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New year resolutions

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  • #16
    R that would be awesome!! Good luck with your blog and gardening. Send me a link!

    Pay off last of consumer dents and start saving aggressively to move. Spend less!

    Learning to scuba dive in Belize this anniversary. (kinda screws with the save more goal )

    Get back to prebaby weight, tone and cut alcohol back to just weekends. Ex. 20 minutes daily.

    Do a 365 photography project with a 12 month self study plan. Practice editing daily. Work through the three software books I have and tackle the reading list I have. Take one photog class.

    Do one activity with each kid weekly (sewing, photog, cooking, crafting)

    Read with kids daily.

    Reinstate date nights!
    Last edited by Ladybug; 12-31-2011, 02:16 PM.


    • #17
      Save money. Do more for me. Volunteer more.

      I realize the last two kind of don't make sense together but I used to volunteer all the time in my old city and I really really miss it.
      I'm just trying to make it out alive!


      • #18
        I'm also going to be more outdoorsy next year. Easy hiking trails, nature walks, kayaking. I also want to get out to the beaches more next spring and summer.
        Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
        "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


        • #19
          Get this house shaped up into a home (this needs to happen early in the new year b/c it's making me insane).
          Go to the doctor - I have basically been pregnant or nursing for the past six years. It's time to go to an internist, get some basic blood work done, and get back on track. I've been putting off making an appointment since we moved here - 4 months ago. I called yesterday and made an appointment. Go me!
          Lose weight.

          I'm happy to say saving money is not on my goal list this year. I find it nearly impossible to shop with three kids (even online shopping gets interrupted and doesn't really work), and we are finally in a good place financially. This is the first time in our married life where I'm not even considering going back to work for financial reasons, and am totally relaxed about where our savings, etc are. We're not caught up with retirement and college funds from training and school, but we are making such great progress! For those of you in the trenches, or just recently out, we are about 5 years post training, and I finally feel this way. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
          Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


          • #20
            I had 3 last year, and did 2/3.
            This year, I was too pregnant to think about it.

            Pay off all pre-existing credit card debt. (His).
            Tithe more.
            "Be rich, and look like Brad Pitt." - DH

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
            Professional Relocation Specialist &
            "The Official IMSN Enabler"


            • #21
              - Decrease overall stress
              - Reach goal weight before April
              - Graduate w/dual masters
              - Find my spirituality
              - Organize finances better
              Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


              • #22
                Get the pictures from our 2010 Disney trip into an album!

                Go thru the digital picture files and back up.

                Pay down debt. At least half of it!!

                Start retirement savings.

                I'm so happy right now with the workout plan I've stuck with since about September... But I'm bummed that I can't do planks or push ups or anything like that bc of my old wrist injury. So my goal is to keep up with the spinning and treadmill stuff even though it gets boring...

                Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                • #23
                  Create and implement a financial plan to get rid of fellowship debt

                  Exercise 5/7 days a week
                  Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                  • #24
                    To make more time for DH
                    To be better about staying in touch with family and friends (I've failed on this before)
                    To take more pictures with my real camera (ditto)
                    To journal or blog on a regular basis


                    • #25
                      Since I'm all self-reflective today...

                      12 things I resolve NOT to do: (well, I'm gonna try)
                      1. Compare. Ever heard the saying "Compare and despair"? Comparing yourself to someone else usually means that you imagine the other person is better off, more satisfied -- in a word, happier. But here's the problem: We end up comparing what we know about our life, which is a mixed bag of good and bad, with a fantasy of someone else's supposedly "perfect" life. Why do we do this? Because we know all about our own problems, but other people's problems are harder to see. As a result, our real life always loses out. That leads to despair. Besides, there's probably someone comparing his or her life to your supposedly perfect one -- which shows you how ridiculous it all is.
                      2. "Should" on Yourself. It's devilishly easy to imagine yourself making a choice that would have taken you to a different place in your life. I should have married this person; I should have taken that job; I should have moved; I should have blah, blah, blah. This is called "shoulding all over yourself." (Say it aloud and the negative meaning becomes clearer.) Reflecting on our choices is an important way to grow, but you can't live your real life if you're busy living in your "should have" life. You'll end up torturing yourself. Jesus of Nazareth once said you can't serve two masters. You can't live two lives either.
                      3. Get People to Like You. I spent all of my teens, most of my 20s, a great deal of my 30s and too much of my 40s trying to get people to like me. But forcing people's affection rarely works. Plus, it takes too much energy to tailor yourself to what you think people will like (which is impossible to figure out anyway). Your true friends like you already. Be open to change and growth by all means; but treasure friends who love you for who you are. St. Francis de Sales, a lighthearted 17th-century saint, once said: "Be who you are and be that perfectly well."
                      4. Interrupt. We all think we're good listeners. We're not. Many of us are absolutely terrible listeners, impatiently waiting for our turn to speak, confident that our next utterance is the solution to everyone's problems or the most interesting of all the commentary yet offered. But you can't contribute intelligently to any conversation if you're not listening what the other person is saying. Interrupting someone says, "I have no interest in even letting you finish your thought." As my sister tells her children, you have two ears and one mouth for a reason.
                      5. Worry About How You Look. I cut myself shaving: Is the blood still showing? I have a zit: Is it getting bigger or going away? I need a haircut: Should I get one today or tomorrow? Are these pants too short? Too long? Who cares? Sure, you need to look presentable for your job and a decent appearance is a sign of respect to those around you. But if your friends are overly concerned about your clothes, and judge you on that basis, they may not be the best friends for you. And who in their right mind cares what strangers think about your clothes, unless you're a fashion model? Spend less time thinking about your outside and more about your inside.
                      6. Work Constantly. We are immersed in a culture of productivity, which says that we are what we do. That's why the first question out of someone's mouth upon meeting a stranger is often "So what do you do?" We also measure ourselves by how much money we have, or make. Thus, discussions about salary are a big taboo. You can ask someone about their facelift or their divorce, but not what they earn. Why? Because it's the default measure of worth, and it ruthlessly places people on a social ladder. If someone makes more than we do, we may feel "less than." Look, everyone's got to work. But if value is gauged by wealth, then when we make less, we feel less valuable as human beings, which is tragic. Nelson Mandela didn't make much money when he was imprisoned in South Africa; was he less valuable? Plus, if we are what we do, when we're not working we're nothing. This kind of thinking creates a skewed measure of "value." Stop driving yourself nuts with the trap of constant work.
                      7. Fail to Give People a Break. Hey, surly person behind the drugstore counter: Why didn't you say thanks when you handed me my change? Hey, barista, why are you being so rude? Stop and think. Maybe it's because they're underpaid; they hate their low-paying job; their mother is dying. Remember that behind those frowning faces are full lives. Remember too, that all these people all beloved creatures of God, with their own human dignity, and holy in their own way -- yes, holy. When the Book of Genesis said that God looked at everything and said, "It was good," he meant people, too. Even the angry barista. Give them their dignity by giving them a break.
                      8. Complain About Minor Illnesses. If you've got a serious or chronic illness, you need to share your struggles and frustrations with your physician, with friends and family, or even a therapist. You need support. But do you have a cold that has hung on for days and makes you phlegmy? When you bend over like this does your back ache because you pulled a muscle in the gym? No one really wants to hear about minor illnesses. Everyone gets sick, for Pete's sake. In the words of the great prophets, suck it up.
                      9. Be a Jerk. You're tired. You're rushed. You've got a cold. You're late. You're angry about something your boss said. Yes, you're miserable. That doesn't mean you have to be a jerk to everyone else. It really doesn't. Sure, share your frustrations and struggles with close friends, but don't make everyone else's life more miserable by passing on your misery. Once, I joked to a friend, "Boy, my life is such a cross!" "Yes," he said, "But for you or others?"
                      10. Avoid Doing the Right Thing. It's no fun to call a friend who is in a bad mood because she's lost her job. It's no fun to take responsibility for making a mistake. It's no fun to speak out against racism, sexism or homophobia and stand up for those being mocked. It's not fun, it takes effort; but you know it's the right thing to do. Do it anyway. If you don't, you'll feel terrible about yourself, and that's really no fun.
                      11. Make Fun of People. Nothing brings me lower than a few minutes of mocking another person. (Particularly if the person is not present.) But the snappy putdown has a high value in our culture, and famous snubs (say, of one famous writer to another) are repeated, and treasured like beautiful jewels. Much of our current political climate consists of politicians mocking people in the other party. (That's been a big help in this country, hasn't it?) Malicious speech is an easy way to wound. If you feel like you're powerless against badmouthing someone, ask yourself three questions when it comes to commenting on another: Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it true?
                      12. Be Hard on Yourself. One of my Jesuit mentors used to say, "Be easy with yourself, Jim." If you're reading this list, and taking it at all seriously, you may be beating yourself up about stupid things that you've done in the past. (Believe me, my list is just as long as yours.) But you also want to change yourself, which is good. So be careful to "trust in the slow work of God," as the Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin used to say. (He was also a paleontologist, so he knew about things moving really slowly.) Or if you don't believe in God, trust in slow work, period.
                      If you ever get discouraged about your rate of change, just think about trees -- yes, trees. In the summer they're green. In the fall they're red. And no one sees them change.
                      James Martin, SJ is a Jesuit priest, culture editor of America and author of "Between Heaven and Mirth: Why Joy, Humor and Laughter are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life."
                      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                      • #26
                        Nada, nothing, zip!!!!
                        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Lamorna View Post
                          To journal or blog on a regular basis
                          I've always wanted to journal, but I'm terrible at it. I've had a lot of luck with They send you an email every evening, and you just reply to the email, and it keeps track of it by date. It's fun because with the daily emails, they send a previous entry, so you can see what you wrote a week or a month ago.

                          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                          • #28
                            I started with my resolution today and I'm HUNGRY!
                            Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                            "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ladymoreta View Post
                              I've always wanted to journal, but I'm terrible at it. I've had a lot of luck with They send you an email every evening, and you just reply to the email, and it keeps track of it by date. It's fun because with the daily emails, they send a previous entry, so you can see what you wrote a week or a month ago.

                              I actually have been using ohlife a little bit and I'm pretty sure I heard about it from you on FB!! Just need to be more consistent and actually sit at the computer not just type a line on my phone...


                              • #30
                                Ooh, I'll have to try the ohlife, that is the type of prodding I need.

                                - Use my crock pot at least once a week, it makes dinner so much less stressful
                                - Take care of me, figure out a way to get exercise in without a gym membership and get a gym membership as soon as we get moved.
                                - Deep breaths when I feel like I'm going to lose it with the kids, less yelling
                                - Less online time which will be hard with all of the move, etc. that I will have to take care of but I have to disconnect more
                                - More reading, for pleasure not about the kids, discipline or finances

                                I'm sure I will come up with more!
                                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

