Hi everybody! My husband is a PGY3 resident and he will be applying for his post residency job in the next few months. I have so many questions about this process, I don't know where to begin!
1. For those of you who have been through this process, do you remember about how many interviews your husband went on? I want my husband to interview at as many places as possible so that we can leave our options open, but he doesn't want to "bother" with so many interviews. I guess he's confident he can get any job he wants
2. Do you have to cover your own travel expenses during the interviewing process or do the hospitals usually pick up the tab? I'm expecting that we need to cover everything.
3. I've noticed a lot of you have been through the relocation process. My husband and I live in Southern California and desperately want to relocate...mainly because So Cal is way overpopulated and way, way, way, way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overpriced and everyone and their brother seems to have had some type of plastic surgery....
! Not to mention So Cal is a largely materialistic place! I hope I'm not offending anyone! We are born and raised Southern Californians and have never left the area so although we want to relocate, I have mixed emotions...I don't want to leave our families (especially since we are thinking about starting a family soon) and whenever I tell someone we want to move, they look at me like I'm out of my mind for wanting to leave California! Right now we're pretty much open to any place that is a good place to raise a family...we're leaning towards OR, TX, NC. Does anyone have any thoughts, advice, good stories, horror stories, regrets about relocating?
4. Are there any towns or cities that you would recommend as a good place to raise a family? Since my DH is still in residency, we haven't really had the luxury of traveling to many different areas of the country, so I'm rather "uneducated" about places outside of California!
Sorry for such a long post! My husband and I have been together since high school and for the 1st time in well...ever, we actually have a choice (well, for the most part) about where we want to live, settle down, start a family. This next chapter in our lives is so exciting and it is also overwhelming! I would love to hear advice from anyone who has "been there".
(Sorry again for the long post!!)
1. For those of you who have been through this process, do you remember about how many interviews your husband went on? I want my husband to interview at as many places as possible so that we can leave our options open, but he doesn't want to "bother" with so many interviews. I guess he's confident he can get any job he wants

2. Do you have to cover your own travel expenses during the interviewing process or do the hospitals usually pick up the tab? I'm expecting that we need to cover everything.

3. I've noticed a lot of you have been through the relocation process. My husband and I live in Southern California and desperately want to relocate...mainly because So Cal is way overpopulated and way, way, way, way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overpriced and everyone and their brother seems to have had some type of plastic surgery....

4. Are there any towns or cities that you would recommend as a good place to raise a family? Since my DH is still in residency, we haven't really had the luxury of traveling to many different areas of the country, so I'm rather "uneducated" about places outside of California!

Sorry for such a long post! My husband and I have been together since high school and for the 1st time in well...ever, we actually have a choice (well, for the most part) about where we want to live, settle down, start a family. This next chapter in our lives is so exciting and it is also overwhelming! I would love to hear advice from anyone who has "been there".
(Sorry again for the long post!!)