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Do not call!!!

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  • Do not call!!!

    What's up with this whole do-no-call list thing now? I was sooooo excited to sign up on that list and at the prospects of not getting 5-8 annoying calls each day

    Why is it that we can protect the right of businesses to ship hard-working American's jobs to China but we can't protect the right of Americans to not be constantly called by telemarketers all day the telemarketing jobs to China and leave the manufacturing jobs here.

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    I was so annoyed by that too! Hopefully they will get it overturned!
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      We have had "do not call" in Texas for a couple of years now and it is awesome. I hope it will be available for everyone soon.

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        Actually, if I'm not mistaken, Bush was very much for the do-not-call list.

        There must be people out there who are buying things when a telemarketer calls them. I mean, telemarketing must work to some extent or they wouldn't still be fighting tooth and nail for it. And as much as I hate it, many telemarketers are low wage earners who otherwise would not have a job - the older lady who can't get a receptionist job because she's not perky enough for example. So I'll just continue to say, "no thanks" and these people can still be able to pay their rents. I think my perspective has changed quite a bit after having read "Nickel and Dimed" by Barbara Ehrenreich.


        • #5
          Bush was for the do-not call list, ThuVan.... See....I am supporting the Bushmeister here Of course, he also wholeheartedly supports sending manufacturing jobs abroad...God Forbid we actually pay american workers who make things like Nikes or Levis a livable wage with benefits

          I'm sorry for the telemarketers, but there are plenty of low-paying, no benefit service jobs in this country that can mistreat them I'm tired of getting the calls..I consider it to be harassment. They can send me an email (for me to delete if I choose) or a letter in the mail...but I don't want their non-stop phone calls...It drives me bezirk. I hate the idea that I should have to pay for a caller id box or some kind of a screenign service for my phone just to protect myself from something like this.

          I'm all for supporting the american worker...but if we're going to go to town for the telemarketers, lets support the manufactures and customer service representatives too.....

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #7
              You're right, we shouldn't have to pay to screen telemarketing calls but then I shouldn't have to pay to screen my mother-in-law's calls and believe me, it is so much more worth the money to do that than to screen the annoying telemarketing calls! Seven bucks a month not to have to talk to my mother-in-law?? That's a HUGE bargain! At least I can hang up on a telemarketer and not have to hear from my husband about it!


              • #8
                but then I shouldn't have to pay to screen my mother-in-law's calls

                That is HYSTERICAL

                I hope your mother in law isn't calling you 8 times a day though But you're least you can hang up on a telemarketer....but you know me, ThuVan...I don't want to be rude...and then I just feel....abused by these people. I TRY and be nice, then I DO eventually hang up...and then I feel badly about myself

                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  And here I was just thinking about how liberal I sounded and how Republican you sounded! Believe me, call me a b&@#$ if you want but when I say "no thanks" and hang up on a telemarketer, there isn't an ounce of remorse I feel at all. These people couldn't give a rat's behind about me and so I think the feeling's mutual. At least I'm not wasting their time and making them give me their spiel and then hanging up on them!

                  And if my mother-in-law was calling me 8 times a day, I'd hang up on her too!


                  • #10
                    When we changed a phone number a few years back we were sure to not update our old phone number with any of our credit cards. They can reach us through email or snail mail if they need to. I just left the phone number part blank on any change of address form or anything. This cut down so much on our telemarketer calls, from about 5-6 a day to none.

                    Just an idea.


                    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

