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lactose intolerance

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  • #16
    Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
    I know we have a couple of peeps on here who are lactose intolerant and I have a few questions.

    DS9 has always complained of a stomach ache, it comes and goes but is typically there most days. I've never noticed a correlation between dairy and the onset of sx.

    At his last appt, his ped recommended a trial of going dairy free and we upped his dose of omprizole to 20 mg. 8 days into it he seems to be feeling better. He is not complaining of a stomach ache or loose stool (sorry for TMI).

    Tell me about living with this. I am not sure how to handle it - we live in the Dairy State for pete's sake! I flove cheese and cannot imagine life without pizza. He is thrilled to be feeling better, but really disappointed at the same time.

    Tonight we will be trying lactaid milk for the first time.
    Yeah... I am intolerant to lactose also. And I used to get rid of all milk and dairy products to avoid unpleasant reactions. Hence, I'm quite short and weak and my doctor told that I'm lack of several nutrients, especially calcium and vitamin D. I searched gg and foung that lactose intolerance has no cure but can be improved gradually. I used greek yogurt to build my tolerance to lactose and I feel much better now. Only greek yogurt can help you. Normal kinds of yogurt cannot do nothing at all. You can ask me why? Well, greek yogurt contains a small amount of lactose less than others. In addition, yogurts that contain live cultures is beneficial for digest system in the body which can help you digest and absorb lactose better. But you need to be patient because the process will take you a long time (at least 6 months). So let's start with a small amount on a daily basis than increase the intake day to day. And according to the University of Virginia Health System, if you follow a low-lactose diet, keep your intake of lactose to less than 10 grams per day. I hope my experience be useful to you. Actually, there're many home remedies that help you cope with lactose intolerance effectively from here:

