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Android phones (Verizon)

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  • Android phones (Verizon)

    Have any favorites?

    I have had my Droid Eris for far too long and am finally in the market for a new phone. (I'm also considering an iPhone, but I'm really good with Android at this point and think I would prefer to stick with it.)

    I'd like it to be fast, have a fairly small profile, and for the battery to last a full day (with me charging it overnight). But probably getting all of the above is not realistic.
    Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.

  • #2
    I have the Droid X and I love it. It isn't particularly small, but it is powerful and the battery life is pretty awesome. If I don't use it much, I can go 2 days without charging. Even with using ALL.THE.TIME for work, the battery still lasts all day and it charges quickly.


    • #3
      I have the Motorola X2. Love it. It's much faster than my old phone (Motorola Droid) but I'm guessing that any smart phone you buy new will be fast. My X2 has the larger screen (I don't remember the size), which I love, love, love. My old phone and Dh's current phone have the smaller screen and they seem so small compared to my X2. However, the battery life isn't as great. I barely get a full day of charge out of it, depending on what I am doing. Generally that's not a problem because I charge it during the day when I am not using it. I've just noticed it running out of juice when traveling or haven't been home during the day.
      Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


      • #4

        iPhone fan here! The new 4S will be available the 14th.
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #5
          I have the HTC Thunderbolt - I love it! But I will tell you that the battery is horrible! You can buy an extended battery for it, but I have not yet.
          High school sweetheart and wife to an MS4 cutie, and mom to pretty baby J, silly Siamese kitty, crazy Weim, and funny ferret.


          • #6
            iPhone! I loved my android, until I got the iPhone!
            -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier


            • #7
              Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post

              iPhone fan here! The new 4S will be available the 14th.
              I have an iPhone 3G. Many versions ago. I have been waiting patiently for this - woop woop!
              I'm not switching to Verizon though, as I am grandfathered in with AT&T (many many things, unlimited, for free).
              Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
              Professional Relocation Specialist &
              "The Official IMSN Enabler"


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cassy
                stalking this. I'm in the exact same boat. I've been waiting over a year and a half to get rid of my Eris. Hate. It.
                It seemed like such a good idea at the time. Nice size, snazzy graphics... crappy phone. Ugh.

                Originally posted by MrsPotts View Post
                I have the HTC Thunderbolt - I love it! But I will tell you that the battery is horrible! You can buy an extended battery for it, but I have not yet.
                This is the one I like the best on appearance and 4G capability. But the battery is exactly what worries me about it.
                ETA: DH got a Droid Bionic. It is really snazzy, but the battery life sucks.

                iPhone people: how good are the calendar apps? DH and I sync google calendars, and being able to see month and week views with all our stuff on them is really important to me. (I have a great free android app for this.)
                Last edited by oceanchild; 10-05-2011, 07:22 AM.
                Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


                • #9
                  iCal (the iphone calendar) syncs seamlessly with google calendar once you get it set up (which is a little tricky). I sync my computer calendar with my phone through google without issue. I'm sure there are apps too but I prefer iCal because we're a Mac family.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #10
                    The new personal assistant will seem to kick calendar scheduling ass!

                    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                    • #11
                      I haven't read anything on the new phones, is it a whole new phone or just a new OS?
                      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                      • #12
                        It doesn't look like they changed all that much with the iPhone 4S, really. Except the Siri thing.

                        The thing with the calendar is that DH dumps his entire work schedule into a google calendar. I love being able to see it a month at a time on my phone. And he is never, ever going to get an iPhone.

                        Originally posted by Zoe View Post
                        iPhone! I loved my android, until I got the iPhone!
                        Ok, so what's so much better?
                        Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


                        • #13
                          Ok, so what's so much better?
                          I've never had an android, but a coworker had one and then switched to android. He was bitching about it yesterday because all the pictures from a game this weekend were lost. "With the iPhone, I took the damn picture and it saved it. With this piece of crap, I have to "double save it" or I lose everything." In a nutshell.

                          So I guess ease of use?
                          Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                          • #14
                            Well, the main thing that I love about it, is that the screen never freezes like my android did. But that doesn't happen to everyone's I know. The camera is way better, actually the new iPhone is going to have an 8 megapixel camera! The battery life is way better. my android would usually be at about 25% by the end of the day, my iPHone is usually still almost full with the same amount of use.
                            I also have a macbook and an ipad and I love that they all sinc together.
                            -Mommy, FM wife, Disney Planner and Hoosier


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SoonerTexan View Post
                              I've never had an android, but a coworker had one and then switched to android. He was bitching about it yesterday because all the pictures from a game this weekend were lost. "With the iPhone, I took the damn picture and it saved it. With this piece of crap, I have to "double save it" or I lose everything." In a nutshell.

                              So I guess ease of use?
                              To that very particular point, I've never lost a photo off my android phone, *and*, because I have a google plus account, and set it up this way, every time I take a picture, it immediately puts it in a locked-down-to-me-only picasa album.
                              Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty

