long surveys in October.


