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Labor Day Plans anyone?

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  • Labor Day Plans anyone?

    Does anyone have anything planned for the holiday weekend/holiday? Thomas has in-house call, so we'll be at home ordering pizza enjoying our last hurrah before school starts in a week.

    anyone going anywhere or doing anything?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    I've had my husband home all three days after seeing him awake about an hour a day for the last couple of weeks. Most cool!!!


    • #3
      My husband & I went to see his parents yesterday (Westchester,NY). We didn't get there until 5pm and got home at 3am ugh. I had to work in the ER 7am - 11:30 am and he didn't finish rounds until 2pm. THis is really a crazy lifestyle. Today I'm doing NOTHING.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        Let's see-

        Friday he was post-call so we didn't do anything. Saturday I went to my friends final fitting for her wedding gown, then went to her dad's house to get linens to take to the beach house for girly weekend (they rent it during the summer and take all the nice stuff back down for the fall, winter and spring) then last night we went to Old Town, Alexandria and got a wedding present for a couple that we knew in Texas. We then went to a local brewery and in a way of small towns, while we were eating, in walked my first cousin. We then left and she and her friends caught up with us later. Today my husband is back on-call and I'm leaving for a survey. But at least I get a comp day for travelling on a holiday.

        But most importantly- 17 more days until we leave for Italy!!!



        • #5
          Elizabeth, enjoy dh...reunions are wonderful.

          Kris, enjoy your sweetpeas before they go off to school.

          Luanne and Lunatic, a day at home and a day at the zoo both sound like fun, (and kind of the same thing if you have little ones around).

          Jenn, D.C. seems to agree with you. Here's hoping for all perfect assignments with the AF in the future.

          As for me, I rescued DH from a tire blowout that he incurred between two hospitals while he was on call. Of course this meant surrendering my car and spending all day Saturday stuck at Sears with my three year old. Am I wife of the year or what? At least or car mishap didn't happen in the middle of a blizzard like last time. We saw the Wiggles yesterday, very cool.

          Take care and enjoy your Labor Day!

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            We just got home from a wonderful weekend in Aspen. I am catching up on email while bryn is catching up on sleep on my lap. Of the 3 1/2 hr car drive, she fell asleep for only the last 45 minutes....even though she was totally exhausted.

            Anyway, we just had a fun relaxing time. We rode the gondola to the top of Aspen mountain -- twice in one day. The first time some weather moved in and we were *completely* socked in by fog. Very weird to know that you are at 50-100 feet off the ground and climbing rapidly but barely able to see 20 feet in front of you. We could have been going in circles in a warehouse for all we knew. It was drizzly and really chilly at the top of the mountain so we headed back down. A few hours later, a la Colorado, it was clear as a bell with perfect visiblity and beautiful views. We took a few pictures and hopefully will have our Christmas card pic. And got in a nice hike along the ridge of the mountain. We hiked 4-5 miles round trip the next day and Bryn was a trooper for hiking a lot of the way and Eric was a trooper for letting her ride piggy back the rest of the time. (Where was that $%##% backpack carrier? Of course, when we bring it she refuses to ride in it.... ) Beautiful views from that side of the valley as well. Too bad the leaves hadn't started to turn colors yet. If we had more schedule flexibilty, I would have gone a few weeks later.

            We had a one night of absolutely *fabulous* food, too. The Aspen area is known for it's restaurants. It was a splurge but so, so worth it. Bryn did great for all but dessert. I had a corn flan with lobster salad that was just incredible. And goat cheese stuffed squash blossoms (tempura fried), a crispy herbed gnocchi salad with greens and local shrooms, and an apricot tart tatin. Yum, yum, yum. My dessert was great but the peach crisp w/ macadamia topping that Eric had was unbelievable -- probably because of the fresh Colorado peaches.

            We did a little shopping -- even though there is Chanel, Prada, etc there, Aspen also has a lot of down-to-earth residents and visitors. (Granted, real estate prices are just astronomical there, yet a sub-section of residents who live there to ski and be in the beautiful setting manage to eek out an existence there and in the surrounding valley). We were able to get some great stuff on sale. One of the stores even gave Bryn a $5 bandana for free just to get rid of it -- she has this thing for bandanas and now has her own! Rent there is so high that the stores have to get rid of summer season merchandise no matter what. If I weren't pregnant.....I would have bought a lot more than I should have! Probably a good thing I am pregnant. However, some stuff is still too pricey. I saw a pair of pink snakeskin sneakers marked 70% off -- I thought what the hell, that would be a fun pair of shoes to have. 8O They were originally $395!!! Good thing they didn't have my size.

            So nice to have some time away and a good reminder to make a weekend away a priority. But bittersweet knowing that we will be in a new city this time next year and will miss the mountains in the fall.


            • #7
              Nellie, that food sounds incredible - I'm jealous! What a fabulous weekend you had!

              We just got back a few hours ago from our family camping trip to Cedar Breaks National Monument. It was awesome and the views of the massive canyons and rock carvings are unbelievable. We slept in tents and the temps dropped to the low 40's! But we had campfires and s'mores and best of all, no TV and nice uninterrupted family time. Went on a couple of hikes - about 6-7 miles and the kids did great. But it's good to be home!


              • #8
                Thu Van --
                I'm a little jealous of your weekend! I miss those cool nights and sleeping in a tent! We haven't been camping since the kiddo came along. (Somehow we had ourselves believing that we would go backpacking with her in the backpack/carrier.... ). We also thought we would make at least one trip a year without her and have her stay with my parents or something. Parenting and internship were a big reality check!

                And being a little OCD, we haven't tried car camping. The thought of keeping her relatively clean, within sight, out of the river, etc. is a little overwhelming! Maybe when she is a year or two older? And maybe the next kid won't be *quite* as active? How do your kids do?


                • #9
                  Sounds like everyone had nice long weekends, except for blowing out a tire. I went to a Labor Day protest and got arrested along with Jesse Jackson. Just kidding. Doing that would have been more fun I think. DH had call on Friday and Sunday leaving Avery and I to ourselves for the weekend.

                  Saturday we ventured out for the furniture sales. I think we did find some living room entertainment center after much disagreement on function, price and style. Oh and Avery came home with her first black eye after falling into a coffee table.

                  It rained on and off Sunday until midnight where it poured continuously until about 8pm Monday evening. Everything is flooded including our backyard. I think we are in Noah's Ark. Avery and I were going haywire stuck in the house for two days so I took her to the mall where she could run around, pet some kittens and ransack the Disney store. She thought her stroller was a shopping cart loading all the stuffed animals into it. I told the clerks we were only taking them for a walk not bringing them home with us.

                  Today I hit the 37 week mark.


